using namespace System.Management.Automation function throwUser { <# .SYNOPSIS Throws a terminating exception record that shows the cmdlet as the source of the error, rather than the inner "throw". Makes for more user friendly errors than simply using "throw" .INPUTS [String] [Exception] [Object] .OUTPUTS [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] .LINK - Section on $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError() .EXAMPLE ThrowException "Some Error Occured" .EXAMPLE ThrowException [System.ApplicationException] #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( #Use anything you would normally use for "throw" [Parameter(Mandatory)]$InputObject ) #Generate an error record from "throw" try { throw $InputObject } catch { $errorRecord = $PSItem } #Because this command is itself a cmdlet, we need the parent Cmdlet "context" to show the proper line numbers of the error, which is why scope 1 is used. If that doesn't exist then just use normal scope try { $myPSContext = (Get-Variable -Scope 1 'PSCmdlet' -Erroraction Stop).Value } catch [ItemNotFoundException] { $myPSContext = $PSCmdlet } $myPSContext.ThrowTerminatingError($errorRecord) } |