
Function New-PoshWSUSComputerScope {
        Creates a new computer scope object
        Creates a new computer scope object
    .PARAMETER NameIncludes
        Sets a name to search for.
    .PARAMETER IncludedInstallationState
        Sets the update installation states to search for.
        Accepted values are: "Unknown, NotApplicable, NotInstalled, Downloaded, Installed, Failed, InstalledPendingReboot, All"
    .PARAMETER ExcludedInstallationState
        Sets the installation states to exclude.
        Accepted values are: "Unknown, NotApplicable, NotInstalled, Downloaded, Installed, Failed, InstalledPendingReboot, All"
    .PARAMETER IncludeSubGroups
        Sets whether the ComputerTargetGroups property should include descendant groups.
    .PARAMETER IncludeDownstreamComputerTargets
        Sets whether or not clients of a downstream server, not clients of this server, should be included.
        Sets the operating system family for which to search.
    .PARAMETER FromLastSyncTime
        Sets the earliest last synchronization time to search for.
    .PARAMETER ToLastSyncTime
        Sets the latest last synchronization time to search for.
    .PARAMETER FromLastReportedStatusTime
        Sets the earliest reported status time.
    .PARAMETER ToLastReportedStatusTime
        Sets the latest last reported status time to search for.
        Name: New-PoshWSUSComputerScope
        Author: Boe Prox
        DateCreated: 24SEPT2011
        $scope = New-PoshWSUSComputerScope -NameIncludes "Server1" -IncludedInstallationState "Failed" -IncludeSubGroups -FromLastSyncTime (Get-Date).AddDays(-14)
        NameIncludes : Server1
        RequestedTargetGroupNames : {}
        FromLastSyncTime : 3/26/2013 1:33:21 PM
        ToLastSyncTime : 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM
        FromLastReportedStatusTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
        ToLastReportedStatusTime : 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM
        IncludedInstallationStates : Failed
        ExcludedInstallationStates : 0
        ComputerTargetGroups : {}
        IncludeSubgroups : True
        IncludeDownstreamComputerTargets : False
        OSFamily :
        Creates a Computer Scope object based on the information provided in the command that can be
        used with other commands in the module.
    Param (
    Begin {
        Write-Verbose "Creating Computer Scope Object"
        $computerscope = New-Object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.ComputerTargetScope
        If ($PSBoundParameters['NameIncludes']) {
            Write-Verbose "Adding values to NameIncludes property"
            $computerscope.NameIncludes = $NameIncludes
        If ($PSBoundParameters['IncludedInstallationState']) {
            Write-Verbose "Adding values to IncludedInstallationState property"
            $computerscope.IncludedInstallationStates = $IncludedInstallationState
        If ($PSBoundParameters['ExcludedInstallationState']) {
            Write-Verbose "Adding values to ExcludedInstallationState property"
            $computerscope.ExcludedInstallationStates = $ExcludedInstallationState
        If ($PSBoundParameters['IncludeSubGroups']) {
            Write-Verbose "Adding values to IncludeSubGroups property"
            $computerscope.IncludeSubGroups = $True
        If ($PSBoundParameters['IncludeDownstreamComputerTargets']) {
            Write-Verbose "Adding values to IncludeDownstreamComputerTargets property"
            $computerscope.IncludeDownstreamComputerTargets = $True
        If ($PSBoundParameters['OSFamily']) {
            Write-Verbose "Adding values to OSFamily property"
            $computerscope.OSFamily = $OSFamily
        If ($PSBoundParameters['FromLastSyncTime']) {
            Write-Verbose "Adding values to FromLastSyncTime property"
            $computerscope.FromLastSyncTime = $FromLastSyncTime
        If ($PSBoundParameters['ToLastSyncTime']) {
            Write-Verbose "Adding values to ToLastSyncTime property"
            $computerscope.ToLastSyncTime = $ToLastSyncTime
        If ($PSBoundParameters['FromLastReportedStatusTime']) {
            Write-Verbose "Adding values to FromLastReportedStatusTime property"
            $computerscope.FromLastReportedStatusTime = $FromLastReportedStatusTime
        If ($PSBoundParameters['ToLastReportedStatusTime']) {
            Write-Verbose "Adding values to ToLastReportedStatusTime property"
            $computerscope.ToLastReportedStatusTime = $ToLastReportedStatusTime
    End {
        Write-Output $computerscope