
function Get-AMTDevicePowerState {
        Get current power state of a device.
        Gets the current power state of a device. There are several possible power states which are listed bellow:
        "0" = "-"
        "2" = "On"
        "3" = "Sleep (Light)"
        "4" = "Sleep (Deep)"
        "6" = "Off"
        "7" = "Hybernate"
        "8" = "Off (Soft)"
        "9" = "Off (Hard)"
        "13" = "Off (Hard Graceful)"

        Specify a device GUID to display the specified device's power state.

        Takes device GUID(s) as pipeline input.

            An object which contains the device name, power state ID and power state display name.

        PS> Get-AMTDevicePowerState -GUID 1ada9c84-780e-4ccc-831c-0edb26994b18

        GUID PowerStateDisplayName PowerStateID
        ---- --------------------- ------------
        1ada9c84-780e-4ccc-831c-0edb26994b18 Sleep (Deep) 4

        PS> Get-AMTDevice | Get-AMTDevicePowerState

        GUID PowerStateDisplayName PowerStateID
        ---- --------------------- ------------
        93525960-b4b5-4148-81e3-48a3d214a637 On 2
        1ada9c84-780e-4ccc-831c-0edb26994b18 Sleep (Deep) 4

        Online version:


    param (
    begin {
        $PossiblePowerStates = @{
            "0"= "-";
            "2"= "On";
            "3"= "Sleep (Light)";
            "4"= "Sleep (Deep)";
            "6"= "Off";
            "7"= "Hybernate";
            "8"= "Off (Soft)";
            "9"= "Off (Hard)";
            "13"= "Off (Hard Graceful)";
        if($null -eq $Global:AMTSession){
            throw "No active AMT session. Create a session first with Connect-AMTManagement"
    process {
        $headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer $($Global:AMTSession.Token)")

        if($null -ne $GUID -and $GUID -ne ""){
            $uri = "https://" + $Global:AMTSession.Address + "/mps/api/v1/amt/power/state/$GUID"
            if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5) {
                $CurrentPowerState = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method GET -Headers $headers).powerstate
            } else {
                $CurrentPowerState = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method GET -Headers $headers -SkipCertificateCheck).powerstate
            $ReturnObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
                GUID = $GUID
                PowerStateID = $CurrentPowerState
                PowerStateDisplayName = $PossiblePowerStates["$CurrentPowerState"]
            return $ReturnObject | Select-Object GUID,PowerStateDisplayName,PowerStateID