
    Geolocation data for the centroid of the outward code specified.
    Geolocation (latitude and longitude) data for the centroid of the outward code specified. The outward code represents the first half of any postcode (separated by a space).
    Get-OutwardCode "GU1"
    Return the full geolocation data for the Outward code "GU1"
    Get-OutwardCode "SW19" | Select-Object Latitude, Longitude
    Get the latitude and longitude for the centroid of the Outcode SW19.

function Get-OutwardCode {
      #Return geolocation results for this Outward Code
      [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="Outcode", Position=0)]
    process {
        $result=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI -Method Get -SkipHttpErrorCheck
        #Return the results
        switch ($result.status) {
            200 {
            Default {
                throw $result.error