
function Get-AMTDevice {
        List one or multiple devices which are registered on the Open AMT MPS server.
        List one or multiple devices which are registered on the Open AMT MPS server.

        .PARAMETER Name
        Specify a device name to only return a specific device.

        Specify a device GUID to only return a specific device.

        You can pipe one or more device names into Get-AMTDevice.


        PS> Get-AMTDevice

        TenantID :
        Tags : {Store1,London}
        Hostname : Client-01
        MPSInstance : mps
        ConnectionStatus : True
        MPSUsername : admin
        GUID : 1ada9c84-780e-4ccc-831c-0edb26994b18

        TenantID :
        Tags : {Store2,NewYork}
        Hostname : Device-09
        MPSInstance :
        ConnectionStatus : False
        MPSUsername : admin
        GUID : 39270bdb-9488-4695-8f8f-0d9e5366c54e

        PS> Get-AMTDevice -Name Client-01

        TenantID :
        Tags : {Store1,London}
        Hostname : Client-01
        MPSInstance : mps
        ConnectionStatus : True
        MPSUsername : admin
        GUID : 1ada9c84-780e-4ccc-831c-0edb26994b18

        PS> Get-AMTDevice -GUID 1ada9c84-780e-4ccc-831c-0edb26994b18

        TenantID :
        Tags : {Store1,London}
        Hostname : Client-01
        MPSInstance : mps
        ConnectionStatus : True
        MPSUsername : admin
        GUID : 1ada9c84-780e-4ccc-831c-0edb26994b18

        PS> "Client-01","Client-02" | Get-AMTDevice

        TenantID :
        Tags : {Store1,London}
        Hostname : Client-01
        MPSInstance : mps
        ConnectionStatus : True
        MPSUsername : admin
        GUID : 1ada9c84-780e-4ccc-831c-0edb26994b18

        TenantID :
        Tags : {Store2,London}
        Hostname : Client-02
        MPSInstance : mps
        ConnectionStatus : True
        MPSUsername : admin
        GUID : 93525960-b4b5-4148-81e3-48a3d214a637

        Online version:


    param (

    begin {
        if($null -eq $Global:AMTSession){
            throw "No active AMT session. Create a session first with Connect-AMTManagement"
    process {
        $headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer $($Global:AMTSession.Token)")
        if(-not $Name -and -not $GUID) {
            $returnArray = @()
            $ResponseArray = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ("https://" + $Global:AMTSession.Address + "/mps/api/v1/devices/") -Method GET -Headers $headers
            foreach($Response in $ResponseArray){
                $returnObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    "GUID" = $Response.GUID
                    "Hostname" = $Response.hostname
                    "Tags" = $Response.tags
                    "MPSInstance" = $Response.MPSInstance
                    "ConnectionStatus" = $Response.ConnectionStatus
                    "MPSUsername" = $Response.MPSUsername
                    "TenantID" = $Response.tenantid
                $returnArray += $returnObject
            return $returnArray
        if($null -ne $Name -and  $Name -ne ""){
            $returnArray = @()
            $ResponseArray = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ("https://" + $Global:AMTSession.Address + "/mps/api/v1/devices/") -Method GET -Headers $headers
            foreach($Response in $ResponseArray){
                $returnObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    "GUID" = $Response.GUID
                    "Hostname" = $Response.hostname
                    "Tags" = $Response.tags
                    "MPSInstance" = $Response.MPSInstance
                    "ConnectionStatus" = $Response.ConnectionStatus
                    "MPSUsername" = $Response.MPSUsername
                    "TenantID" = $Response.tenantid
                $returnArray += $returnObject
            return $returnArray | Where-Object {$_.hostname -eq $Name}
        if($null -ne $GUID -and $GUID -ne ""){
            return (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ("https://" + $Global:AMTSession.Address + "/mps/api/v1/devices/$GUID") -Method GET -Headers $headers)