
function Get-AMTDeviceBootOptions {
        List available bootoptions for a device.
        List available bootoptions for a device. The bootoption IDs can be used with Invoke-AMTPowerAction.

        Specify a device GUID to display a device's available boot options.

        You can pipe one or more device GUIDs into Get-AMTDeviceBootOptions.


        PS> Get-AMTDeviceBootOptions -GUID 1ada9c84-780e-4ccc-831c-0edb26994b18

        Power up : 2
        Power cycle : 5
        Power down : 8
        Reset : 10
        Soft-off : 12
        Soft-reset : 14
        Sleep : 4
        Hibernate : 7
        Power up to BIOS : 100
        Reset to BIOS : 101
        Reset to IDE-R Floppy : 200
        Power on to IDE-R Floppy : 201
        Reset to IDE-R CDROM : 202
        Power on to IDE-R CDROM : 203
        Reset to PXE : 400
        Power on to PXE : 401

        PS> Get-AMTDevice | Get-AMTDeviceBootOptions

        Power up : 2
        Power cycle : 5
        Power down : 8
        Reset : 10
        Soft-off : 12
        Soft-reset : 14
        Sleep : 4
        Hibernate : 7
        Power up to BIOS : 100
        Reset to BIOS : 101
        Reset to IDE-R Floppy : 200
        Power on to IDE-R Floppy : 201
        Reset to IDE-R CDROM : 202
        Power on to IDE-R CDROM : 203
        Reset to PXE : 400
        Power on to PXE : 401

        Power up : 2
        Power cycle : 5
        Power down : 8
        Reset : 10
        Soft-off : 12
        Soft-reset : 14
        Sleep : 4
        Hibernate : 7
        Power up to BIOS : 100
        Reset to BIOS : 101
        Reset to IDE-R Floppy : 200
        Power on to IDE-R Floppy : 201
        Reset to IDE-R CDROM : 202
        Power on to IDE-R CDROM : 203
        Reset to PXE : 400
        Power on to PXE : 401


        PS> "1ada9c84-780e-4ccc-831c-0edb26994b18" | Get-AMTDeviceBootOptions

        Power up : 2
        Power cycle : 5
        Power down : 8
        Reset : 10
        Soft-off : 12
        Soft-reset : 14
        Sleep : 4
        Hibernate : 7
        Power up to BIOS : 100
        Reset to BIOS : 101
        Reset to IDE-R Floppy : 200
        Power on to IDE-R Floppy : 201
        Reset to IDE-R CDROM : 202
        Power on to IDE-R CDROM : 203
        Reset to PXE : 400
        Power on to PXE : 401

        Online version:


    param (
    begin {
        if($null -eq $Global:AMTSession){
            throw "No active AMT session. Create a session first with Connect-AMTManagement"
    process {
        $headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer $($Global:AMTSession.Token)")
        $uri = "https://" + $Global:AMTSession.Address + "/mps/api/v1/amt/power/capabilities/$GUID"

        if($null -ne $GUID -and $GUID -ne ""){
            if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5) {
                $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method GET -Headers $headers -TimeoutSec 5
            } else {
                $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method GET -Headers $headers -SkipCertificateCheck -TimeoutSec 5
            return $Response