
Function Get-ePoClientTask 
            Gets client task information based on filter parameter.
            Gets client task information based on filter parameter. Uses the clienttask.find api command
        .PARAMETER Filter
            The search string to use for finding the client task. Defaults to a space, which returns all of
            the client tasks.
            Get-ePoClientTask -Filter "Full scan - Normal Priority"
            Returns information about the client task with Full scan - Normal Priority in the task name.
            Get-ePoClientTask -Filter "scan"
            Returns information about client tasks with scan in the task name.
            $UpdateClientTasks = Get-ePoClientTask -Filter "update"
            $DatUpdateTask = $UpdateClientTasks | Where {$_.TaskName -like "DAT Update"}
            $DatUpdateTask | Start-ePoClientTask -ComputerName "NEEDSDAT-UPDT"
            First gets information about clients tasks with update in the task name and stores it in a variable.
            Then filters that variable to Where-Object, for tasks with a name like DAT Update and stores it in a variable.
            Finally, it pipes that variable to Start-ePoClientTask, starting the Dat update client task on the computer named NEEDSDAT-UPDT.
            Get-ePoClientTask -Verbose
            Gets all of the Client tasks on the ePo server.
            Can be used with to filter for a client task and then pipe the results to the Start-ePoClientTask.
            Added support for -Whatif

        ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName=$true)]
        [string]$Filter = " "
            Write-Warning "Connection to ePoServer not found. Please run Connect-ePoServer first."
        Write-Verbose "Sending clienttask.find command to ePo API with parameter searchText=$($Filter)"
        $results = Invoke-ePoCommand -Command "clienttask.find" -Parameters "searchText=$($Filter)"
        If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Filter","Creating output object for clienttask.find command results found using filter"))
            $ClientTasks = @()
            ForEach($result in $results.result.list.element.objectTask)
                $props = @{TaskId=$result.objectId
                $ClientTasks += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $props