param ( #Specify an alternate location for the Powershell Module. This is useful when testing a build in another directory [string]$ModulePath = (Get-Location) ) #if we are in the "Tests" directory and there is a PSD file below this one, change to the module directory so relative paths work correctly. $currentDir = Get-Location if ( (Test-Path $currentDir -PathType Container) -and $currentDir -match 'Tests$' -and (Get-Item (join-path ".." "*.psd1") | where name -notmatch '\.(depend|requirements)\.psd1$') ) { $ModulePath = (split-path $modulepath) } #If an alternate module root was specified, set that to our running directory. if ($ModulePath -ne (get-location).path) {Push-Location $ModulePath} #Find the module manifest. Get-ChildItem's last item is the one closest to the root directory. #FIXME: Do this in a safer manner try { $moduleManifestFile = Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse *.psd1 -ErrorAction Stop | where name -notmatch '(depend|requirements)\.psd1$'| Select-Object -last 1 $SCRIPT:moduleDirectory = $moduleManifestFile.directory } catch { throw "Did not detect any module manifests in $ModulePath. Did you run 'Invoke-Build Build' first?" } Describe 'Powershell Module' { $ModuleName = $ModuleManifestFile.basename Context ($ModuleName) { It 'Has a valid Module Manifest' { if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core' -or $PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge [Version]"5.1") { $Script:Manifest = Test-ModuleManifest $ModuleManifestFile } else { #Copy the Module Manifest to a temp file for testing. This fixes a bug where #Test-ModuleManifest caches the first result, thus not catching changes if subsequent tests are run $TempModuleManifestPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() + '.psd1' copy-item $ModuleManifestPath $TempModuleManifestPath $Script:Manifest = Test-ModuleManifest $TempModuleManifestPath remove-item $TempModuleManifestPath -verbose:$false } } It 'Has a valid root module' { Test-Path $Manifest.RootModule -Type Leaf | Should Be $true } It 'Has a valid folder structure (ModuleName\Manifest or ModuleName\Version\Manifest)' { $moduleDirectoryErrorMessage = "Module directory structure doesn't match either $ModuleName or $moduleName\$($Manifest.Version)" $ModuleManifestDirectory = $ModuleManifestFile.directory switch ($ModuleManifestDirectory.basename) { $ModuleName {$true} $Manifest.Version.toString() { if ($ModuleManifestDirectory.parent -match $ModuleName) {$true} else {throw $moduleDirectoryErrorMessage} } default {throw $moduleDirectoryErrorMessage} } } It 'Has a valid Description' { $Manifest.Description | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } It 'Has a valid GUID' { [Guid]$Manifest.Guid | Should BeOfType 'System.GUID' } It 'Has a valid Copyright' { $Manifest.Copyright | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } It 'Exports all public functions' { $FunctionFiles = Get-ChildItem Public -Filter *.ps1 $FunctionNames = $FunctionFiles.basename | ForEach-Object {$_ -replace '-', "-$($Manifest.Prefix)"} $ExFunctions = $Manifest.ExportedFunctions.Values.Name if ($ExFunctions -eq '*') {write-warning "Manifest has * for functions. You should individually specify your public functions prior to deployment for better discoverability"} if ($functionNames) { foreach ($FunctionName in $FunctionNames) { $ExFunctions -contains $FunctionName | Should Be $true } } } It 'Has at least 1 exported command' { $Script:Manifest.exportedcommands.count | Should BeGreaterThan 0 } It 'Can be imported as a module successfully' { #Make sure an existing module isn't present Remove-Module $moduleManifestFile.basename -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $SCRIPT:BuildOutputModule = Import-Module $moduleManifestFile -PassThru -verbose:$false -erroraction stop $BuildOutputModule.Name | Should Be $ModuleName $BuildOutputModule | Should BeOfType System.Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo } It 'Can be removed as a module' { $BuildOutputModule | Remove-Module -erroraction stop | Should BeNullOrEmpty } } } Describe 'Powershell Gallery Readiness (PSScriptAnalyzer)' { $results = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path $ModuleManifestFile.directory -Recurse -Setting PSGallery -Severity Error It 'PSScriptAnalyzer returns zero errors (warnings OK) using the Powershell Gallery ruleset' { if ($results) {write-warning ($results | Format-Table -autosize | out-string)} $results.Count | Should Be 0 } } #Return to where we started Pop-Location |