
Short description
    Describes the parameters that can be used with any PoshSvn client cmdlet.
Long description
    The common PoshSvn client parameters are parameters that may be used with
    all subversion client cmdlets.
Common parameter descriptions
    Do not cache authentication tokens.
    Type: SwitchParameter
    Parameter Sets: (All)
    Required: False
    Position: Named
    Default value: None
    Accept pipeline input: False
    Accept wildcard characters: False
    Specifies a password.
    Note: to convert a password from a string to a SecureString, you may use the
    cmdlet with `-AsSecureString` option enabled.
    Type: SecureString
    Parameter Sets: (All)
    Required: False
    Position: Named
    Default value: None
    Accept pipeline input: False
    Accept wildcard characters: False
    Specifies a username.
    Type: String
    Parameter Sets: (All)
    Required: False
    Position: Named
    Default value: None
    Accept pipeline input: False
    Accept wildcard characters: False
    Accept SSL server certificates with failures.
    Type: SvnTrustCertificateFailures
    Parameter Sets: (All)
    Required: False
    Position: Named
    Default value: None
    Accept pipeline input: False
    Accept wildcard characters: False