

    Convenience method to validate a postcode.
    Returns true if the given postcode is valid, otherwise false
    Test-Postcode -Postcode "EH99 1SP"
    (or Test-Postcode -Postcode "EH991sp" )
    Validate the Postcode EH99 1SP. This returns true for both as the postcode is valid and the function is case and space insensitive.
    Test-Postcode -Postcode "Banana"
    Returns False as this postcode is very, very invalid.
    "GU1 1AA", "GU1 1AB", "GU1 1AC", "GU1 1AD" | Test-Postcode
    Validates each of these four correct-looking postcodes. The result is
    As the first and fourth postcodes are valid and the middle two, despite being the correct format, don't exist in the database.

function Test-Postcode {
        #Postcode to Validate. Required string. Case and space insensitive, examples 'SW1A 1AA', 'CF991SN'
            [string] $Postcode

    process {
        $result=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$API_ROOT/postcodes/$Postcode/validate" -Method Get -SkipHttpErrorCheck
        switch ($result.status) {
            200 {
            Default {
                throw $result.error