Function Get-ePoTaskLogSubTask { <# .SYNOPSIS The Get-ePoTaskLogSubTask gets information about the taskID specified. .DESCRIPTION The Get-ePoTaskLogSubTask gets information about the taskID specified. Needs Connect-ePoServer to have been run and uses the Invoke-ePoCommand function. .PARAMETER taskId The ID number of the task to find information about. .EXAMPLE Get-ePoTaskLogSubTask -taskId 111 Gets information about the task with an Id of 111. .NOTES This function is still a work in progress. Added support for an array of integers being passed to the taskId parameter. Added custom error handling. Uses Write-Warning to display the Error if the taskID does not exists but should continue to the next one if another is specified. Added support for Whatif #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName=$true)] [int[]]$taskId ) Begin { If(!($epoServer)) { Write-Warning "Connection to ePoServer not found. Please run Connect-ePoServer first." break } $BeginEA = $ErrorActionPreference $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" } Process { $TaskInformation = @() ForEach($id in $taskId) { Try { $results = Invoke-ePoCommand -Command "tasklog.listSubtasks" -Parameters "taskLogId=$($id)" } Catch { Write-Warning "An error occured running this command. Most likely cause is the task with $($id) is no longer running." Write-Warning $_ Continue } If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$id","Creating output object for subtasks of task")) { ForEach($result in $results.result.list.subtask) { $props=@{ComputerName=($result -replace "Computer Name: ") userName=$result.userName taskId=$taskId } $TakskInformation += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $props } } } If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$id","Outputting subtasks for task")) { $TaskInformation } } End { $ErrorActionPreference = $BeginEA } } |