function Add-365RecipientEmailAddresses { <# .SYNOPSIS Add Recipients Email Addresses .DESCRIPTION Add Recipients Email Addresses and other functions .EXAMPLE #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) $currentErrorActionPrefs = $ErrorActionPreference $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $OutputPath = 'C:\Scripts\ContosoOLD' $LogFile = ($(get-date -Format yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss) + "-Failed.csv") $NewTenantFile = 'C:\Scripts\ContosoNEW\ContosoTECHINCGCmbx.csv' $OldTenantFile = 'C:\Scripts\ContosoOLD\FINAL.csv' $AllOldFile = 'C:\Scripts\ContosoOLD\ContosoMBXOLD.csv' $FailLog = Join-Path $OutputPath $LogFile $errheaderstring = "DisplayName,RemovePrimary,RemoveSecondaryToMakePrimary,AddPrimary,AddBackonMicrosoft,RemoveCurPrimary,Error" Out-File -FilePath $FailLog -InputObject $errheaderstring -Encoding UTF8 -append $hashold = @{} Import-Csv $OldTenantFile | ForEach-Object { $hashold.add($_.DisplayName, ($_.primarysmtpaddress)) } $Newt = Import-Csv $NewTenantFile | Where-Object { $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'UserMailbox' -and $_.EmailAddresses -cmatch 'SMTP:' -and $_.EmailAddresses -match "" } ForEach ($CurNewt in $Newt) { Try { ## Verify Case of address as case dependent command follows ## $Remove = $CurNewt.EmailAddresses -split ';' | Where-Object { $_ -clike "SMTP:*" } $DisplayName = $CurNewt.DisplayName $RemovesmtptomakeSMTP = $("smtp:" + ($hashold[$DisplayName])) $Add = $("SMTP:" + ($hashold[$DisplayName])) [ARRAY]$Remove = $Remove $CurPrimary = (Get-Mailbox $Displayname).primarysmtpaddress $CurPrimary = "SMTP:" + $CurPrimary Write-Verbose "----------" Write-Verbose "Display Name : `t $DisplayName" Write-Verbose "Remove Primary onMicro : `t $Remove" Write-Verbose "Remove2ndaryMakeSMTP : `t $RemovesmtptomakeSMTP" Write-Verbose "Add Desired Primary : `t $Add" Write-Verbose "AddBackonMicrosoft : `t $("smtp:" + ($Remove.substring(5)))" Write-Verbose "CurPrimary : `t $CurPrimary" Write-Verbose "----------" if ($Remove) { Set-Mailbox -Identity $DisplayName -EmailAddresses @{ Remove = "$Remove", "$RemovesmtptomakeSMTP", "$CurPrimary" Add = "$Add", $(("smtp:" + $($Remove.substring(5)))) } } } Catch { Write-Warning $_ $DisplayName + "," + $Remove + "," + $RemovesmtptomakeSMTP + "," + $Add + "," + $("smtp:" + ($Remove.substring(5))) + "," + $CurPrimary + "," + $_ | Out-file $FailLog -Encoding UTF8 -append } } $AllOld = Import-Csv $AllOldFile Foreach ($CurAllOld in $AllOld) { $Secondary = $CurAllOld.EmailAddresses -split ';' | Where-Object { $_ -clike "smtp:*" -and $_ -notlike "*" } [ARRAY]$Secondary = $Secondary foreach ($CurSecondary in $Secondary) { Write-Verbose "----------" Write-Verbose "DisplayName : $($CurAllOld.DisplayName)" Write-Verbose "Secondary : $CurSecondary" Write-Verbose "----------" Set-Mailbox -Identity $CurAllOld.DisplayName -EmailAddresses @{ Add = "$CurSecondary" } } } $SIP = Get-365RecipientEmailAddresses | Where-Object { $_.emailaddress -like "SIP:*" } Foreach ($CurSIP in $SIP) { Write-Host "----------" Write-Host "DisplayName : $($CurSIP.DisplayName)" Write-Host "Remove SIP : $($CurSIP.EmailAddress)" Write-Host "Add SIP : $("SIP:" + $CurSIP.PrimarySMTPAddress)" Write-Host "----------" Set-Mailbox -Identity $CurSIP.DisplayName -EmailAddresses @{ Remove = $CurSIP.EmailAddress Add = "SIP:" + $CurSIP.PrimarySMTPAddress } } <# # Modify UPN to Match PrimarySMTPAddress $UPNandPrimary = @( @{n = "UserPrincipalName" ; e = {$_.UserPrincipalName}}, @{n = "PrimarySMTPAddress" ; e = {( $_.proxyAddresses -split ";" | Where-Object {$_ -cmatch "SMTP:*"}).Substring(5)}} ) $UP = Get-365MsolUser | Where-Object { $_.userprincipalname -notlike "*sada*" -and $_.userprincipalname -notlike "*admin*" } | Select-Object $UPNandPrimary foreach ($CurUP in $UP) {Set-MsolUserPrincipalName -UserPrincipalName $CurUP.UserPrincipalName -NewUserPrincipalName $CurUP.PrimarySMTPAddress} #> <# $Fwd = Import-Csv "C:\Scripts\ContosoOLD\testmay37pm\Contoso_Forwards.csv" foreach ($CurFwd in $Fwd) { $FwdHash = @{ Identity = $CurFwd.DisplayName DeliverToMailboxAndForward = $True ForwardingSmtpAddress = $CurFwd.ForwardingSmtpAddress } $params = @{} if ($CurFwd.ForwardingSmtpAddress) { ForEach ($key in $FwdHash.keys) { if ($($FwdHash.item($key))) { $params.add($key, $($FwdHash.item($key))) } } Set-Mailbox @params } } #> $ErrorActionPreference = $currentErrorActionPrefs } |