function Test-PreFlight { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.IO.FileInfo] $csvFileName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Tenant ) Write-Host "`r`n" Write-Host "Importing CSV from: `"$csvFileName`"" -ErrorAction Stop $mailboxes = Import-Csv $csvFileName $i = 1 $count = $mailboxes.count $AcceptedDomains = Get-AcceptedDomain foreach ($mailbox in $mailboxes) { $percent = [int](($i / $Count) * 100) Write-Progress -Activity "Running PreChecks" -Status "Processing $upn ($i of $Count)" -PercentComplete $percent $upn = $mailbox.mailUser if ($mailbox.PreflightComplete -eq "FALSE") { Write-Host "`nBegining preflight checks for: " -NoNewline Write-Host " $upn `n" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "`tObject synchronized to Exchange Online (MailUser): " -NoNewLine $mailUser = Get-MailUser $upn -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($mailUser) { Write-Host "TRUE" -ForegroundColor Green $mailbox.IsSynchronized = "TRUE" Write-Host "`tUpdating preflight metadata" $mailbox.DisplayName = $mailUser.DisplayName $mailbox.PrimarySMTP = $mailUser.WindowsEmailAddress $mailbox.UserPrincipalName = $mailUser.userprincipalname Write-Host "`tUPN matches Primary SMTP Address: " -NoNewLine if ([string]($mailUser.WindowsEmailAddress) -eq [string]($mailUser.MicrosoftOnlineServicesID)) { $mailbox.UpnSmtpMatch = "TRUE" Write-Host "TRUE" -ForegroundColor Green } else { $mailbox.UpnSmtpMatch = "FALSE" Write-Host "FALSE" -ForegroundColor Red } Write-Host "`tExchange Online licensed: " -NoNewLine $isExchangeLicensed = (Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $upn).licenses.servicestatus | Where-Object {$_.serviceplan.servicename -like "Exchange*" } | ForEach-Object {$_ | Where-Object $_.ProvisioningStatus -ne "Disabled"} if ($isExchangeLicensed) { Write-Host "TRUE" -ForegroundColor Green $mailbox.IsLicensed = "TRUE" } else { Write-Host "FALSE" -ForegroundColor Red $mailbox.IsLicensed = "FALSE" } Write-Host "`tSMTP addresses with unverified domain: " -NoNewLine $errorAddress = $null $hasBadAddress = $mailUser.EmailAddresses | Where-Object { $_ -like 'smtp:*' } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '^.+@' } | Where-Object { $_ -notin $acceptedDomains } if ($hasBadAddress) { Write-Host "TRUE" -ForegroundColor Red $mailbox.NoBadAddresses = "FALSE" $errorAddress = $hasBadAddress -join ', ' } else { Write-Host "FALSE" -ForegroundColor Green $mailbox.NoBadAddresses = "TRUE" } Write-Host "`tRouting Proxy Addresses: " -NoNewline $foundRouting = $null $foundRouting = $mailUser.EmailAddresses | Where-Object { $_ -like 'smtp:*' } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '^.+@' } | Where-Object { $_ -eq ($tenant + "") } if ($foundRouting) { Write-Host "Found Routing Address" -ForegroundColor Green $mailbox.RoutingAddress = "TRUE" } else { Write-Host "Did not fing Routing Address" -ForegroundColor Red $mailbox.RoutingAddress = "FALSE" } if ($mailbox.Mailboxtype -eq "Generic") { Write-Host "`tGeneric Account Type: " -NoNewline if ($mailbox.RecipientType -eq "SharedMailbox") { Write-Host "SHARED MBX" -ForegroundColor Green $mailbox.isLicensed = "Shared Mailbox" } else { Write-Host "NOT SHARED MBX" -ForegroundColor Red $mailbox.isLicensed = "Not Shared Mailbox" } } } else { Write-Host "FALSE" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "`n`tUser already has an Office 365 Mailbox: " -NoNewline if (Get-Mailbox $upn -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Write-Host "TRUE" -ForegroundColor Green $mailbox.IsSynchronized = "Already Exists in O365" $mailbox.PreFlightComplete = "Already Exists in O365" } else { Write-Host "FALSE" -ForegroundColor Red $mailbox.IsSynchronized = "User Not Found" } } if ($mailbox.DisplayName -ne "" -and $mailbox.PrimarySMTP -ne "" -and $mailbox.IsSynchronized -eq "TRUE" -and ($mailbox.IsLicensed -eq "TRUE" -or $mailbox.MailboxType -eq "Generic" -or $mailbox.Mailboxtype -eq "Room") -and $mailbox.RoutingAddress -eq "TRUE" -and $mailbox.UpnSmtpMatch -eq "TRUE" -and $mailbox.NoBadAddresses -eq "TRUE") { Write-Host "`tPREFLIGHT COMPLETE!!`n" -ForegroundColor Green $mailbox.PreFlightComplete = "TRUE" Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } } else { Write-Host "PREFLIGHT ALREADY COMPLETE: SKIPPING CHECKS FOR $upn" } $i++ } $mailboxes | Export-Csv $csvfile -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8 } |