
function Add-TransportRuleDetail {
        Adds details to Transport Rule. If the transport rule does not exist it creates it.
        Adds details to Transport Rule. If the transport rule does not exist it creates it.
    .PARAMETER TransportRule
        Name of the Transport Rule to use. If Transport Rule does not exist it will be created.
    .PARAMETER RecipientAddressContainsWords
        This parameter specifies a condition or part of a condition for the rule. The name of the corresponding exception parameter starts with ExceptIf.
        In on-premises Exchange, this condition is only available on Mailbox servers.
        The RecipientAddressContainsWords parameter specifies a condition that looks for words in recipient email addresses.
        You can specify multiple words separated by commas. This parameter works when the recipient is an individual user.
        This parameter doesn't work with distribution groups.
    .PARAMETER ExceptIfRecipientAddressContainsWords
        This parameter specifies an exception or part of an exception for the rule. The name of the corresponding condition doesn't include the ExceptIf prefix.
        In on-premises Exchange, this exception is only available on Mailbox servers.
        The ExceptIfRecipientAddressContainsWords parameter specifies an exception that looks for words in recipient email addresses.
        You can specify multiple words separated by commas. This parameter works when the recipient is an individual user.
        This parameter doesn't work with distribution groups.
    .PARAMETER ExceptIfRecipientAddressContainsWords
        This parameter specifies an exception or part of an exception for the rule. The name of the corresponding condition doesn't include the ExceptIf prefix.
        In on-premises Exchange, this exception is available on Mailbox servers and Edge Transport servers.
        The ExceptIfFromAddressContainsWords parameter specifies an exception that looks for words in the sender's email address.
        You can specify multiple words separated by commas.
        You can use SenderAddressLocation parameter to specify where to look for the sender's email address (message header(default), message envelope, or both).
    .PARAMETER SubjectOrBodyContainsWords
        This parameter specifies a condition or part of a condition for the rule. The name of the corresponding exception parameter starts with ExceptIf.
        In on-premises Exchange, this condition is available on Mailbox servers and Edge Transport servers.
        The SubjectOrBodyContainsWords parameter specifies a condition that looks for words in the Subject field or body of messages.
    .PARAMETER ExceptIfSubjectOrBodyContainsWords
        This parameter specifies an exception or part of an exception for the rule. The name of the corresponding condition doesn't include the ExceptIf prefix.
        In on-premises Exchange, this exception is available on Mailbox servers and Edge Transport servers.
        The ExceptIfSubjectOrBodyContainsWords parameter specifies an exception that looks for words in the Subject field or body of messages.
    .PARAMETER SubjectContainsWords
        This parameter specifies a condition or part of a condition for the rule. The name of the corresponding exception parameter starts with ExceptIf.
        In on-premises Exchange, this condition is available on Mailbox servers and Edge Transport servers.
        The SubjectContainsWords parameter specifies a condition that looks for words in the Subject field of messages.
    .PARAMETER ExceptIfSubjectContainsWords
        This parameter specifies an exception or part of an exception for the rule. The name of the corresponding condition doesn't include the ExceptIf prefix.
        In on-premises Exchange, this exception is available on Mailbox servers and Edge Transport servers.
        The ExceptIfSubjectContainsWords parameter specifies an exception that looks for words in the Subject field of messages.
    .PARAMETER SenderIPRanges
        This parameter specifies a condition or part of a condition for the rule. The name of the corresponding exception parameter starts with ExceptIf.
        In on-premises Exchange, this condition is only available on Mailbox servers.
        The SenderIpRanges parameter specifies a condition that looks for senders whose IP addresses matches the specified value, or fall within the specified ranges. Valid values are:
            Single IP address For example,
            IP address range For example,
            Classless InterDomain Routing (CIDR) IP address range For example,
        You can specify multiple IP addresses or ranges separated by commas.
    .PARAMETER AttachmentContainsWords
        This parameter specifies a condition or part of a condition for the rule. The name of the corresponding exception parameter starts with ExceptIf.
        In on-premises Exchange, this condition is only available on Mailbox servers.
        The AttachmentContainsWords parameter specifies a condition that looks for words in message attachments. Only supported attachment types are checked.
        To specify multiple words or phrases, this parameter uses the syntax: Word1,"Phrase with spaces",word2,.... Don't use leading or trailing spaces.
    .PARAMETER ExceptIfAttachmentContainsWords
        This parameter specifies an exception or part of an exception for the rule. The name of the corresponding condition doesn't include the ExceptIf prefix.
        In on-premises Exchange, this exception is only available on Mailbox servers.
        The ExceptIfAttachmentContainsWords parameter specifies an exception that looks for words in message attachments. Only supported attachment types are checked.
        To specify multiple words or phrases, this parameter uses the syntax: Word1,"Phrase with spaces",word2,.... Don't use leading or trailing spaces.
    .PARAMETER AttachmentMatchesPatterns
        This parameter specifies a condition or part of a condition for the rule. The name of the corresponding exception parameter starts with ExceptIf.
        In on-premises Exchange, this condition is only available on Mailbox servers.
        The AttachmentMatchesPatterns parameter specifies a condition that looks for text patterns in the content of message attachments by using regular expressions. Only supported attachment types are checked.
        You can specify multiple text patterns by using the following syntax: "<regular expression1>","<regular expression2>",....
    .PARAMETER Action01
        Currently, Actions available for this function are DeleteMessage or BypassSpamFiltering.
    .PARAMETER Disabled
        By default Transport Rules are created Enabled.
        This parameter creates new Transport Rules as disabled.
        When using this switch parameter, if the Transport Rule already exists, it disables it.
    .PARAMETER OutputPath
        Where to write the report files to.
        By default it will write to the current path.
        Import-Csv .\RuleDetails.csv | Add-TransportRuleDetail -TransportRule "Block Macros Except when Certain Words are used" -Action01 DeleteMessage
        Example of RuleDetails.csv
        AddressWords, SubjectBodyWords, ExceptSubjectBodyWords, SenderIPs, moon, wind,, sun fire, rain,, ocean, snow,
        Import-Csv .\RuleDetails.csv | Add-TransportRuleDetail -TransportRule "Bypass Spam Filtering for New York Partners" -Action01 BypassSpamFiltering -Disabled
        Add-TransportRuleDetail -TransportRule "Rule01" -SubjectContainsWords "abc","123","red","blue","green" -Action01 BypassSpamFiltering

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("DeleteMessage", "BypassSpamFiltering")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        $OutputPath = "."
    begin {
        $Params = @{}
        $listAddressWords = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[String]
        $listExceptAddressWords = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[String]
        $listExceptFromAddressWords = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[String]
        $listSBWords = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[String]
        $listExceptSBWords = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[String]
        $listSWords = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[String]
        $listExceptSWords = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[String]
        $listAttachmentWords = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[String]
        $listExceptAttachmentWords = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[String]
        $listAttachmentPattern = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[String]
        $listSenderIPRanges = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[String]

        $headerstring = ("TransportRule" + "," + "Details")
        $errheaderstring = ("TransportRule" + "," + "Details" + "," + "Error")
        $successPath = Join-Path $OutputPath "Success.csv"
        $failedPath = Join-Path $OutputPath "Failed.csv"
        Out-File -FilePath $successPath -InputObject $headerstring -Encoding UTF8 -append
        Out-File -FilePath $failedPath -InputObject $errheaderstring -Encoding UTF8 -append
    process {
        if ($RecipientAddressContainsWords) {
            foreach ($CurRecipientAddressContainsWords in $RecipientAddressContainsWords) {
        if ($ExceptIfRecipientAddressContainsWords) {
            foreach ($CurExceptIfRecipientAddressContainsWords in $ExceptIfRecipientAddressContainsWords) {
        if ($ExceptIfFromAddressContainsWords) {
            foreach ($CurExceptIfFromAddressContainsWords in $ExceptIfFromAddressContainsWords) {
        if ($SubjectOrBodyContainsWords) {
            foreach ($CurSubjectOrBodyContainsWords in $SubjectOrBodyContainsWords) {
        if ($ExceptIfSubjectOrBodyContainsWords) {
            foreach ($CurExceptIfSubjectOrBodyContainsWords in $ExceptIfSubjectOrBodyContainsWords) {
        if ($SubjectContainsWords) {
            foreach ($CurSubjectContainsWords in $SubjectContainsWords) {
        if ($ExceptIfSubjectContainsWords) {
            foreach ($CurExceptIfSubjectContainsWords in $ExceptIfSubjectContainsWords) {
        if ($AttachmentContainsWords) {
            foreach ($CurAttachmentContainsWords in $AttachmentContainsWords) {
        if ($ExceptIfAttachmentContainsWords) {
            foreach ($CurExceptIfAttachmentContainsWords in $ExceptIfAttachmentContainsWords) {
        if ($AttachmentMatchesPatterns) {
            foreach ($CurAttachmentMatchesPatterns in $AttachmentMatchesPatterns) {
        if ($SenderIPRanges) {
            foreach ($CurSenderIPRanges in $SenderIPRanges) {
    end {
        if ($listAddressWords.count -gt "0") {
            if ((Get-TransportRule $TransportRule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).RecipientAddressContainsWords) {
                (Get-TransportRule $TransportRule).RecipientAddressContainsWords | ForEach-Object {[void]$listAddressWords.Add($_)}
            $Params.Add("RecipientAddressContainsWords", $listAddressWords)
        if ($listExceptAddressWords.count -gt "0") {
            if ((Get-TransportRule $TransportRule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).ExceptIfRecipientAddressContainsWords) {
                (Get-TransportRule $TransportRule).ExceptIfRecipientAddressContainsWords | ForEach-Object {[void]$listExceptAddressWords.Add($_)}
            $Params.Add("ExceptIfRecipientAddressContainsWords", $listExceptAddressWords)
        if ($listExceptFromAddressWords.count -gt "0") {
            if ((Get-TransportRule $TransportRule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).ExceptIfFromAddressContainsWords) {
                (Get-TransportRule $TransportRule).ExceptIfFromAddressContainsWords | ForEach-Object {[void]$listExceptFromAddressWords.Add($_)}
            $Params.Add("ExceptIfFromAddressContainsWords", $listExceptFromAddressWords)
        if ($listSBWords.count -gt "0") {
            if ((Get-TransportRule $TransportRule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).SubjectOrBodyContainsWords) {
                (Get-TransportRule $TransportRule).SubjectOrBodyContainsWords | ForEach-Object {[void]$listSBWords.Add($_)}
            $Params.Add("SubjectOrBodyContainsWords", $listSBWords)
        if ($listExceptSBWords.count -gt "0") {
            if ((Get-TransportRule $TransportRule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).ExceptIfSubjectOrBodyContainsWords) {
                (Get-TransportRule $TransportRule).ExceptIfSubjectOrBodyContainsWords | ForEach-Object {[void]$listExceptSBWords.Add($_)}
            $Params.Add("ExceptIfSubjectOrBodyContainsWords", $listExceptSBWords)
        if ($listSWords.count -gt "0") {
            if ((Get-TransportRule $TransportRule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).SubjectContainsWords) {
                (Get-TransportRule $TransportRule).SubjectContainsWords | ForEach-Object {[void]$listSWords.Add($_)}
            $Params.Add("SubjectContainsWords", $listSWords)
        if ($listExceptSWords.count -gt "0") {
            if ((Get-TransportRule $TransportRule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).ExceptIfSubjectContainsWords) {
                (Get-TransportRule $TransportRule).ExceptIfSubjectContainsWords | ForEach-Object {[void]$listExceptSWords.Add($_)}
            $Params.Add("ExceptIfSubjectContainsWords", $listExceptSWords)
        if ($listAttachmentWords.count -gt "0") {
            if ((Get-TransportRule $TransportRule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).AttachmentContainsWords) {
                (Get-TransportRule $TransportRule).AttachmentContainsWords | ForEach-Object {[void]$listAttachmentWords.Add($_)}
            $Params.Add("AttachmentContainsWords", $listAttachmentWords)
        if ($listExceptAttachmentWords.count -gt "0") {
            if ((Get-TransportRule $TransportRule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).ExceptIfAttachmentContainsWords) {
                (Get-TransportRule $TransportRule).ExceptIfAttachmentContainsWords | ForEach-Object {[void]$listExceptAttachmentWords.Add($_)}
            $Params.Add("ExceptIfAttachmentContainsWords", $listExceptAttachmentWords)
        if ($listAttachmentPattern.count -gt "0") {
            if ((Get-TransportRule $TransportRule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).AttachmentMatchesPatterns) {
                (Get-TransportRule $TransportRule).AttachmentMatchesPatterns | ForEach-Object {[void]$listAttachmentPattern.Add($_)}
            $Params.Add("AttachmentMatchesPatterns", $listAttachmentPattern)
        if ($listSenderIPRanges.count -gt "0") {
            if ((Get-TransportRule $TransportRule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).senderipranges) {
                (Get-TransportRule $TransportRule).senderipranges | ForEach-Object {[void]$listSenderIPRanges.Add($_)}
            $Params.Add("SenderIPRanges", $listSenderIPRanges)
        if ($Action01 -eq "DeleteMessage") {
            $Params.Add("DeleteMessage", $true)
        if ($Action01 -eq "BypassSpamFiltering") {
            $Params.Add("SetSCL", "-1")
        if (!(Get-TransportRule -Identity $TransportRule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            if ($Disabled) {
                $Params.Add("Enabled", $false)
            Try {
                New-TransportRule -Name $TransportRule @Params -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Verbose "Transport Rule `"$TransportRule`" has been created."
                Write-Verbose "Parameters: `t $($Params.values | % { $_ -join " "})"
            Catch {
                Write-Warning $_
                Write-Warning "Rerun the same command using the -Action01 parameter"
                Write-Warning "Currently the -Action01 parameter accepts, DeleteMessage & BypassSpamFiltering"
                Write-Warning "Alternatively, manually create the Transport Rule via the GUI and rerun the command you just ran (in that case, there is no need for the -Action01 parameter)"
                Write-Verbose "Unable to Create Transport Rule"
        else { 
            Write-Verbose "Transport Rule `"$TransportRule`" already exists."
            try {
                Set-TransportRule -Identity $TransportRule @Params -ErrorAction Stop
                if ($Disabled) {
                    Disable-TransportRule $TransportRule -Confirm:$false
                Write-Verbose "Parameters: `t $($Params.values | % { $_ -join " "})" 
                $TransportRule + "," + ($Params.values | % { $_ -join " "}) | Out-file $successPath -Encoding UTF8 -append
            catch {
                Write-Warning $_
                $TransportRule + "," + ($Params.values | % { $_ -join " "}) + "," + $_ | Out-file $failedPath -Encoding UTF8 -append