
Function Start-ePoQuery
        Runs a query using the ePo API.
        Sends the command specified to the McAfee EPO server. Connect-ePoServer has to be run first,
        as this function uses the epoServer global variable created by that functions connection to the server. Uses the Invoke-ePoCommand
    .PARAMETER QueryId
        The ID number of the query to be run.
        $ePoQueries = Get-ePoQuery
        $QueryResults = $ePoQueries | Where {$_.Description -like "*unmanaged*"} | Start-ePoQuery
        Retruns the output of the core.listQueries API command and stores the PowerShell custom object in a variable $ePoQueries.
        This is then piped to where-object to find queries with a description with unmanged in it.
        This in then piped in turn to the Start-ePoQuery and the results are stored in a variable.

            Write-Warning "Connection to ePoServer not found. Please run Connect-ePoServer first."
       $results = Invoke-ePOCommand -Command "core.executeQuery" -Parameters "queryId=$($QueryId)"
        If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$QueryId","Outputting results of query run"))
           ForEach($result in $results.result.list.row )