
# This generic Backend class provides the base scaffolding to represent a Chat network
class Backend {



    # Connection information for the chat network

    [hashtable]$Users = @{}

    [hashtable]$Rooms = @{}

    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$IgnoredMessageTypes = (New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)

    Backend() {}

    # Send a message
    # Must be extended by the specific Backend implementation
    [void]SendMessage([Response]$Response) {}

    # Receive a message
    # Must be extended by the specific Backend implementation
    [Event]ReceiveMessage() {
        $e = [Message]::New()
        return $e

    # Change presence

    #[void]CallbackPresence([Presence]$Presence) {}

    #[void]CallbackRoomJoined([Room]$Room) {}

    #[void]CallbackRoomLeft([Room]$Room) {}

    #[void]CallbackRoomTopic([Room]$Room) {}

    # Connect to the chat network
    [void]Connect() {

    # Disconnect from the chat network
    [void]Disconnect() {

    [void]LoadUsers() {}

    [void]LoadRooms() {}

    [void]GetBotIdentity() {}

    # Resolve a user name to user id
    [void]UsernameToUserId([string]$Username) {
        # Must be extended by the specific Backend implementation

    # Resolve a user ID to a username/nickname
    [void]UserIdToUsername([string]$UserId) {
        # Must be extended by the specific Backend implementation