function Random { <# .SYNOPSIS Get a random thing .EXAMPLE !random #> [cmdletbinding()] param() Write-Output "A random what?" Write-Output "Sub commands:" Write-Output "random insult`nrandom fact`nrandom joke`nrandom quote" } function Random-number { <# .SYNOPSIS Get a random number .EXAMPLE !random number [--min 42] [--max 8675309] #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [int]$Min = 1, [int]$Max = 100 ) Get-Random -Minimum $min -Maximum $Max } function Random-Insult { <# .SYNOPSIS Send a random insult to someone .EXAMPLE !random-insult [--who <bob>] #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [string]$Who ) $html = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' $insult = $html.ParsedHtml.getElementById('AutoNumber1').textContent if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Who')) { $who = $who.TrimStart('@') Write-Output "Hey @$Who! $insult" } else { Write-Output $insult } } function Random-Fact { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a random fact .EXAMPLE !random-fact #> [cmdletbinding()] param() $html = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' $fact = $html.ParsedHtml.getElementById('AutoNumber1').textContent return $fact } function Random-Joke { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a random joke .EXAMPLE !random-joke #> [cmdletbinding()] param() $html = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' $joke = $html.ParsedHtml.getElementById('AutoNumber1').textContent return $joke } function Random-Quote { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a quote from a famous person .EXAMPLE !random-quote #> [cmdletbinding()] param() $html = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' $quote = $html.ParsedHtml.getElementById('AutoNumber1').textContent return $quote } function Roll-Dice { <# .SYNOPSIS Roll one or more (n) sided dice .EXAMPLE !roll-dice [--dice 2d20] [--bonus 5] #> [PoshBot.BotCommand(Permissions = 'dice-master')] [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(position = 0)] [string]$Dice = '2d20', [parameter(position = 1)] [int]$Bonus = 0 ) $quantity, $faces = $Dice -split 'd' $total = (1..$quantity | ForEach-Object { Get-Random -Minimum $quantity -Maximum ([int]$faces * 2) } | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum [pscustomobject]@{ Bonus = [int]$bonus Total = ([int]$bonus + $total) } } function Shipit { <# .SYNOPSIS Display a motivational squirrel .EXAMPLE !shipit #> [PoshBot.BotCommand( Command = $false, CommandName = 'shipit', TriggerType = 'regex', Regex = 'shipit' )] [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments)] $Dummy ) $squirrels = @( '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '"', '', '', '', '' ) Write-Output $squirrels | Get-Random } function Cookies { <# .SYNOPSIS Respond to cookies #> [PoshBot.BotCommand( Command = $false, CommandName = 'cookies', TriggerType = 'regex', Regex = 'cookies' )] [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments)] $Dummy ) Write-Output 'Did someone mention cookies? I love cookies! Nom Nom Nom!' } function ChannelTopicChange { <# .SYNOPSIS Responds to channel topic change events #> [PoshBot.BotCommand( Command = $false, TriggerType = 'event', MessageType = 'Message', MessageSubType = 'ChannelTopicChanged' )] [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments)] $Dummy ) Write-Output 'I kind of liked the old topic' } function ChannelPurposeChange { <# .SYNOPSIS Responds to channel topic change events #> [PoshBot.BotCommand( Command = $false, TriggerType = 'event', MessageType = 'Message', MessageSubType = 'ChannelPurposeChanged' )] [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments)] $Dummy ) Write-Output 'So we have a new purpose in live huh?' } function WelcomeUserToRoom { <# .SYNOPSIS Responds to channel join events with a friendly message #> [PoshBot.BotCommand( Command = $false, TriggerType = 'event', MessageType = 'Message', MessageSubType = 'ChannelJoined' )] [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments)] $Dummy ) Write-Output 'Greetings! We were just talking about you.' } function SayGoodbyeTouser { <# .SYNOPSIS Say goodbye to a user when they leave a channel #> [PoshBot.BotCommand( Command = $false, TriggerType = 'event', MessageType = 'Message', MessageSubType = 'ChannelLeft' )] [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments)] $Dummy ) Write-Output 'Good riddance. I never liked that person anyway.' } function GoldStar { <# .SYNOPSIS Say goodbye to a user when they leave a channel #> [PoshBot.BotCommand( Command = $false, TriggerType = 'event', MessageType = 'StarAdded' )] [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments)] $Dummy ) Write-Output 'Hey everyone look! Someone got a gold star :)' } function Start-LongRunningCommand { <# .SYNOPSIS Start a long running command .EXAMPLE !start-longrunningcommand [--seconds 20] #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(position = 0)] [int]$Seconds = 10 ) Start-Sleep -Seconds $Seconds Write-Output "Comamnd finished after [$Seconds] seconds" } function Bad-Command { <# .SYNOPSIS Intentionally throws errors .EXAMPLE !bad-command #> [cmdletbinding()] param() Write-Error -Message "I'm error number one" Write-Error -Message "I'm error number two" } function Get-Foo { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets parameter value from bot configuration .EXAMPLE !get-foo #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [PoshBot.FromConfig()] [parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Config1 ) Write-Output "[$Config1] was passed in from bot configuration" } |