
function Get-YNABPayee {
    Describe the function here
    Describe the function in more detail
    Give an example of how to use it
    Give another example of how to use it
    .PARAMETER computername
    The computer name to query. Just one.
    .PARAMETER logname
    The name of a file to write failed computer names to. Defaults to errors.txt.








    begin {
        Write-Verbose "Get-YNABPayee.ParameterSetName: $($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName)"

        # Set the default header value for Invoke-RestMethod
        $header = Get-Header $Token

        # Exclude Location in the data return if $Location is not used
        if (!$Location) {$exclude = 'Location'}

    process {
        # Get the budget IDs if the budget was specified by name
        if ($BudgetName) {
            $budgets = Get-YNABBudget -List -Token $Token
            $BudgetID = $budgets.Where{$_.Budget -like $BudgetName}.BudgetID

        # Get the account ID if the account was specified by name
        if ($PayeeName) {
            $payees = (Get-YNABPayee -List -BudgetID $BudgetID -Token $Token)
            $PayeeID = $PayeeName.ForEach{
                $name = $_
                $payees.Where{$_.Payee -like $name}.PayeeID

        switch -Wildcard ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'List*' {
                $response = Invoke-RestMethod "$uri/budgets/$BudgetID/payees" -Headers $header
                if ($response) {
                    # Perform a payee location lookup if -Location is provided
                    if ($Location) {
                        $locations = Invoke-RestMethod "$uri/budgets/$BudgetID/payee_locations" -Headers $header
                    Get-ParsedPayeeJson $ $ | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty $exclude
            'Detail*' {
                # Return account details for each AccountID specified
                    $response = Invoke-RestMethod "$uri/budgets/$BudgetID/payees/$_" -Headers $header
                    if ($response) {
                        # Perform a payee location lookup if -Location is provided
                        if ($Location) {
                            $locations = Invoke-RestMethod "$uri/budgets/$BudgetID/payees/$_/payee_locations" -Headers $header
                        Get-ParsedPayeeJson $ $ | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty $exclude