
using namespace newtonsoft.json
using namespace
function ConvertFrom-NmapXml {
Converts NmapXML into various formats. Currently supported are JSON, PSObject, NmapReport
nmap localhost -oX - | ConvertFrom-NmapXML -OutFormat JSON
Takes an NMAP run output and converts it into JSON

    param (
        #The NMAPXML content

        #Choose the format that you want to convert the NMAPXML to. Valid options are: JSON or HashTable
        $OutFormat = 'JSON'

    process {
        #If strings were passed via pipeline, assume it is output from nmap XML which is multiple lines and coalesce them into one large document.
        $InputObjectBundle += $InputString

    end {
        try {
            [XML]$CombinedDocument = $InputObjectBundle
        } catch [InvalidCastException] {
            $exception = [System.Management.Automation.PSInvalidCastException]::New("The input provided is not valid XML. If you are piping from nmap, did you use 'nmap -oX -'?")
            throwUser $exception

        if ($CombinedDocument) {$inputObject = $CombinedDocument}
        $jsonResult = foreach ($nmapXmlItem in $InputObject) {

            #Selecting NmapRun required for PS5.1 compatibility due to Newtonsoft.Json bug
            $nmapRunItem = ($nmapXmlItem).SelectSingleNode('nmaprun')

            #Indented JSON is important as we will use a regex to clean up the @ elements
            $convertedJson = [JsonConvert]::SerializeXmlNode($nmapRunItem,'Indented')

            #Remove @ symbols from xml attributes. There are no element/attribute collisions in the nmap xml (that we know of) so this should be OK.
            [Regex]$MatchConvertedAmpersand = '(?m)(?<=\s+\")(@)(?=.+\"\:)'
            $convertedJson = $convertedJson -replace $MatchConvertedAmpersand,''

        switch ($OutFormat) {
            'JSON' {
                return $jsonResult
            'PSObject' {
                return $jsonResult | ConvertFrom-Json
            'HashTable' {
                #TODO: PSCore Method, add as potential feature flag
                #$jsonResult | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable
                return $jsonResult | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertPSObjectToHashtable
            'PoshNmap' {
                return $jsonResult | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertPSObjectToHashtable | FormatNmapXml
            'Summary' {
                return $jsonResult | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertPSObjectToHashtable | FormatNmapXml -Summary