
#requires -version 5
using namespace System.IO
Bootstraps Invoke-Build and starts it with supplied parameters.
If you already have Invoke-Build installed, just use Invoke-Build instead of this script. This is for CI/CD environments like Appveyor, Jenkins, or Azure DevOps pipelines.
Starts Invoke-Build with the default parameters

function FindInvokeBuild {
Returns a path to an Invoke-Build powershell module either as a Powershell Module or in NuGet

    param (
        #Specify the minimum version to accept as installed
        #Specify this if you know it isn't present as a powershell module and want to save some detection time
        #Specify this if you just want a simple true/false result

    if (-not $SkipPSModuleDetection) {
        write-verbose "Detecting InvokeBuild as a Powershell Module..."
        $invokeBuild = (Get-Module InvokeBuild -listavailable -erroraction silentlycontinue | sort version -descending | select -first 1) | where version -gt $MinimumVersion

    if (-not $invokeBuild -and (get-command Get-Package -erroraction silentlycontinue)) {
        write-verbose "InvokeBuild not found as a Powershell Module. Checking for NuGet package..."
        $invokeBuild = Get-Package Invoke-Build -MinimumVersion $MinimumVersion -erroraction silentlycontinue | sort version -descending | select -first 1

    if ($InvokeBuild) {

        if ($Quiet) {
            return $false
        } else {
            write-host -fore green "Invoke-Build $MinimumVersion is already installed. Please use the Invoke-Build command from now on instead of build.ps1."
            return $InvokeBuild
    } else {
        write-warning "Invoke-Build not found either as a Powershell Module or as an Installed NuGet module."
        if ($Quiet) {
            return $true


function BootStrapInvokeBuild {
    #Get a temporary directory
    $tempFileObj = (New-TemporaryFile)
    $tempfile = $tempFileObj -replace '\.tmp$','.zip'
    $tempdir = $tempfileObj.DirectoryName

    #Fetch Invoke-Build and import the module
    $invokeBuildLatestURI = ''
    (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($invokeBuildLatestURI, $tempfile)
    Expand-Archive $tempfile $tempdir -Force -ErrorAction stop

    $IBModule = Join-Path $tempdir 'InvokeBuild.psd1'
    Import-Module $IBModule -force

#region Main
$IBModulePath = if (-not $FindInvokeBuild) {BootStrapInvokeBuild}
Invoke-Expression "Invoke-Build $($args -join ' ')"
exit $LastExitCode
#endRegion Main