.Synopsis Initializes the Main Level .Description Initializes the Main Level (the actual game) .Notes In this Game, A Player (represented by a +) will eat numbers until a total is reached. Numbers can be positive or negative, and can have a value between 1-9. When any number is eaten, two new numbers will be created. When the total is reached exactly, the level will restart. #> # First, create the player sprite, and put it anywhere. Add-Sprite -Type Player -Anywhere -Name Player # By using -Name Player, $Player will be available elsewhere in the game. foreach ($n in 1..5) { # Next, add 5 numbers, anywhere Add-Sprite -Type Number -Anywhere } # Then set, the level's target score $this.TargetScore = Get-Random -Minimum 10 -Maximum 100 $this.StartTime = [DateTime]::Now # And update the window title. $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = @("$($game.Name)" "{0} / {1}" -f $player.Score, $this.TargetScore ) -join ' - ' |