
enum MessageType {

enum MessageSubtype {

# A chat message that is received from the chat network
class Message {
    [string]$Id                 # MAY have this
    [MessageType]$Type = [MessageType]::Message
    [MessageSubtype]$Subtype = [MessageSubtype]::None    # Some messages have subtypes
    [string]$Text               # Text of message. This may be empty depending on the message type
    [string]$From               # Who sent the message
    [hashtable]$Options         # Any other bits of information about a message. This will be backend specific
    [pscustomobject]$RawMessage # The raw message as received by the backend. This can be usefull for the backend

class UserEnterMessage : Message {}
class UserExitMessage : Message {}
class TopicChangeMessage : Message {}