function Get-RegKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the registry keys on local or remote computers. .DESCRIPTION Use Get-RegKey to get registry keys on local or remote computers .PARAMETER ComputerName An array of computer names. The default is the local computer. .PARAMETER Hive The HKEY to open, from the RegistryHive enumeration. The default is 'LocalMachine'. Possible values: - ClassesRoot - CurrentUser - LocalMachine - Users - PerformanceData - CurrentConfig - DynData .PARAMETER Key The path of the registry key to open. .PARAMETER Name The name of the registry key, Wildcards are permitted. .PARAMETER Recurse Gets the registry values of the specified registry key and its sub keys. .PARAMETER Ping Use ping to test if the machine is available before connecting to it. If the machine is not responding to the test a warning message is output. .EXAMPLE Get-RegKey -Key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1 -Name p* ComputerName Hive Key SubKeyCount ValueCount ------------ ---- --- ----------- ---------- COMPUTER1 LocalMachine SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellEngine 0 6 COMPUTER1 LocalMachine SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellSnapIns 5 0 COMPUTER1 LocalMachine SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PSConfigurationProviders 1 0 Description ----------- Gets all keys from the PowerShell subkey on the local computer with names starts with the letter 'p'. .EXAMPLE Get-RegKey -Key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1 -Name p* -Recurse ComputerName Hive Key SubKeyCount ValueCount ------------ ---- --- ----------- ---------- COMPUTER1 LocalMachine SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellEngine 0 6 COMPUTER1 LocalMachine SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellSnapIns 5 0 COMPUTER1 LocalMachine SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellSnapIns\PowerGUI_Pro 0 7 COMPUTER1 LocalMachine SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PSConfigurationProviders 1 0 Description ----------- Gets all keys and subkeys from the PowerShell subkey on the local computer with names starts with the letter 'p'. .EXAMPLE Get-RegKey -ComputerName SERVER1 -Key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1 -Name p* | Get-RegValue ComputerName Hive Key Value Data Type ------------ ---- --- ----- ---- ---- SERVER1 LocalMachine SOFTWARE\Microsof... ApplicationBase C:\Windows\System... String SERVER1 LocalMachine SOFTWARE\Microsof... PSCompatibleVersion 1.0, 2.0 String SERVER1 LocalMachine SOFTWARE\Microsof... RuntimeVersion v2.0.50727 String SERVER1 LocalMachine SOFTWARE\Microsof... ConsoleHostAssemblyName Microsoft.PowerSh... String SERVER1 LocalMachine SOFTWARE\Microsof... ConsoleHostModuleName C:\Windows\System... String SERVER1 LocalMachine SOFTWARE\Microsof... PowerShellVersion 2.0 String Description ----------- Gets all keys and subkeys from the PowerShell subkey on the remote server SERVER1 with names starts with the letter 'p'. Pipe the results to Get-RegValue to get all value types under these keys. .OUTPUTS PSFanatic.Registry.RegistryKey (PSCustomObject) .NOTES Author: Shay Levy Blog : .LINK .LINK New-RegKey Remove-RegKey Test-RegKey #> [OutputType('PSFanatic.Registry.RegistryKey')] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="__AllParameterSets")] param( [Parameter( Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true )] [Alias("CN","__SERVER","IPAddress")] [string[]]$ComputerName="", [Parameter( Position=1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, HelpMessage="The HKEY to open, from the RegistryHive enumeration. The default is 'LocalMachine'." )] [ValidateSet("ClassesRoot","CurrentUser","LocalMachine","Users","PerformanceData","CurrentConfig","DynData")] [string]$Hive="LocalMachine", [Parameter( Mandatory=$true, Position=2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, HelpMessage="The path of the subkey to open." )] [string]$Key, [Parameter( Mandatory=$false, Position=3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, HelpMessage="The name of the value to set." )] [string]$Name="*", [switch]$Ping, [switch]$Recurse ) begin { Write-Verbose "Enter begin block..." function Recurse($Key){ Write-Verbose "Start recursing, key is [$Key]" try { $subKey = $reg.OpenSubKey($key) if(!$subKey) { Throw "Key '$Key' doesn't exist." } foreach ($k in $subKey.GetSubKeyNames()) { if($k -like $Name) { $child = $subKey.OpenSubKey($k) $pso = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ ComputerName=$c Hive=$Hive Key="$Key\$k" ValueCount=$child.ValueCount SubKeyCount=$child.SubKeyCount } Write-Verbose "Recurse: Adding format type name to custom object." $pso.PSTypeNames.Clear() $pso.PSTypeNames.Add('PSFanatic.Registry.RegistryKey') $pso } Recurse "$Key\$k" } } catch { Write-Error $_ } Write-Verbose "Ending recurse, key is [$Key]" } Write-Verbose "Exit begin block..." } process { Write-Verbose "Enter process block..." foreach($c in $ComputerName) { try { if($c -eq "") { $c=$env:COMPUTERNAME Write-Verbose "Parameter [ComputerName] is not presnet, setting its value to local computer name: [$c]." } if($Ping) { Write-Verbose "Parameter [Ping] is presnet, initiating Ping test" if( !(Test-Connection -ComputerName $c -Count 1 -Quiet)) { Write-Warning "[$c] doesn't respond to ping." return } } Write-Verbose "Starting remote registry connection against: [$c]." Write-Verbose "Registry Hive is: [$Hive]." $reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]$Hive,$c) if($Recurse) { Write-Verbose "Parameter [Recurse] is presnet, calling Recurse function." Recurse $Key } else { Write-Verbose "Open remote subkey: [$Key]." $subKey = $reg.OpenSubKey($Key) if(!$subKey) { Throw "Key '$Key' doesn't exist." } Write-Verbose "Start get remote subkey: [$Key] keys." foreach ($k in $subKey.GetSubKeyNames()) { if($k -like $Name) { $child = $subKey.OpenSubKey($k) $pso = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ ComputerName=$c Hive=$Hive Key="$Key\$k" ValueCount=$child.ValueCount SubKeyCount=$child.SubKeyCount } Write-Verbose "Recurse: Adding format type name to custom object." $pso.PSTypeNames.Clear() $pso.PSTypeNames.Add('PSFanatic.Registry.RegistryKey') $pso } } } Write-Verbose "Closing remote registry connection on: [$c]." $reg.close() } catch { Write-Error $_ } } Write-Verbose "Exit process block..." } } |