#======================================================================================================== # Created on: 12/16/2012 09:30 PM # Last Update: 12/09/2016 4:05 PM # Created by: Michael Van Horenbeeck # Website: # Filename: Get-VirtualDirectoryInfo.ps1 # Version: 1.8 # Credits: Thomas Torggler for some great ideas and remarks (@Torggler) # # # Version History: 1.8 Updated script issues after Exchange 2016 CU2 update. Script can now be executed on 2016 CU2+ servers. # Included more Exchange Version numbers. Added a few strings and switched to using Get-ClientAccessServices for 2016 CU2+ servers. # 1.7 Updated build numbers to include more recent versions # 1.6 Will only discover MAPI virtual directory if servers are Exchange 2013 SP1+ # Added OWA and ECP authentication information, Autodiscover Site Scope, General Server info # Script now also translates build number into version name # 1.5 Added check for the new MAPI virtual directory, added in Exchange 2013 SP1 (CU4), # re-added WebServices Virtual Directory to script. # 1.4 Added "Last modified on" # 1.3 Added -Filter parameter, improved error handling in general, added warnings # # 1.2 Added -ADPropertiesOnly parameter to speed up the script # 1.1 Fixed count error when only a single server exists # 1.0 Initial Version #======================================================================================================== function Get-VirtualDirectoryInfo { <# .Synopsis This script will create an HTML-report which will gather the URL-information from different virtual directories over different Exchange Servers (currently only Exchange 2010/Exchange 2013) .DESCRIPTION This script will create an HTML-report which will gather the URL-information from different virtual directories over different Exchange Servers (currently only Exchange 2010/Exchange 2013) .EXAMPLE Get-VirtualDirectoryInfo -filepath c:\reports This command will create the report in the following directory: C:\Reports #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([int])] Param ( #Specify the report file path [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Alias("ReportPath")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Filepath, #query AD instead of the IIS metabase [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $false, Position = 1)] [Alias("ADPropertiesOnly")] [Switch]$ADProperties, #specify the computername to connect to. Defaults to the local host. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME, #optional filter to only query certain CAS servers. Default filter is wildcard. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)] [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Filter = "*" ) Begin { #Open a Remote PS session if none already exists. if (!(Get-PSSession).ConfigurationName -eq "Microsoft.Exchange") { try { $sExch = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -Name ExchMgmt -ConnectionUri http://$ComputerName/PowerShell/ -Authentication Kerberos $null = Import-PSSession $sExch } catch { Write-Warning "Could not connect to Exchange." Break } } } Process { try { $currentServer = (Get-PSSession | ? { $_.State -eq "Opened" }).ComputerName $currentServerVersion = Get-ExchangeServer $currentServer | Select AdminDisplayVersion if (($currentServerVersion.AdminDisplayVersion.Major -eq 15) -and ($currentServerVersion.AdmindisplayVersion.Minor -eq 1) -and ($currentServerVersion.AdmindisplayVersion.Build -ge 466) -and ($currentServerVersion.AdmindisplayVersion.Build -ge "34")) { $servers = @(Get-ExchangeServer | ? { ($_.isClientAccessServer -eq $true) -and (($_.AdminDisplayVersion -like "*15*") -or ($_.AdminDisplayVersion -like "*14*")) -and ($_.Name -like $Filter) } | Select-Object Name, AdminDisplayVersion, ServerRole, Edition) $runVersion = "2016CU2+" } elseif (($currentServerVersion.AdminDisplayVersion.Major -eq 14) -or ($currentServerVersion.AdminDisplayVersion.Major -eq 15)) { $servers = @(Get-ExchangeServer | ? { $_.ServerRole -like "*ClientAccess*" -and (($_.AdminDisplayVersion -like "*15*") -or ($_.AdminDisplayVersion -like "*14*") -and ($_.Name -like $Filter)) } | Select-Object Name, AdminDisplayVersion, ServerRole, Edition) $runVersion = "2016CU2-" } } catch { Write-Warning "An error occured: could not connect to one or more Exchange servers". Break } #Define Version Array $versionArray = @("Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 RTM", "14.0.639.21"), ("Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2010", "14.0.682.1"), ("Update Rollup 2 for Exchange Server 2010", "14.0.689.0"), ("Update Rollup 3 for Exchange Server 2010", "14.0.694.0"), ("Update Rollup 4 for Exchange Server 2010", "14.0.702.1"), #Exchange 2010 SP1 ("Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP1", ""), ("Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1", ""), ("Update Rollup 2 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1", ""), ("Update Rollup 3 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1", ""), ("Update Rollup 3-v3 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1", ""), ("Update Rollup 4 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1", "14.1.323.1"), ("Update Rollup 4-v2 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1", "14.1.323.6"), ("Update Rollup 5 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1", "14.1.339.1"), ("Update Rollup 6 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1", "14.1.355.2"), ("Update Rollup 7 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1", "14.1.421.0"), ("Update Rollup 7-v2 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1", "14.1.421.2"), ("Update Rollup 7-v3 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1", "14.1.421.3"), ("Update Rollup 8 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1", "14.1.438.0"), #Exchange 2010 SP2 ("Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP2", ""), ("Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2", ""), ("Update Rollup 2 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2", ""), ("Update Rollup 3 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2", "14.2.309.2"), ("Update Rollup 4 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2", "14.2.318.2"), ("Update Rollup 4-v2 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2", "14.2.318.4"), ("Update Rollup 5 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2", "14.2.328.5"), ("Update Rollup 5-v2 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2", "14.2.328.10"), ("Update Rollup 6 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2", "14.2.342.3"), ("Update Rollup 7 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2", "14.2.375.0"), ("Update Rollup 8 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2", "14.2.390.3"), #Exchange 2010 SP3 ("Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP3", ""), ("Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2010 SP3", ""), ("Update Rollup 2 for Exchange Server 2010 SP3", ""), ("Update Rollup 3 for Exchange Server 2010 SP3", ""), ("Update Rollup 4 for Exchange Server 2010 SP3", ""), ("Update Rollup 5 for Exchange Server 2010 SP3", ""), ("Update Rollup 6 for Exchange Server 2010 SP3", ""), #Exchange 2013 ("Exchange Server 2013 Cumulative Update 1 (CU1)", "15.0.620.29"), ("Exchange Server 2013 Cumulative Update 2 (CU2)", "15.0.712.22"), ("Exchange Server 2013 Cumulative Update 2 (CU2-v2)", "15.0.712.24"), ("Exchange Server 2013 Cumulative Update 3 (CU3)", "15.0.775.38"), ("Exchange Server 2013 Cumulative Update 4 (SP1 - CU4)", "15.0.847.32"), ("Exchange Server 2013 Cumulative Update 5 (CU5)", "15.0.913.22"), ("Exchange Server 2013 Cumulative Update 6 (CU6)", "15.0.995.29"), ("Exchange Server 2013 Cumulative Update 7 (CU7)", "15.0.1044.25"), ("Exchange Server 2013 Cumulative Update 8 (CU8)", "15.0.1076.9"), ("Exchange Server 2013 Cumulative Update 9 (CU9)", "15.0.1104.5"), ("Exchange Server 2013 Cumulative Update 10 (CU10)", "15.0.1130.7"), ("Exchange Server 2013 Cumulative Update 11 (CU11)", "15.0.1156.6"), ("Exchange Server 2013 Cumulative Update 12 (CU12)", "15.0.1178.4"), ("Exchange Server 2013 Cumulative Update 13 (CU13)", "15.0.1210.3"), #Exchange 2016 ("Exchange Server 2016 RTM", ""), ("Exchange Server 2016 Cumulative Update 1", "15.1.396.30"), ("Exchange Server 2016 Cumulative Update 2", "15.1.466.34") #HTML headers $html += "<html>" $html += "<head>" $html += "<style type='text/css'>" $html += "body {font-family:verdana;font-size:10pt}" $html += "H1 {font-family:verdana;font-size:12pt}" $html += "table {border:1px solid #000000;font-family:verdana; font-size:10pt;cellspacing:1;cellpadding:0}" $html += "tr.color {background-color:#00A2E8;color:#FFFFFF;font-weight:bold}" $html += "</style>" $html += "</head>" $html += "<body>" #Report Legend $html += "Get-VirtualDirectoryInfo.ps1<br/>" $html += "<b>Report generated on: </b>" + (get-date).DateTime #Add warning that the script pulled only the ADProperties if ($ADProperties) { $html += "<br/><b><font color='red'>Warning: The script was run using the -ADPropertiesOnly switch and might not show all information</font></b>" } $html += "<br/><br/>" #General Server Info $html += "<h1>General Client Access Server Information</h1>" $html += "<table border='1'>" $html += "<tr class='color'>" $html += "<td>Server</td><td>Exchange Version</td><td>Roles</td><td>Edition</td>" $html += "</tr>" $i = 0 foreach ($server in $servers) { $build = [string]$server.AdminDisplayVersion.Major + "." + $server.AdminDisplayVersion.Minor + "." + $server.AdminDisplayVersion.Build + "." + $server.AdminDisplayVersion.Revision for ($n = 0; $n -lt $versionArray.count; $n++) { if ($build -eq $versionArray[$n][1]) { $version = $versionArray[$n][0] } } $html += "<tr>" $html += "<td>" + $ + "</td>" $html += "<td>" + $version + "</td>" $html += "<td>" + $server.ServerRole + "</td>" $html += "<td>" + $server.Edition + "</td>" $html += "</tr>" } $html += "</table>" #Autodiscover $html += "<br/><br/>" $html += "<h1>Autodiscover</h1>" $html += "<table border='1'>" $html += "<tr class='color'>" $html += "<td>Server</td><td>Internal Uri</td><td>InternalURL</td><td>ExternalUrl</td><td>Auth. (Int.)</td><td>Auth. (Ext.)</td><td>Site Scope</td><td>Last modified on:</td>" $html += "</tr>" $i = 0 foreach ($server in $servers) { $i++ Write-Progress -Activity "Getting Autodiscover URL information" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete (($i / $servers.count) * 100) if ($runVersion -eq "2016CU2+") { $autodresult = Get-ClientAccessService -Identity $ | Select Name, AutodiscoverServiceInternalUri, AutoDiscoverSiteScope } else { $autodresult = Get-ClientAccessServer -Identity $ | Select Name, AutodiscoverServiceInternalUri, AutoDiscoverSiteScope } if ($ADProperties) { $autodvirdirresult = Get-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory -Server $ -ADPropertiesOnly | Select InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, InternalAuthenticationMethods, ExternalAuthenticationMethods, WhenChanged } else { $autodvirdirresult = Get-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory -Server $ | Select InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, InternalAuthenticationMethods, ExternalAuthenticationMethods, WhenChanged } $autodhtml += "<tr>" $autodhtml += "<td>" + $autodresult.Name + "</td>" $autodhtml += "<td>" + $autodresult.AutodiscoverServiceInternalUri + "</td>" $autodhtml += "<td>" + $autodvirdirresult.InternalURL.absoluteURI + "</td>" $autodhtml += "<td>" + $autodvirdirresult.ExternalURL.absoluteURI + "</td>" $autodhtml += "<td>" + $autodvirdirresult.InternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $autodhtml += "<td>" + $autodvirdirresult.ExternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $autodhtml += "<td>" + $autodresult.AutoDiscoverSiteScope + "</td>" $autodhtml += "<td>" + $autodvirdirresult.WhenChanged + "</td>" $autodhtml += "</tr>" Clear-Variable -Name autodresult, autodvirdirresult } $html += $autodhtml $html += "</table>" #Outlook Web App (OWA) $html += "<br/><br/>" $html += "<h1>Outlook Web App (OWA):</h1>" $html += "<table border='1'>" $html += "<tr class='color'>" $html += "<td>Server</td><td>Name</td><td>InternalURL</td><td>ExternalUrl</td><td>Int. Auth.</td><td>Last modified on:</td>" $html += "</tr>" $i = 0 foreach ($server in $servers) { $i++ Write-Progress -Activity "Getting OWA virtual directory information" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete (($i / $servers.count) * 100) if ($ADProperties) { $owaresult = Get-OWAVirtualDirectory -server $ -AdPropertiesOnly | Select Name, Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, WhenChanged, InternalAuthenticationMethods } else { $owaresult = Get-OWAVirtualDirectory -server $ | Select Name, Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, WhenChanged, InternalAuthenticationMethods } $owahtml += "<tr>" $owahtml += "<td>" + $owaresult.Server + "</td>" $owahtml += "<td>" + $owaresult.Name + "</td>" $owahtml += "<td>" + $owaresult.InternalURL.absoluteURI + "</td>" $owahtml += "<td>" + $owaresult.ExternalURL.absoluteURI + "</td>" $owahtml += "<td>" + $owaresult.InternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $owahtml += "<td>" + $owaresult.WhenChanged + "</td>" $owahtml += "</tr>" Clear-Variable -Name owaresult } $html += $owahtml $html += "</table>" #Exchange Control Panel (ECP) $html += "<br/><br/>" $html += "<h1>Exchange Control Panel (ECP):</h1>" $html += "<table border='1'>" $html += "<tr class='color'>" $html += "<td>Server</td><td>Name</td><td>InternalURL</td><td>ExternalUrl</td><td>Int. Auth.</td><td>Last modified on:</td>" $html += "</tr>" $i = 0 foreach ($server in $servers) { $i++ Write-Progress -Activity "Getting ECP virtual directory information" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete (($i / $servers.count) * 100) if ($ADProperties) { $ecpresult = Get-ECPVirtualDirectory -server $ -ADPropertiesOnly | Select Name, Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, WhenChanged, InternalAuthenticationMethods } else { $ecpresult = Get-ECPVirtualDirectory -server $ | Select Name, Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, WhenChanged, InternalAuthenticationMethods } $ecphtml += "<tr.color>" $ecphtml += "<td>" + $ecpresult.Server + "</td>" $ecphtml += "<td>" + $ecpresult.Name + "</td>" $ecphtml += "<td>" + $ecpresult.InternalURL.absoluteURI + "</td>" $ecphtml += "<td>" + $ecpresult.ExternalURL.absoluteURI + "</td>" $ecphtml += "<td>" + $ecpresult.InternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $ecphtml += "<td>" + $ecpresult.WhenChanged + "</td>" $ecphtml += "</tr>" Clear-Variable -Name ecpresult } $html += $ecphtml $html += "</table>" #Outlook Anywhere $html += "<br/><br/>" $html += "<h1>Outlook Anywhere:</h1>" $html += "<table border='1'>" $html += "<tr class='color'>" $html += "<td>Server</td><td>Internal Hostname</td><td>External Hostname</td><td>Auth.(Int.)</td><td>Auth. (Ext.)</td><td>Auth. IIS</td><td>Last modified on:</td>" $html += "</tr>" $i = 0 foreach ($server in $servers) { $i++ Write-Progress -Activity "Getting Outlook Anywhere Information" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete (($i / $servers.count) * 100) if ($ADProperties) { $oaresult = Get-OutlookAnywhere -server $ -ADPropertiesOnly | Select Name, Server, InternalHostname, ExternalHostname, ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod, InternalClientAuthenticationMethod, IISAuthenticationMethods, WhenChanged } else { $oaresult = Get-OutlookAnywhere -server $ | Select Name, Server, InternalHostname, ExternalHostname, ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod, InternalClientAuthenticationMethod, IISAuthenticationMethods, WhenChanged } if ($oaresult -eq $null) { $oahtml += "<tr.color>" $oahtml += "<td>" + $ + "</td>" $oahtml += "<td colspan='6'>" $oahtml += "Outlook Anywhere isn't enabled." $oahtml += "</td>" $oahtml += "</tr>" } else { $oahtml += "<tr.color>" $oahtml += "<td>" + $oaresult.Server + "</td>" $oahtml += "<td>" + $oaresult.InternalHostname + "</td>" $oahtml += "<td>" + $oaresult.ExternalHostname + "</td>" $oahtml += "<td>" + $oaresult.InternalClientAuthenticationMethod + "</td>" $oahtml += "<td>" + $oaresult.ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod + "</td>" $oahtml += "<td>" + $oaresult.IISAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $oahtml += "<td>" + $oaresult.WhenChanged + "</td>" $oahtml += "</tr>" } Clear-Variable oaresult } $html += $oahtml $html += "</table>" #MAPI/HTTP $html += "<br/><br/>" $html += "<h1>MAPI/HTTP:</h1>" $html += "<table border='1'>" $html += "<tr class='color'>" $html += "<td>Server</td><td>Internal URL</td><td>External URL</td><td>Auth.(Int.)</td><td>Auth. (Ext.)</td><td>Auth. IIS</td><td>Last modified on:</td>" $html += "</tr>" $i = 0 foreach ($server in $servers) { $i++ if (($server.AdminDisplayVersion.Major -eq "15" -and $server.AdminDisplayVersion.Build -ge "847") -or ($server.AdminDisplayVersion.Major -eq "15" -and $server.AdminDisplayVersion.Minor -eq "1")) { Write-Progress -Activity "Getting MAPI/HTTP Information" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete (($i / $servers.count) * 100) if ($ADProperties) { $mapiresult = Get-MapiVirtualDirectory -server $ -ADPropertiesOnly | Select Name, Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, ExternalAuthenticationMethods, InternalAuthenticationMethods, IISAuthenticationMethods, WhenChanged } else { $mapiresult = Get-MapiVirtualDirectory -server $ | Select Name, Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, ExternalAuthenticationMethods, InternalAuthenticationMethods, IISAuthenticationMethods, WhenChanged } $mapihtml += "<tr.color>" $mapihtml += "<td>" + $mapiresult.Server + "</td>" $mapihtml += "<td>" + $mapiresult.InternalUrl + "</td>" $mapihtml += "<td>" + $mapiresult.ExternalUrl + "</td>" $mapihtml += "<td>" + $mapiresult.InternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $mapihtml += "<td>" + $mapiresult.ExternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $mapihtml += "<td>" + $mapiresult.IISAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $mapihtml += "<td>" + $mapiresult.WhenChanged + "</td>" $mapihtml += "</tr>" } else { $mapihtml += "<tr.color>" $mapihtml += "<td>" + $ + "</td>" $mapihtml += "<td colspan='6'>" $mapihtml += "Server isn't running Exchange 2013 SP1 or later." $mapihtml += "</td>" $mapihtml += "</tr>" } Clear-Variable oaresult } $html += $mapihtml $html += "</table>" #Offline Address Book (OAB) $html += "<br/><br/>" $html += "<h1>Offline Address Book (OAB):</h1>" $html += "<table border='1'>" $html += "<tr class='color'>" $html += "<td>Server</td><td>OABs</td><td>Internal URL</td><td>External Url</td><td>Auth.(Int.)</td><td>Auth. (Ext.)</td><td>Last modified on:</td>" $html += "</tr>" $i = 0 foreach ($server in $servers) { $i++ Write-Progress -Activity "Getting OAB Information" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete (($i / $servers.count) * 100) if ($ADProperties) { $oabresult = Get-OABVirtualDirectory -server $ -ADPropertiesOnly | Select Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, ExternalAuthenticationMethods, InternalAuthenticationMethods, OfflineAddressBooks, WhenChanged } else { $oabresult = Get-OABVirtualDirectory -server $ | Select Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, ExternalAuthenticationMethods, InternalAuthenticationMethods, OfflineAddressBooks, WhenChanged } $oabhtml += "<tr.color>" $oabhtml += "<td>" + $oabresult.Server + "</td>" $oabhtml += "<td>" + $oabresult.OfflineAddressBooks + "</td>" $oabhtml += "<td>" + $oabresult.InternalURL.absoluteURI + "</td>" $oabhtml += "<td>" + $oabresult.ExternalURL.absoluteURI + "</td>" $oabhtml += "<td>" + $oabresult.InternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $oabhtml += "<td>" + $oabresult.ExternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $oabhtml += "<td>" + $oabresult.WhenChanged + "</td>" $oabhtml += "</tr>" Clear-Variable oabresult } $html += $oabhtml $html += "</table>" #ActiveSync (EAS) $html += "<br/><br/>" $html += "<h1>ActiveSync (EAS):</h1>" $html += "<table border='1'>" $html += "<tr class='color'>" $html += "<td>Server</td><td>Internal URL</td><td>External Url</td><td>Auth. (Ext.)</td><td>Last modified on:</td>" $html += "</tr>" $i = 0 foreach ($server in $servers) { $i++ Write-Progress -Activity "Getting ActiveSync Information" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete (($i / $servers.count) * 100) if ($ADProperties) { $easresult = Get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -server $ -ADPropertiesOnly | Select Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, ExternalAuthenticationMethods, InternalAuthenticationMethods, WhenChanged } else { $easresult = Get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -server $ | Select Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, ExternalAuthenticationMethods, InternalAuthenticationMethods, WhenChanged } $eashtml += "<tr.color>" $eashtml += "<td>" + $easresult.Server + "</td>" $eashtml += "<td>" + $easresult.InternalURL.absoluteUri + "</td>" $eashtml += "<td>" + $easresult.ExternalURL.absoluteUri + "</td>" $eashtml += "<td>" + $easresult.ExternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $eashtml += "<td>" + $easresult.WhenChanged + "</td>" $eashtml += "</tr>" Clear-Variable easresult } $html += $eashtml $html += "</table>" #Exchange Web Services (EWS) $html += "<br/><br/>" $html += "<h1>Exchange Web Services(EWS):</h1>" $html += "<table border='1'>" $html += "<tr class='color'>" $html += "<td>Server</td><td>Internal URL</td><td>External Url</td><td>Auth. (Int.)</td><td>Auth. (Ext.)</td><td>MRS Proxy Enabled</td><td>Last modified on:</td>" $html += "</tr>" $i = 0 foreach ($server in $servers) { $i++ Write-Progress -Activity "Getting Web Services Information" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete (($i / $servers.count) * 100) if ($ADProperties) { $ewsresult = Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -server $ -ADPropertiesOnly | Select Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, ExternalAuthenticationMethods, InternalAuthenticationMethods, MRSProxyEnabled, WhenChanged } else { $ewsresult = Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -server $ | Select Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, ExternalAuthenticationMethods, InternalAuthenticationMethods, MRSProxyEnabled, WhenChanged } $ewshtml += "<tr.color>" $ewshtml += "<td>" + $ewsresult.Server + "</td>" $ewshtml += "<td>" + $ewsresult.InternalURL.absoluteUri + "</td>" $ewshtml += "<td>" + $ewsresult.ExternalURL.absoluteUri + "</td>" $ewshtml += "<td>" + $ewsresult.InternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $ewshtml += "<td>" + $ewsresult.ExternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $ewshtml += "<td>" + $ewsresult.MRSProxyEnabled + "</td>" $ewshtml += "<td>" + $ewsresult.WhenChanged + "</td>" $ewshtml += "</tr>" Clear-Variable easresult } $html += $ewshtml $html += "</table>" try { $html | Out-File $filepath"\virdirinfo_"$(get-date -Format d-MM-yyyy_HH\hmm\mss\s)".html" Write-Host "Successfully created"$filepath"\virdirinfo_"$(get-date -Format d-MM-yyyy_HH\hmm\mss\s)".html" -ForegroundColor Green } catch { Write-Warning "Couldn't save "$filepath"\virdirinfo_"$(get-date -Format d-MM-yyyy_HH\hmm\mss\s)".html" } } End { Get-PSSession | ? { $_.ComputerName -like "$server" } | Remove-PSSession Clear-Variable Owahtml, Owaresult, html, servers } } |