function InvokeNmapExe ($argumentList,$computerName) { <# .SYNOPSIS Starts Nmap with supplied argument list and computername list .NOTES This function primarily exists to be mocked by Pester #> $nmapexe = (Get-Command nmap).path & "$nmapexe" $argumentList $computerName } function StartNmap ($argumentList,$computerName,[int]$updateInterval=200,[Switch]$Raw) { [Collections.Arraylist]$nmapExeOutput = New-Object Collections.ArrayList [Collections.Arraylist]$hostEntry = New-Object Collections.ArrayList if (-not $Raw) { $ArgumentList += "-oX","-",'--stats-every',"${updateInterval}ms" } write-verbose "Invoking nmap $argumentList $computerName" InvokeNmapExe $argumentList $computerName | Foreach-Object { if ($Raw) {$PSItem} else { #Strip taskprogress items and report them as progress instead if ($PSItem -match '^<taskprogress') { $taskprogress = ([xml]$PSItem).taskprogress #write-debug "Task $($taskProgress.task) is $([int]($taskProgress.percent))% complete with $($taskProgress.remaining) items left" $ETA = [TimeSpan]::FromSeconds($taskProgress.etc - $taskProgress.time) $WriteProgressParams = @{ Id=10 Activity = "Invoke-Nmap Scan of $($computername -join ',')" Status = "$($taskProgress.task)" CurrentOperation = "$($taskProgress.remaining) items remaining. ETA $ETA" PercentComplete = $taskProgress.percent } Write-Progress @WriteProgressParams } else { $PSItem } } } write-progress -id 10 -Activity 'Invoke-Nmap Scan' -Completed } |