Function Get-UcsWebConfiguration { Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address, [String[]]$IgnoreSources = ('ParsedHtml', 'RawContent', 'RawContentStream', 'StatusDescription', 'Headers', 'BaseResponse', 'Content', '#comment'), [String[]]$IgnoreParameters = ('Length'), [Hashtable]$SourceNameOverride = @{ 'CALL_SERVER' = 'sip' 'CONFIG_FILES' = 'config' 'DEVICE_SETTINGS' = 'device' 'PHONE_LOCAL' = 'local' 'WEB' = 'web' }, [Int]$Retries = $Script:DefaultRetries ) BEGIN { $ParameterList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList } PROCESS { #Structure: <# Foreach IpAddress Foreach SourceId (configuration Id) Foreach Source in the response (should only be one per) Foreach Parameter in each source #> Foreach ($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { Try { $Results = Invoke-UcsWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint 'Utilities/configuration/phoneBackup' -ErrorAction Stop $Results = [Xml]$Results $Results = $Results.PHONE_BACKUP $Sources = ($Results | Get-Member -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object -Property MemberType -EQ -Value Property | Where-Object -Property Name -NotIn -Value $IgnoreSources) } Catch { Write-Debug -Message "Skipping $ThisIPv4Address. $_" Continue } Foreach($Source in $Sources) { $SourceName = $Source.Name #Choose a displayname for the source if it's in the hashtable.. $SourceDisplayName = $SourceNameOverride[$SourceName] if($SourceDisplayName.Length -lt 1) { $SourceDisplayName = $SourceName } $SourceParameters = $Results.$SourceName Try { $ParameterNames = ($SourceParameters | Get-Member -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object -Property MemberType -EQ -Value Property).Name $ParameterNames = $ParameterNames | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -notin $IgnoreParameters } } Catch { Write-Debug -Message "We had an issue with $SourceName. Skipping..." Continue } Foreach ($ParameterName in $ParameterNames) { $ParameterValue = $SourceParameters.$ParameterName $ThisParameter = $ParameterName | Select-Object -Property @{ Name = 'Parameter' Expression = { $ParameterName } }, @{ Name = 'Value' Expression = { $ParameterValue } }, @{ Name = 'Source' Expression = { $SourceDisplayName } }, @{ Name = 'IPv4Address' Expression = { $ThisIPv4Address } } $null = $ParameterList.Add($ThisParameter) } } } } END { $ParameterList = $ParameterList | Sort-Object -Property IPv4Address, Parameter, Source Return $ParameterList } } Function Get-UcsWebParameter { Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address, [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = 'A UCS parameter, such as "Up.Timeout."',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][String[]]$Parameter) BEGIN { $ParameterOutput = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList } PROCESS { Foreach($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { $ThisParameterSet = Get-UcsWebConfiguration -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address $null = $ParameterOutput.Add(($ThisParameterSet | Where-Object -Property Parameter -In -Value $Parameter)) } } END { Return $ParameterOutput } } Function Set-UcsWebParameter { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address, [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = 'A valid UCS parameter, such as Up.Timeout',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][String]$Parameter, [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = 'A valid value for the specified parameter.')][String]$Value, [Switch]$PassThru) BEGIN { $ParameterOutput = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList Write-Warning -Message "Not working yet, haven't figured out how to submit the file." #TODO: Build a way to send a file. #Value accepts boolean values and converts them to something UCS can understand. if($Value -eq $true) { $Value = '1' } elseif($Value -eq $false) { $Value = '0' } $XMLFileOutput = @" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <PHONE_CONFIG> <WEB $Parameter="$Value" /> </PHONE_CONFIG> "@ } PROCESS { Foreach($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { $ThisResponse = Invoke-UcsWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint 'form-submit/Utilities/configuration/importFile' -Method Put -ContentType 'application/octet-stream' $null = $ParameterOutput.Add($ThisResponse) } } END { if($PassThru -eq $true) { Return $ParameterOutput } } } Function Get-UcsWebLyncStatus { Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address) BEGIN { $OutputArray = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList } PROCESS { Foreach ($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { Try { #Actual: $Results = Invoke-UcsWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint 'Utilities/LyncStatusXml' -ErrorAction Stop $Results = [Xml]$Results $Results = $Results.LYNC_STATUS_INFO $Results = $Results | Select-Object -Property BOSS_ADMIN, CCCP, EWS, MOH, LYNC_PARAMETERS, O365, QOE, BTOEPCPAIRING, @{ Name = 'IPv4Address' Expression = { $ThisIPv4Address } } $null = $OutputArray.Add($Results) } Catch { Write-Error -Message $_ Continue #Skip this item. } } } END { Return $OutputArray } } Function Get-UcsWebConfigurationOld { #The difference between this and the other is that this retrieves one at a time - using the backup capability, we get all of the data, all at once. Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address, [Int[]]$ConfigId = (-1, 1, 2, 5, 6), [String[]]$IgnoreSources = ('ParsedHtml', 'RawContent', 'RawContentStream', 'StatusDescription', 'Headers', 'BaseResponse', 'Content', 'All', '#comment'), [String[]]$IgnoreParameters = ('Length'), [Int]$Retries = $Script:DefaultRetries ) BEGIN { $ParameterList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList } PROCESS { #Structure: <# Foreach IpAddress Foreach SourceId (configuration Id) Foreach Source in the response (should only be one per) Foreach Parameter in each source #> Foreach ($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { $IsOnline = $false $RemainingRetries = $Retries Foreach($SourceId in $ConfigId) { Try { $Results = Invoke-UcsWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint "Utilities/configuration/exportFile?source=$SourceId" -ErrorAction Stop $Results = [Xml]$Results $Results = $Results.PHONE_CONFIG $Sources = ($Results | Get-Member -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object -Property MemberType -EQ -Value Property | Where-Object -Property Name -NotIn -Value $IgnoreSources) $IsOnline = $true #If we get here, we must have had a valid attempt, so we can set the flag that will prevent the retry mechanism from skipping this device. } Catch { Write-Debug -Message "Skipping config Id $SourceId for $ThisIPv4Address." $RemainingRetries-- if($RemainingRetries -le 0 -and $IsOnline -eq $false) { Write-Debug -Message 'No retries remaining' Break #Leave the SourceId loop. } Continue } Foreach($Source in $Sources) { $SourceName = $Source.Name $SourceParameters = $Results.$SourceName Try { $ParameterNames = ($SourceParameters | Get-Member -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object -Property MemberType -EQ -Value Property).Name $ParameterNames = $ParameterNames | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -notin $IgnoreParameters } } Catch { Write-Debug -Message "We had an issue with $SourceName. Skipping..." Continue } Foreach ($ParameterName in $ParameterNames) { $ParameterValue = $SourceParameters.$ParameterName $ThisParameter = $ParameterName | Select-Object -Property @{ Name = 'Parameter' Expression = { $ParameterName } }, @{ Name = 'Value' Expression = { $ParameterValue } }, @{ Name = 'Source' Expression = { $SourceName } }, @{ Name = 'SourceId' Expression = { $SourceId } }, @{ Name = 'IPv4Address' Expression = { $ThisIPv4Address } } $null = $ParameterList.Add($ThisParameter) } } } } } END { $ParameterList = $ParameterList | Sort-Object -Property IPv4Address, Parameter, Source Return $ParameterList } } Function Get-UcsWebFirmware { <# .PARAMETER Latest Returns only the most recent firmware available for this phone model. #> Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CustomServer')][String]$CustomServerUrl = '', [Switch]$Latest, [Timespan]$Timeout = (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 30) ) BEGIN { $AvailableVersions = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'CustomServer') { $ServerType = 'customserver' } else { $ServerType = 'plcmserver' } } PROCESS { Foreach ($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { #Actual request from a phone: $UnixTime = Get-UcsUnixTime Try { #Get the provisioning server info. $ServerInfo = Invoke-UcsWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint 'Utilities/softwareUpgrade/getProvisioningServer' -ErrorAction Stop $ServerInfo = $ServerInfo.Split(';') $HardwareId = $ServerInfo | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -like 'HARDWARE_ID=*' } | Select-Object -First 1 $HardwareId = $HardwareId.Substring($HardwareId.IndexOf('=') + 1) $HardwareRev = $ServerInfo | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -like 'HARDWARE_REV=*' } | Select-Object -First 1 $HardwareRev = $HardwareRev.Substring($HardwareRev.IndexOf('=') + 1) } Catch { $HardwareId = $null $HardwareRev = $null } Try { if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'CustomServer') { #If it's a custom server, we have to send the URL to the phone before asking for the update. $Body = @{ CUSTOM_SERVER = "$CustomServerUrl" } $null = Invoke-UcsWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint 'form-submit/Utilities/softwareUpgrade/updateCustomServer' -Method Post -Body $Body -ErrorAction -ContentType Stop } $Result = Invoke-UcsWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint "Utilities/softwareUpgrade/getAvailableVersions?type=$ServerType&_=$UnixTime" -ErrorAction Stop -Timeout $Timeout #The response sometimes has garbage before the first tag, so we need to drop it. $Result = $Result $FirstBracket = $Result.IndexOf('<') $Result = $Result.Substring($FirstBracket,$Result.Length - $FirstBracket) $Result = ([Xml]$Result).PHONE_IMAGES.REVISION.PHONE_IMAGE } Catch { Write-Debug -Message "Skipped $ThisIPv4Address due to error $_." } if($Latest -eq $true) { Write-Debug ('{0} results were returned but the -Latest parameter was included, so dropping all but last one.' -f $Result.Count) $Result = $Result | Select-Object -Last 1 } Foreach($Version in $Result) { Try { $ThisOutput = $Version | Select-Object -Property @{ Name = 'FirmwareRelease' Expression = { $_.Version } }, @{ Name = 'HardwareId' Expression = { $HardwareId } }, @{ Name = 'HardwareRev' Expression = { $HardwareRev } }, @{ Name = 'UpdateUri' Expression = { $_.Path } }, @{ Name = 'IPv4Address' Expression = { $ThisIPv4Address } } $null = $AvailableVersions.Add($ThisOutput) } Catch { Write-Debug -Message 'Skipped a version due to a parsing error.' } } } } END { Return $AvailableVersions } } Function Update-UcsWebFirmware { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address, [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][ValidatePattern('^https?://.+$')][String]$UpdateUri) BEGIN { $StatusResult = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList } PROCESS { Foreach ($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { Try { #Actual URL: <#$Body = @{ URLPath = "$UpdateUri" serverType = 'plcmserver' }#> $EncodedURL = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($UpdateUri) $Body = ('URLPath={0}&serverType={1}' -f $EncodedURL,'plcmserver') if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(('{0}' -f $ThisIPv4Address))) { $Result = Invoke-UcsWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint 'form-submit/Utilities/softwareUpgrade/upgrade' -Body $Body -Method Post -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -ErrorAction Stop } $null = $StatusResult.Add($Result) } Catch { Write-Error -Message "Skipped $ThisIPv4Address due to error $_" -Category DeviceError } } } END { Return $StatusResult } } Function Restart-UcsWebPhone { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address, [String][ValidateSet('Reboot','Restart')]$Type = 'Reboot') BEGIN { $StatusResult = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList } PROCESS { Foreach ($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { Try { #Actual URL: $Result = $null if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(('{0}' -f $ThisIPv4Address))) { $Result = Invoke-UcsWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint "form-submit/$Type" -Method Post -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -ErrorAction Stop } $null = $StatusResult.Add($Result) } Catch { Write-Debug -Message "Skipped $ThisIPv4Address due to error $_." Write-Error -Message "Couldn't restart $ThisIPv4Address." } } } END { Return $StatusResult } } Function Reset-UcsWebConfiguration { #sets special long timeout for this operation, as it takes a while to reply. [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address, [Timespan]$Timeout = (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 20)) BEGIN { $StatusResult = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList } PROCESS { Foreach ($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { Try { #Actual URL: if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ThisIPv4Address,'Reset to factory settings')) { $Result = Invoke-UcsWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint 'form-submit/Utilities/restorePhoneToFactory' -Method Post -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -Timeout $Timeout -ErrorAction Stop } $null = $StatusResult.Add($Result) } Catch { Write-Debug -Message "Skipped $ThisIPv4Address due to error $_." } } } END { Return $StatusResult } } Function Get-UcsWebLyncSignInStatus { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Normal")] Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Normal")][String][ValidateSet('None','SignedOut','SignedIn','SigningOut','SigningIn','PasswordChanged')]$WaitFor = 'None', [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Raw")][String][ValidateSet('None','UNREGISTERED','SIGNED_IN','SIGNING_OUT','SIGNING_IN','PASS_CHANGED')]$WaitForRaw = 'None', [Switch]$InvertWaitFor, [Int][ValidateRange(1,3600)]$TimeoutSeconds = 120 ) BEGIN { $ResultOutput = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $StartTime = Get-Date #Used for calculation of "WaitFor" $EndTime = $StartTime.AddSeconds($TimeoutSeconds) if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Normal') { Switch($WaitFor) { 'NONE' { $WaitForString = 'NONE'} 'SignedOut' { $WaitForString = 'UNREGISTERED' } 'SignedIn' { $WaitForString = 'SIGNED_IN' } 'SigningOut' { $WaitForString = 'SIGNING_OUT' } 'SigningIn' { $WaitForString = 'SIGNING_IN' } 'PasswordChanged' { $WaitForString = 'PASS_CHANGED' } default { Write-Error "Invalid option provided: $WaitFor" -ErrorAction Stop} #This should never happen. } } else { $WaitForString = $WaitForRaw } } PROCESS { Foreach($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { $ContinueWaiting = $true While($ContinueWaiting -eq $true) { Try { $UnixTime = Get-UcsUnixTime $SigninStatus = Invoke-UcsWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint "Settings/lyncSignInStatus?_=$UnixTime" -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { $SigninStatus = "UNAVAILABLE" Write-Error "Could not get sign in status for $ThisIPv4Address." $ContinueWaiting = $false #Regardless of our type, this is a dead-end, so stop checking. } #Check if we've met what we're waiting for. if($WaitForString -eq 'None') { $ContinueWaiting = $false } elseif($WaitForString -eq $SigninStatus -and $InvertWaitFor -eq $false) { $ContinueWaiting = $false } elseif($WaitForString -ne $SigninStatus -and $InvertWaitFor -eq $true) { $ContinueWaiting = $false } elseif( (Get-Date) -gt $EndTime) { $ContinueWaiting = $false Write-Warning "Timeout expired while waiting for $ThisIPv4Address." } else { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 #Delay to prevent hammering the phone too much. } } $ThisOutput = $ThisIPv4Address | Select-Object @{Name="IPv4Address";Expression={$ThisIPv4Address}},@{Name="SignInStatus";Expression={$SigninStatus}} $null = $ResultOutput.Add($ThisOutput) } } END { Return $ResultOutput } } Function Register-UcsWebLyncUser { Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName = 'PIN')][String][ValidatePattern('^\d+$')]$Extension, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName = 'PIN')][String][ValidatePattern('^\d+$')]$PIN, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName = 'Credential')][String][ValidatePattern('^\d+$')]$Address, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName = 'Credential')][String][ValidatePattern('^\d+$')]$Domain, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Credential')][pscredential]$Credential, [Switch]$Force, [Switch]$Wait ) BEGIN { $StatusResult = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList #$EncodedPassword = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($Password) $AuthTypeId = 3 #3 represents PIN authentication. if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'PIN') { $AuthTypeId = 3 $Body = @{ authType = "$AuthTypeId" extension = "$Extension" pin = "$PIN" } } elseif($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Credential') { $AuthTypeId = 2 $Body = @{ authType = "$AuthTypeId" address = "$Address" domain = "$Domain" username = $Credential.UserName password = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $Credential.Password } } } PROCESS { Foreach ($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { Try { #Actual URL: $CurrentSignInStatus = Get-UcsWebLyncSignInStatus -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $DoSignIn = $true if($CurrentSignInStatus.SignInStatus -eq "SIGNED_IN") { if($Force) { Write-Warning "$ThisIPv4Address was signed in. Sign-in has been unregistered." Unregister-UcsWebLyncUser -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -Wait -Confirm:$false } else { Write-Error "$ThisIPv4Address is currently signed in. Use the -Force flag to automatically unregister current sign-ins." $DoSignIn = $false } } elseif($CurrentSignInStatus.SignInStatus -eq "SIGNING_IN") { if($Force) { Write-Warning "$ThisIPv4Address was in the process of signing in. Sign-in has been cancelled and restarted." Stop-UcsWebLyncSignIn -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address $null = Get-UcsWebLyncSignInStatus -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -WaitFor SignedOut } else { Write-Error "$ThisIPv4Address is currently in the process of signing in. Use the -Force flag to automatically cancel current sign-ins." $DoSignIn = $false } } elseif($CurrentSignInStatus.SignInStatus -ne "UNREGISTERED") { if($Force) { Write-Warning "$ThisIPv4Address was not ready to sign in. Sign-in has been cancelled and restarted." Unregister-UcsWebLyncUser -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -Wait -Confirm:$false } else { Write-Error "$ThisIPv4Address is not currently ready for sign-in. Use the -Force flag to automatically cancel current sign-ins." $DoSignIn = $false } } if($DoSignIn) { $Result = Invoke-UcsWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint 'form-submit/Settings/lyncSignIn' -Method Post -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -Body $Body -ErrorAction Stop $null = $StatusResult.Add($ThisIPv4Address) #We only get to this line if the first line doesn't fail. } } Catch { Write-Error -Message "Skipped $ThisIPv4Address due to error $_." } if($Result -ne '' -and $null -ne $Result) { #The phone usually responds with nothing if a sign-in succeeds. Write-Error ('Sign-in request failed for {0} with error ''{1}.''' -f $ThisIPv4Address,$Result) } } } END { if($Wait) { #The wait flag allows a user to instruct the script to wait to exit until all phones have signed in. #As a nice side effect, this also allows us to throw an error if the sign-in fails for any reason. #We batch together all the phones to minimize wait time - this way, if you have 100 phones, there may be almost no waiting. Foreach ($ThisIPv4Address in $StatusResult) { $SigninStatus = Get-UcsWebLyncSignInStatus -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -WaitFor SigningIn -InvertWaitFor if($SigninStatus.SignInStatus -ne 'SIGNED_IN') { Write-Error ('Sign-in request failed for {0}. Bad credentials?' -f $ThisIPv4Address) -Category AuthenticationError } } } } } Function Unregister-UcsWebLyncUser { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address, [Switch]$Wait) BEGIN { $SuccessPhones = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList } PROCESS { Foreach ($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { Try { #Actual URL: if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ThisIPv4Address,'Sign out user')) { $Result = Invoke-UcsWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint 'form-submit/Settings/lyncSignOut' -Method Post -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -ErrorAction Stop } } Catch { Write-Error -Message "Skipped $ThisIPv4Address due to error $_." } if($Result -ne "SIGNING_OUT") { Write-Error ('Sign-out request failed for {0} with error ''{1}.''' -f $ThisIPv4Address,$Result) } else { $null = $SuccessPhones.Add($ThisIPv4Address) } } } END { if($Wait) { $null = Get-UcsWebLyncSignInStatus -IPv4Address $SuccessPhones -WaitFor SignedOut } } } Function Stop-UcsWebLyncSignIn { Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address) BEGIN { $null = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList } PROCESS { Foreach ($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { Try { #Actual URL: $SigninStatus = Get-UcsWebLyncSignInStatus -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address if($SigninStatus.SignInStatus -eq 'SIGNING_IN') { $Result = Invoke-UcsWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint 'form-submit/Settings/lyncCancelSignIn' -Method Post -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -ErrorAction Stop } else { Write-Error "No sign-in to cancel for $ThisIPv4Address." } } Catch { Write-Debug -Message "Skipped $ThisIPv4Address due to error $_." } if($Result -ne '' -and $null -ne $Result) { Write-Error ('Sign-in cancel request failed for {0} with error ''{1}''' -f $ThisIPv4Address,$Result) } } } END { } } Function Get-UcsWebAuditLog { Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address) BEGIN { $AllResult = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList } PROCESS { Foreach ($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { Try { #Actual URL: $UnixTime = Get-UcsUnixTime $Result = Invoke-UcsWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint "Diagnostics/log?value=audit&dummyParam=$UnixTime" -ErrorAction Stop $SplitString = $Result.Split("`r`n") | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Length -gt 2 } } Catch { Write-Debug -Message "Skipped $ThisIPv4Address due to error $_." } Foreach ($Line in $SplitString) { Try { $SplitAuditLine = $Line.Split('|') $TimedateString = $SplitAuditLine[0].Trim(' ') $MacAddress = $SplitAuditLine[1] $Message = $SplitAuditLine[2] $DateString = $TimedateString.Substring(0,6) $YearString = $TimedateString.Substring(($TimedateString.Length - 4)) $null = $TimedateString -match '\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}' $TimeString = $Matches[0] $TimedateString = ('{0} {1} {2}' -f $DateString, $YearString, $TimeString) $Date = Get-Date $TimedateString $ThisResult = 1 | Select-Object -Property @{ Name = 'Date' Expression = { $Date } }, @{ Name = 'MacAddress' Expression = { $MacAddress } }, @{ Name = 'IPv4Address' Expression = { $ThisIPv4Address } }, @{ Name = 'Message' Expression = { $Message } } $null = $AllResult.Add($ThisResult) } Catch { Write-Debug -Message "Skipped $Line due to error $_" } } } } END { Return $AllResult } } Function Get-UcsWebLog { Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address, [String][ValidateSet('app','boot')]$LogType = 'app') BEGIN { $AllResult = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList } PROCESS { Foreach ($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { Try { #Actual URL: $UnixTime = Get-UcsUnixTime $Result = Invoke-UcsWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint "Diagnostics/log?value=$LogType&dummyParam=$UnixTime" -ErrorAction Stop $SplitString = $Result.Split("`r`n") | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Length -gt 2 } } Catch { Write-Debug -Message "Skipped $ThisIPv4Address due to error $_." } $TheseResults = New-UcsLog -LogString $SplitString -LogType $LogType -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address Foreach($ThisResult in $TheseResults) { $null = $AllResult.Add($ThisResult) } } } END { Return $AllResult } } Function Clear-UcsWebLog { Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address, [Parameter(Mandatory)][String][ValidateSet('app','boot')]$LogType, [Switch]$PassThru) BEGIN { $AllResult = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList } PROCESS { Foreach ($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { Try { #Actual URL: $UnixTime = Get-UcsUnixTime $Result = Invoke-UcsWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint "Diagnostics/log?value=$LogType&clear=1&dummyParam=$UnixTime" -ErrorAction Stop $null = $AllResult.Add($Result) } Catch { Write-Debug -Message "Skipped $ThisIPv4Address due to error $_." } } } END { if($PassThru -eq $true) { Return $AllResult } } } Function Get-UcsWebLyncSignIn { Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address) BEGIN { $AllOutput = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList } PROCESS { Foreach($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { #Signin status is from #Cached credentials from $UnixTime = Get-UcsUnixTime Try { $SigninStatus = Invoke-UcsWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint "Settings/lyncSignInStatus?_=$UnixTime" -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Error -Message "Couldn't connect to $ThisIPv4Address." Continue } if($SigninStatus -eq 'SIGNED_IN') { $SignedIn = $true } else { $SignedIn = $false } $ThisOutput = $SignedIn | Select-Object -Property @{ Name = 'Registered' Expression = { $SignedIn } }, @{ Name = 'IPv4Address' Expression = { $ThisIPv4Address } } if($SignedIn -eq $true) { Try { $Credentials = Invoke-UcsWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint "Settings/lyncCachedCredentials?_=$UnixTime" -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Error -Message "Couldn't retrieve sign-in information for $ThisIPv4Address." Continue } $Credentials = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $Credentials if($Credentials.isUsingCfg -eq 'false') { $IsUsingCfg = $false } else { $IsUsingCfg = $true } $SipAddress = $null if($Credentials.address.length -gt 2) { $SipAddress = ('sip:{0}' -f $Credentials.address) } $ThisOutput = $ThisOutput | Select-Object -Property *, @{ Name = 'SipAddress' Expression = { $SipAddress } }, @{ Name = 'Domain' Expression = { $Credentials.domain } }, @{ Name = 'Username' Expression = { $Credentials.user } }, @{ Name = 'Extension' Expression = { $Credentials.extension } }, @{ Name = 'IsUsingConfig' Expression = { $IsUsingCfg } } if($Credentials.Extension.Length -gt 0) { #We're using PIN auth and therefore aren't using Domain or User. $ThisOutput = $ThisOutput | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Domain, Username } else { #We're using user auth and therefore aren't using Domain or User. $ThisOutput = $ThisOutput | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Extension } } $null = $AllOutput.Add($ThisOutput) #Add to the collection. } } END { Return $AllOutput } } Function Get-UcsWebDeviceInfo { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address ) BEGIN { $AllPhoneInfo = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList } PROCESS { Foreach($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { Try { # $ThisResult = Invoke-UcsWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint 'home.htm' -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Error -Message "Couldn't connect to $ThisIPv4Address." Continue } $Content = $ThisResult $Matches = $null $null = $Content -match "(\d+[A-Z]?\.){3}\d{4,}[A-Z]*" #We're looking for the specific format of the software version string, which seems to always be or similar. $FirmwareRelease = $Matches[0] $Matches = $null $null = $Content -match '(?<=\n\s*)(\w+\s)+\d+' $Model = $Matches[0].Trim("`r`n ") $Matches = $null $null = $Content -match '(?<=\s*)\d{4}-\d{5}-\d{3}' $HardwareId = $Matches[0].Trim("`r`n ") $Matches = $null $null = $Content -match "(?<=$HardwareId\sRev:)\w" $HardwareRev = $Matches[0].Trim("`r`n ") $Matches = $null $null = $Content -match '[a-f0-9]{2}:[a-f0-9]{2}:[a-f0-9]{2}:[a-f0-9]{2}:[a-f0-9]{2}:[a-f0-9]{2}' $MacAddress = (($Matches[0].Trim("`r`n ")).Replace(':','')).ToLower() $LastReboot = (Get-UcsWebLastReboot -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).LastReboot $ThisResult = 1 | Select-Object -Property @{ Name = 'MacAddress' Expression = { $MacAddress } }, @{ Name = 'Model' Expression = { $Model } }, @{ Name = 'HardwareId' Expression = { $HardwareId } }, @{ Name = 'HardwareRev' Expression = { $HardwareRev } }, @{ Name = 'FirmwareRelease' Expression = { $FirmwareRelease } }, @{ Name = 'LastReboot' Expression = { $LastReboot } }, @{ Name = 'IPv4Address' Expression = { $ThisIPv4Address } } $null = $AllPhoneInfo.Add($ThisResult) } } END { Return $AllPhoneInfo } } Function Get-UcsWebProvisioningInfo { Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address) BEGIN { $OutputObject = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList } PROCESS { Foreach ($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { $ProvisioningServer = $null Try { $Matches = $null $ProvUserType = Get-UcsWebParameter -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -Parameter ('device.prov.user','device.prov.serverType') $ProvUser = $ProvUserType | Where-Object Parameter -eq "device.prov.user" $ProvType = $ProvUserType | Where-Object Parameter -eq "device.prov.serverType" $Logs = Get-UcsWebLog -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -LogType app -ErrorAction Stop $Logs = $Logs | Where-Object Message -like "Provisioning server address is*" | Select-Object -Last 1 $null = $Logs.Message -match '(?<=Provisioning server address is).+(?=\.)' if($Logs.Count -eq 0) { #Try something else if the first thing didn't work. $Logs = $Logs | Where-Object Message -like "Prov|Server*is unresponsive" | Select-Object -Last 1 $null = $Logs.Message -match "(?<=Prov|Server ').+(?='.+)" } $ProvisioningServer = $Matches[0].Trim(' ') #Remove a leading FTP:// or similar. $ProvisioningServer = $ProvisioningServer.Replace('/','\') #Make all slashes the same. $ProvisioningServerIndex = $ProvisioningServer.LastIndexOf('\') + 1 if($ProvisioningServerIndex -gt 0) { $ProvisioningServer = $ProvisioningServer.Substring($ProvisioningServerIndex) } $ThisOutput = $ProvisioningServer | Select-Object @{Name="ProvServerAddress";Expression={$ProvisioningServer}},@{Name="ProvServerUser";Expression={$ProvUser.Value}},@{Name="ProvServerType";Expression={$ProvType.Value}},@{Name="IPv4Address";Expression={$ThisIPv4Address}} $null = $OutputObject.Add($ThisOutput) } Catch { Write-Error "Couldn't get provisioning server for $ThisIPv4Address" } } } END { Return $OutputObject } } Function Get-UcsWebLastReboot { Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address, [Timespan]$BootLogClockSkew = (New-Timespan -Seconds 300)) Begin { $Reboots = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList } Process { Foreach($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { Try { foreach($LogType in ('app','boot')) { $LastReboot = $null if($Model -like "*Trio*" -and $LogType -eq 'boot') { Write-Debug "Skipping boot logs for $ThisIPv4Address because it was detected as $Model." Continue } $TheseLogs = Get-UcsWebLog -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -LogType $LogType -ErrorAction Stop if($LogType -eq 'boot') { Foreach($Log in $TheseLogs) { #Apply a clock skew to the boot logs to correct for differences between reported times from logs and the REST API official time. $Log.DateTime = $Log.DateTime + $BootLogClockSkew } } $Logs = $TheseLogs | Sort-Object -Property DateTime $FirstLog = $Logs | Where-Object DateTime -ne $null | Where-Object Level -eq "*" | Where-Object Message -like "Initial log entry.*" | Select-Object -Last 1 $LastReboot = $FirstLog.DateTime if($null -ne $LastReboot) { Break #Leave this loop, we've found the lastreboot. } } } Catch { $LastReboot = $null Write-Error "Couldn't get a LastReboot for $ThisIPv4Address. Error was $_." } if($null -ne $LastReboot) { $ThisOutput = $LastReboot | Select-Object @{Name="LastReboot";Expression={$LastReboot}},@{Name="IPv4Address";Expression={$ThisIPv4Address}} $null = $Reboots.Add($ThisOutput) } } } End { Return $Reboots } } Function Reset-UcsWebParameter { Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address, [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = 'A UCS parameter, such as "Up.Timeout."',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][String[]]$Parameter) Begin { } Process { Foreach($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { Try { $FormBody = $null Foreach($ThisParameter in $Parameter) { $FormBody += @{$ThisParameter=$null} } # $null = Invoke-UcsWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint 'form-submit/resetToDefault' -Method Post -Body $FormBody -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Error "Couldn't reset parameter on $ThisIPv4Address." } } } End { } } |