
Function Get-ePoServerRunningTask
            Gets ePoServer Task information for running tasks using the ePo API.
            Sends the command specified to the McAfee EPO server. Connect-ePoServer has to be run first,
            as this function uses the epoServer global variable created by that functions connection to the server. Uses the Invoke-ePoCommand
            $ServerTaskList = Get-ePoServerRunningTask
            Gets task information for running tasks on the ePoServer. Will be empty output if no running task is found.
            Added support for Whatif

            Write-Warning "Connection to ePoServer not found. Please run Connect-ePoServer first."
        Write-Verbose "Running the API Command scheduler.listRunningServerTasks"
        $results = Invoke-ePoCommand -Command "scheduler.listRunningServerTasks"
        Write-verbose "Looping thru the results and creating a PowerShell object from that information."
        $Tasks = @()
        If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("listRunningServerTasks","Creating and outputting results of API command"))
            ForEach($Task in $results.result.list.serverTask)
                If($Task -notlike "")
                    $props = @{TaskID = $
                               Name = $
                               Description = $Task.description
                               startDate = $StartDate
                               endDate = $EndDate
                               nextRunTime = $NextRunTime
                               Enabled = $Enabled
                               Valid = $Valid
                $Tasks += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props