#Requires -Version 5.0 function New-ArmResourceName { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ForceVersion', SupportsShouldProcess = $True)] [OutputType([String])] param( [string] $ProjectName = $script:projectName, [string] $EnvironmentCode = $script:environmentCode, [string] $Context = $script:context, [string] $Location = $script:location, [string] $ResourceName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ForceVersion")] [string] $Version = $script:version, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "IgnoreVersion")] [switch] $IgnoreVersionInHash, [string] $NamingConvention = $script:ResourceNamingConvention ) DynamicParam { Add-ResourceTypeDynamicParameter } Begin { $ResourceProvider = Get-SupportedResourceProvider | Where-Object resourceType -eq $PSBoundParameters['ResourceType'] Set-Variable storageAccountResourceType -option ReadOnly -value 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts' if (!$NamingConvention) { $NamingConvention = "{environmentcode}{delimiter}{resourcename}{delimiter}{hash}" } if(!$ResourceName){ $ResourceName = $ResourceProvider.shortName } $Delimiter = switch ($ResourceProvider.resourceType) { $storageAccountResourceType { '0' } default { '-' } } } Process { $hashParts = @( $ProjectName $EnvironmentCode $Context $Location $ResourceProvider.shortName $ResourceName ) if ((-not $IgnoreVersionInHash) -and $Version) { # If a version number is forced and IngnoreVersionInHash is not set # include it in hash $hashParts += $Version } # Remove any empty values $hashParts = $hashParts | Where-Object {$_.ToLowerInvariant()} $hashParts = [string]::Join(''',''', $hashParts) If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Generating arm expression representig the resource name")) { $Name = $NamingConvention.ToLowerInvariant() $Name = "[concat('$Name')]" $Name = $Name.Replace("{delimiter}", $Delimiter) $Name = $Name.Replace("{projectname}", $ProjectName) $Name = $Name.Replace("{environmentcode}", $EnvironmentCode) $Name = $Name.Replace("{context}", $Context) $Name = $Name.Replace("{location}", $Location) $Name = $Name.Replace("{resourcename}", $ResourceName) $Name = $Name.Replace("{hash}", "', uniqueString('$hashParts'),'") # make sure we don't have 2 delimiter with nothing between them while ($Name.Contains("$Delimiter$Delimiter")){ $Name = $Name.Replace("$Delimiter$Delimiter", $Delimiter) } if ($ResourceProvider.resourceType -eq $storageAccountResourceType) { $Name = "[if(greater(length($Name), 24), substring($Name, 0, 24), $Name)]" } return $Name.ToLowerInvariant() } } } |