
# Slack text width with the formatting we use maxes out ~80 characters...
$Width = 80
$CommandsToExport = @()

function Get-MVStats {
        Get MIM Sync Engine Stats
        MIM Sync Engine MA Stats

        CommandName = 'MVStats',
        Aliases = ('Stats', 'Get-MVStats'),
        Permissions = 'read'
        # !Stats

    # Remote PowerShell Scriptblock
    $scriptblock = {
        # Import LithnetMIISAutomation for MIM Sync Server Config Exports
        # It must be installed on the MIM Sync Server
        Import-Module lithnetmiisautomation; 
        # Query MAs
        $MAs = Get-ManagementAgent
        $intTotalConnectors = 0
        $intTotalObjects = 0
        $MAStats = @()

        if ($MAs) {
            foreach ($ma in $MAs) {
                $objects = $ma.Statistics.Total
                $connectors = $ma.Statistics.TotalConnectors
                $lastrun = Get-LastRunDetails -MA $ma | Select-Object StartTime, EndTime
                $lastrunEnd = $lastrun.EndTime
                $intTotalConnectors += $connectors
                $intTotalObjects += $objects

                # Output Stats for the report
                $maAttr = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
                $maAttr | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "Management Agent" -Value $ma.Name
                $maAttr | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "Total Objects" -Value $objects
                $maAttr | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "Connectors" -Value $connectors 
                $maAttr | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "Last Run" -Value $lastrunEnd

                $MAStats += $maAttr      

            # Totals
            $maAttr = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
            $maAttr | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "Management Agent" -Value "Total"
            $maAttr | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "Total Objects" -Value $intTotalObjects 
            $maAttr | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "Connectors" -Value $intTotalConnectors 
            # Sort by MA Name
            $MAStats = $MAStats | Sort-Object -Property "Management Agent"
            # Then add the Total to the end
            $MAStats += $maAttr 
            # Output
        else {
            Write-Output "Connection to MIM Sync Server Failed"

    # Connect to MIM Sync Server using Remote PowerShell to run LithnetMIISAutomation cmdlets
    $result = invoke-command -ScriptBlock $scriptblock -ComputerName $MIMSyncAddress -Authentication Kerberos -Credential $MIMSyncCreds 
    $o = $result | Select-Object -Property "Management Agent", "Total Objects", "Connectors", "Last Run" | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $Width
    New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Normal -Text $o 
$CommandsToExport += 'Get-MVStats'

function Find-MVPerson {
        Find User from MIM MetaVerse
        MIM MV User

        CommandName = 'MVFind',
        Aliases = ('FindMV-User','FindMV'),
        Permissions = 'read'
        # !MVUser <DisplayName>
        [parameter(position = 1,
            parametersetname = 'id', mandatory)]



    $scriptblock = {
        Import-Module lithnetmiisautomation 
        $query = @()
        $query += New-MVQuery -Attribute displayName -Operator Contains -Value "$($i)"
        $results = Get-MVObject -Queries $query -ObjectType person 

        if ($results.Count -gt 0) {
            # Person Output Attributes
            $MVPersonTemplate = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{ 
                samAccountName = $null 
                DisplayName    = $null 
                JobTitle       = $null
                Location       = $null              

            $resultList = @() 
            foreach ($person in $results) {
                $attributes = $person | Select-Object -Property Attributes | Select-Object -expand *
                $obj = $MVPersonTemplate.PsObject.Copy()              
                $obj.samAccountName = $attributes.samAccountName.Values.valueString
                $obj.DisplayName = $attributes.DisplayName.Values.valueString
                $obj.Location = $attributes.l.Values.valueString
                $obj.JobTitle = $attributes.JobTitle.Values.valueString
                $resultList += $obj 
            # Output
        else {
            Write-Output "No users containing `'$i`' found!"

    # Connect to MIM Sync Server using Remote PowerShell to run LithnetMIISAutomation cmdlets
    $result = invoke-command -ScriptBlock $scriptblock -ComputerName $MIMSyncAddress -Authentication Kerberos -Credential $MIMSyncCreds -ArgumentList $Identity
    $o = $result | Select-Object -Property samAccountName, DisplayName, Location, JobTitle | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $Width
    New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Normal -Text $o 
$CommandsToExport += 'Find-MVPerson'

function Get-MVPerson {
        Get User from MIM MetaVerse
        MIM MV User

        CommandName = 'MVUser',
        Aliases = ('Get-MVUser', 'MVPerson', 'GetMVUser'),
        Permissions = 'read'
        # !MVUser <DisplayName>
        [parameter(position = 1,
            parametersetname = 'id', mandatory)]



    $scriptblock = {
        Import-Module lithnetmiisautomation 
        $queries = @()
        $queries += New-MVQuery -Attribute displayName -Operator Equals -Value $i
        $result = Get-MVObject -Queries $queries -ObjectType person 

        if ($result) {
            $attributes = $result | Select-Object -Property Attributes | Select-Object -expand *           

            $obj = @()
            foreach ($attr in $attributes.Keys) {
                try { 
                    # First try expanding the attribute in case it is multivalued using a comma as a separator
                    $val = ($attributes.$attr.Values).Valuestring -join ', ' 
                catch { 
                    # Otherwise we'll just take the string value as we're outputting to strings anyway
                    $val = $attributes.$attr.Values.Valuestring 

                # Output MV Attributes for the report
                $mvattr = New-Object -TypeName PSObject 
                $mvattr | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Attribute -Value $attr 
                $mvattr | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Value -Value $val  
                $obj += $mvattr               
        else {
            Write-Output "`'$i`' not found!"

    # Connect to MIM Sync Server using Remote PowerShell to run LithnetMIISAutomation cmdlets
    $result = invoke-command -ScriptBlock $scriptblock -ComputerName $MIMSyncAddress -Authentication Kerberos -Credential $MIMSyncCreds -ArgumentList $Identity
    $o = $result | Select-Object -Property Attribute, Value | Sort-Object -Property Attribute  | Format-Table | Out-String -width $Width 
    New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Normal -Text $o 

$CommandsToExport += 'Get-MVPerson'

function Get-MVPersonConnectors {
        Get Users Connectors from MIM MetaVerse
    .DESCRIPTION !MVUserConnectors
        MIM MV User Connectors

        CommandName = 'MVUserConnectors',
        Aliases = ('Get-MVUserConnectors', 'MVPersonConnectors', 'MVConnectors'),
        Permissions = 'read'
        # !MVUserConnectors <DisplayName>
        [parameter(position = 1,
            parametersetname = 'id', mandatory)]



    $scriptblock = {
        Import-Module lithnetmiisautomation 
        $queries = @()
        $queries += New-MVQuery -Attribute displayName -Operator Equals -Value $i
        $result = Get-MVObject -Queries $queries -ObjectType person 

        if ($result.count -eq 1) {
            $connectors = $result.CSMVLinks | Select-Object ManagementAgentName, LineageType, LineageTime 
        else {
            if ($result.count -eq 0){
                Write-Output "`'$i`' not found!"
            } else {
                Write-Output "`'$i`' not unique. Multiple results found. Try again to be unique."

    # Connect to MIM Sync Server using Remote PowerShell to run LithnetMIISAutomation cmdlets
    $result = invoke-command -ScriptBlock $scriptblock -ComputerName $MIMSyncAddress -Authentication Kerberos -Credential $MIMSyncCreds -ArgumentList $Identity
    $o = $result | Select-Object -Property ManagementAgentName, LineageType, LineageTime | Sort-Object -Property ManagementAgentName | Format-Table | Out-String -width $Width 
    New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Normal -Text $o 

$CommandsToExport += 'Get-MVPersonConnectors'

Export-ModuleMember -Function $CommandsToExport