function Resolve-SnmpObjectIdentifier { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the resolved name of an SNMP OID via some very poor screenscraping from .NOTES Has a caching mechanism to prevent re-querying already identified results #> [Cmdletbinding()] param ( #The SNMP OID to query the name for [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [String[]]$objectIdentifier = '.', #Do not use local cache and force query for the entry [Switch]$NoCache, #The path to the cache CLIXML file. Defaults to temp folder $CacheFilePath = (join-path $env:temp "ResolveSNMPObjectIdentifierCache.clixml") ) begin { [uri]$oidinfouri = '' [regex]$oidParentRegex = '(?<oidparent>.*)(?<oidchild>\.\d+?)$' [regex]$oidDescriptionRegex = '<strong><code>(?<oidname>\w+?)\((?<oidnum>\d+?)\)</code></strong>' if (test-path $CacheFilePath) { $OIDCache = import-clixml $CacheFilePath } else { $OIDCache = @{} } } process { foreach ($OIDItem in $objectIdentifier) { #Strip any leading dot notation $OIDItem = $OIDItem -replace '^\.','' #Determine the OID parent $oidParentregexResult = $oidparentregex.match($oidItem) $oidParent = $oidParentregexResult.groups["oidparent"] $oidChild = $oidParentregexResult.groups["oidchild"] $iwrParams = @{ #Appear to be google chrome browser UserAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.117 Safari/537.36' UseBasicParsing = $true } #Check cache $OIDCachedResult = $OIDCache."$oidItem" if ($OIDCachedResult) { return $OIDCachedResult } else { #try the OID parent if not found $oidCachedResult = $oidCache."$oidParent" if ($oidCache."$oidParent") { write-verbose "Could not find $oidItem but found its parent OID." return ($oidCachedResult + $oidchild) } } write-verbose "$oidItem or its parent not found in cache. Checking" #The write-progress in invoke-webrequest slows it down significantly $progressPreference = "silentlycontinue" #Invoke-webrequest doesn't throw a terminating error even if you set erroraction stop $erroractionpreference = "stop" try { $result = (invoke-webrequest @iwrParams -uri "$oidinfouri/$OIDItem" -erroraction stop).content -replace '\n' } catch { #Try the parent OID if its not available try { $result = (invoke-webrequest @iwrParams -uri "$oidinfouri/$OIDParent" -erroraction stop).content -replace '\n' } catch {write-verbose "OID parent not found either"} if ($result) { [switch]$OIDParentUsed = $true } else { write-error "Unable to resolve the OID $OIDItem, either it doesn't exist, oid-info changed its site format, or oid-info is not visible" continue } } $progressPreference = "continue" $erroractionpreference = "continue" $oidScrapeResult = $oidDescriptionRegex.match($result) $oidScrapeNameValue = $oidScrapeResult.groups["oidname"].value if ($oidScrapeResult.success -and $oidScrapeNameValue) { $newOIDResult = $oidScrapeNameValue } else { write-error "Couldn't analyze $OIDItem on Maybe they changed their site format?" continue } if ($newOIDResult) { [Switch]$SCRIPT:newOIDsFound = $true if ($OIDParentUsed) { $OIDCache."$OIDParent" = $newOIDResult return ($newOIDResult + $oidChild) } else { $OIDCache."$OIDItem" = $newOIDResult return $newOIDResult } } }} end { if ($newOIDsFound) { export-clixml -inputobject $OIDCache -path $CacheFilePath } } } |