
function Get-PoshWSUSUpdate {
        Retrieves information from a wsus update.
        Retrieves information from a wsus update. Depending on how the information is presented in the search, more
        than one update may be returned.
    .PARAMETER Update
        String to search for. This can be any string for the update to include
        KB article numbers, name of update, category, etc... Use of wildcards (*,%) not allowed in search!
        Name: Get-PoshWSUSUpdate
        Author: Boe Prox
        DateCreated: 24SEPT2010
    Get-PoshWSUSUpdate -update "Exchange"
    This command will list every update that has 'Exchange' in it.
    Get-PoshWSUSUpdate -update "925474"
    This command will list every update that has '925474' in it.
    This command will list every update on the WSUS Server.
    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Null')]
                Position = 0,
                ValueFromPipeline = $True,ParameterSetName = 'Update')]
                Position = 0,
                ValueFromPipeline = $True,ParameterSetName = 'UpdateObject')]
    Begin {                
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop' 
        $hash = @{}  
    Process {
        If ($PSBoundParameters['Update']) {
            Write-Verbose "Creating Update Scope with update data"
            $hash['UpdateScope'] = New-PoshWSUSUpdateScope -TextIncludes $Update
        } ElseIf ($PSBoundParameters['UpdateScope']) {
            $hash['UpdateScope'] = $UpdateScope                                                  
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Null') {
            Write-Verbose "Getting all updates"
        } Else {
            Write-Verbose "Getting specified updates"
    End {
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'continue' 