function Export-LogicAppDefinition { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string] $Name, [Parameter()] [ValidateScript( { if (Test-Path -Path $_) { $true } else { $false } }, ErrorMessage = "'{0}' is not a valid path." )] [string] $FilePath = (Get-Location), [Parameter()] [ValidatePattern("\.json$", ErrorMessage = "'{0}' should have a .json file extension.")] [string] $FileName ) process { $logicApp = Get-AzLogicApp -Name $Name # Creating process-specific variable so it can be nulled out when executing across multiple pipeline inputs $processFileName = $FileName # If the LogicApp exists if ($logicApp) { Write-Verbose -Message "Processing $Name" # Creating a process-loop specific variable if (-not $processFileName) { $processFileName = "$($Name)_$(Get-Date -Format FileDateTimeUniversal).json" } try { Write-Verbose -Message "Exporting Logic App definition to $processFileName." $logicApp.Definition.ToString() | Out-File -FilePath "$FilePath\$processFileName" -ErrorAction STOP $file = Get-Item -Path "$FilePath\$processFileName" $output = [PSCustomObject]@{ LogicApp = $logicApp.Name File = $file.FullName } $output } catch { $errorMessage = (Get-Error -Newest 1).Exception.Message Write-Warning -Message "There was an issue exporting the Logic App definition for $Name : $errorMessage" } finally { $processFileName = $null } } else { Write-Warning -Message "No Logic Apps found named $Name. Double check your spelling or current subscription context using Get-AzContext." } } # End process lbock } function Import-LogicAppDefinition { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ResourceGroupName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript( { if (Test-Path -Path $_) { $true } else { $false } }, ErrorMessage = "'{0}' is not a valid path." )] [string] $FileName ) Write-Verbose -Message "Processing $Name" try { Set-AzLogicApp -Name $Name -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -DefinitionFilePath $FileName -ErrorAction STOP } catch { $errorMessage = (Get-Error -Newest 1).Exception.Message Write-Warning -Message "There was an issue importing the Logic App definition for $name : $errorMessage" } } |