
Function Send-UDPMessage
        Sends a datagram using the specified UDP Client
        Internal function.
        This function will send a datagram using the specified UDP Client.
        Send-UdpMessage -UdpWriter $Writer -Datagram $Message
        Sends the datagram, or byte array, $Message using the specified UDP Client $writer.

        # TCPWriter object, that is already connected to the TCP server.
        [Parameter(Mandatory   = $true,
                   HelpMessage = 'UDPClient object, that is already connected to the TCP server')]

        # Byte array containing the datagram to be sent.
        [Parameter(Mandatory   = $true,
                   HelpMessage = 'Byte array containing the datagram to be sent')]
    Write-Verbose -Message ([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($Datagram))

    $null = $UdpClient.Send($Datagram, $Datagram.Length)