
function New-PoshBotTextResponse {
        Tells PoshBot to handle the text response from a command in a special way.
        Responses from PoshBot commands can be sent back to the channel they were posted from (default) or redirected to a DM channel with the
        calling user. This could be useful if the contents the bot command returns are sensitive and should not be visible to all users
        in the channel.
        The text response from the command.
        Tell PoshBot to redirect the response to a DM channel.
        function Get-Foo {
            New-PoshBotTextResponse -Text $MyParam -DM
        When Get-Foo is executed by PoshBot, the text response will be sent back to the calling user as a DM rather than back in the channel the
        command was called from. This could be useful if the contents the bot command returns are sensitive and should not be visible to all users
        in the channel.

        [parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]


    process {
        foreach ($item in $text) {
                PSTypeName = 'PoshBot.Text.Response'
                Text = $item
                DM = $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DM')