
function Import-GoogleToChangeUpn {
    Modifies existing UPNs from a CSV containing the header PrimarySmtpAddress
    Modifies existing UPNs from a CSV containing the header PrimarySmtpAddress
    Note this will not succeed when changing cloud only Upn's with federated domain names
    .PARAMETER LogPath
    Log of success/failed UPN changes
    .PARAMETER LogFileFromMailboxImport
    The log file generated from creating mailboxes with Import-GoogleToSharedMailbox
    The .EXAMPLE in Import-GoogleToSharedMailbox uses the file name: SharedMailboxCreation.csv
    .PARAMETER SourceList
    This is the list used to create the mailboxes initially
    This is list is fed by the pipeline
    Import-Csv .\SharedMailbox-Intial_and_Phone.csv | Import-GoogleToChangeUpn -LogFileFromMailboxImport .\SharedMailboxCreation.csv -LogPath .\ChangeUpnLog.csv
    General notes




        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

    Begin {
        $Hash = @{}
        Import-Csv $LogFileFromMailboxImport | ForEach-Object {
            if (-not $Hash.ContainsKey($_.PrimarySmtpAddress)) {
                $Hash.Add($_.PrimarySmtpAddress, $_.objectid)

    Process {

        foreach ($Source in $SourceList) {
            $UpnSplat = @{
                ObjectId             = $Hash.$($Source.PrimarySmtpAddress)
                NewUserPrincipalName = $Source.PrimarySmtpAddress
                ErrorAction          = 'Stop'
            try {

                Set-MsolUserPrincipalName @UpnSplat

                    Time               = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")
                    Result             = 'SUCCESS'
                    Action             = 'CHANGEUPN'
                    Object             = 'MSOLUSER'
                    Name               = $Source.DisplayName
                    Alias              = 'SUCCESS'
                    UserPrincipalName  = $Source.PrimarySmtpAddress
                    PrimarySmtpAddress = $Source.PrimarySmtpAddress
                    EmailAddresses     = 'SUCCESS'
                    ObjectId           = $Hash.$($Source.PrimarySmtpAddress)
                    FullNameError      = 'SUCCESS'
                    Message            = 'SUCCESS'
                    ExtendedMessage    = 'SUCCESS'
                } | Export-Csv -Path $LogPath -NoTypeInformation -Append

                Write-HostLog -Message "Setting UPN`t$($Source.DisplayName)`t$($Source.PrimarySmtpAddress)" -Status "Success"

            catch {

                    Time               = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")
                    Result             = 'FAILED'
                    Action             = 'CHANGEUPN'
                    Object             = 'MSOLUSER'
                    Name               = $Source.DisplayName
                    Alias              = 'FAILED'
                    UserPrincipalName  = $Source.PrimarySmtpAddress
                    PrimarySmtpAddress = $Source.PrimarySmtpAddress
                    EmailAddresses     = 'FAILED'
                    ObjectId           = $Hash.$($Source.PrimarySmtpAddress)
                    FullNameError      = $_.Exception.GetType().fullname
                    Message            = $_.CategoryInfo.Reason
                    ExtendedMessage    = $_.Exception.Message
                } | Export-Csv -Path $LogPath -NoTypeInformation -Append

                Write-HostLog -Message "Setting UPN`t$($Source.DisplayName)`t$($Source.PrimarySmtpAddress)" -Status "Failed"
    End {
