
function Set-PSWSUSUpdateSource {
        Sets source from where you will synchronize updates.
        Sets source from where you will synchronize updates.
    .PARAMETER SyncFromMicrosoftUpdate
        Sets whether the WSUS server synchronizes updates from Microsoft Update or a local WSUS server.
        $true if the WSUS server synchronizes updates from Microsoft Update, $false if the WSUS server
        synchronizes updates from a local WSUS server.
    .PARAMETER UpstreamWsusServerName
        Sets the name of a local server from which to synchronize updates.
        The name of the server from which to synchronize updates. You can specify a server name or an IP address.
    .PARAMETER UpstreamWsusServerPortNumber
        Sets the port number to use to communicate with the upstream WSUS server.
        Port number to use to communicate with the upstream WSUS server. The default is port 80.
        The port number must be greater than zero and less than 65536.
    .PARAMETER UpstreamWsusServerUseSsl
         Sets whether the WSUS server should use SSL (HTTPS) to communicate with an upstream server.
         $true to use SSL (HTTPS) to communicate with an upstream server. Default $false for use HTTP.
    .PARAMETER IsReplicaServer
        Sets whether the WSUS server is a replica server. $true if the WSUS server is a replica server, otherwise $false.
        Set-PSWSUSUpdateSource -SyncFromMicrosoftUpdate $false -UpstreamWsusServerName "windowsupdate.corp.local" -UpstreamWsusServerPortNumber "8530"
        Download update from upstream wsus server.
        Set-PSWSUSUpdateSource -SyncFromMicrosoftUpdate $false -UpstreamWsusServerName "windowsupdate.corp.local" -UpstreamWsusServerPortNumber "8531" -UpstreamWsusServerUseSsl $true -IsReplicaServer $true
        Sets windowsupdate.corp.local the WSUS server is a replica server. Plus upstream server support SSL.
        Set-PSWSUSUpdateSource -SyncFromMicrosoftUpdate $false -UpstreamWsusServerName "windowsupdate.corp.local" -UpstreamWsusServerPortNumber "8530" -IsReplicaServer $true
        Sets windowsupdate.corp.local the WSUS server is a replica server. Sync Without SSL.
        Set-PSWSUSUpdateSource -SyncFromMicrosoftUpdate $true
        Download updates from microsoft update.
        Name: Set-PSWSUSUpdateSource
        Author: Dubinsky Evgeny
        DateCreated: 1DEC2013

        [Parameter(Position = 0,Mandatory=$true)][Boolean]$SyncFromMicrosoftUpdate,
        [ValidateRange(0, 65536)]
        [Boolean]$UpstreamWsusServerUseSsl = $false,
        [Boolean]$IsReplicaServer = $false

            $config = $wsus.GetConfiguration()
            $config.ServerId = [System.Guid]::NewGuid()
            Write-Warning "Use Connect-PoshWSUSServer for establish connection with your Windows Update Server"
        $config.SyncFromMicrosoftUpdate = $SyncFromMicrosoftUpdate
        if($PSBoundParameters['SyncFromMicrosoftUpdate'] -eq $true)
            $config.IsReplicaServer = $false
        if($PSBoundParameters['UpstreamWsusServerName'] -and $PSBoundParameters['UpstreamWsusServerPortNumber'])
            $config.UpstreamWsusServerName = $UpstreamWsusServerName
            $config.UpstreamWsusServerPortNumber = $UpstreamWsusServerPortNumber
        # Default UpstreamWsusServerUseSsl equels $false
        $config.UpstreamWsusServerUseSsl = $UpstreamWsusServerUseSsl
        # Default IsReplicaServer equels $false
        $config.IsReplicaServer = $IsReplicaServer