.SYNOPSIS Connects to an Interaction Center(c) server .DESCRIPTION Connects to an Interaction Center(c) server. If the CIC server is in a switchover the Cmdlet will automatically switch to the primary server If the CIC server uses Out of Server Session Managers, the Cmdlet will automatically use them. .PARAMETER ComputerName The Interaction Center to connect to. .PARAMETER Credential A PSCredential object to connect with. if not provided, please user User and Password. .PARAMETER User The User to connect with .PARAMETER Password The passwprd for the User .PARAMETER Application The Application label to identify this script on the server .PARAMETER Language The language used to receive error texts, messages, statuses. Note: The language must be installed on the IC Server. .PARAMETER Protocol The transport protocol to use. Valid values: (http, https) Default value: http .PARAMETER Port The TCP Port to connect to. This is usually calculated after the protocol automatically. .PARAMETER MaxRedirection The maximum number of servers to hop (cic, backup, OSSM) before giving up .INPUTS The ComputerName can be piped in. .OUTPUTS ININ.ICSession Represents the CIC Session .EXAMPLE $session = New-ICSession -ComputerName -User admin -Password S3cr3t Description ----------- Connects to the CIC server with user name and a clear password .EXAMPLE $session = New-ICSession -ComputerName -Credential (Get-Credential admin) Description ----------- Connects to the CIC server with credentials for user admin (A dialog box pops up) .EXAMPLE $session = New-ICSession -ComputerName -Credential (Get-Credential admin) -Protocol https Description ----------- Connects to the CIC server with credentials for user admin (A dialog box pops up) over a secure transport. #> function New-ICSession() # {{{2 { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Credential')] [OutputType([ININ.ICSession])] Param( [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [Alias("ICServer", "Server", "Notifier")] [string] $ComputerName, [Parameter(Position=2, ParameterSetName='Credential', Mandatory=$true)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter(Position=2, ParameterSetName='Plain', Mandatory=$true)] [Alias("UserID", "Username")] [string] $User, [Parameter(Position=3, ParameterSetName='Plain', Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Password, [Parameter(Position=3, ParameterSetName='Credential', Mandatory=$false)] [Parameter(Position=4, ParameterSetName='Plain', Mandatory=$false)] [Alias("ApplicationName")] [string] $Application = "Powershell Client", [Parameter(Position=4, ParameterSetName='Credential', Mandatory=$false)] [Parameter(Position=5, ParameterSetName='Plain', Mandatory=$false)] [string] $Language = 'en-US', # TODO: Get the current system language [Parameter(Position=5, ParameterSetName='Credential', Mandatory=$false)] [Parameter(Position=6, ParameterSetName='Plain', Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("http", "https")] [string] $Protocol = "http", [Parameter(Position=6, ParameterSetName='Credential', Mandatory=$false)] [Parameter(Position=7, ParameterSetName='Plain', Mandatory=$false)] [int] $Port = 8018, [Parameter(Position=7, ParameterSetName='Credential', Mandatory=$false)] [Parameter(Position=8, ParameterSetName='Plain', Mandatory=$false)] [int] $MaxRedirections = 8 ) if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Credential') { Write-Verbose "Loading PSCredentials" $User = $Credential.UserName $Password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().password } $auth_settings = @{ __type = ""; userID = $User; password = $Password; applicationName = $Application; } | ConvertTo-JSON $headers = @{ "Accept-Language" = $Language } if ($Port -eq 8018 -and $Protocol -eq 'https') # TODO: Better check if Port is the default value { $Port = 8019 } foreach ($redirection in 1 .. $MaxRedirections) { try { $url = "${Protocol}://${ComputerName}:${Port}/icws" $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "${url}/connection" -Method Post -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Body $auth_settings -Headers $headers -SessionVariable webSession -ErrorAction Stop $results = ConvertFrom-JSON $response Write-Verbose "Connected to ${ComputerName} as ${User}" Write-Debug "Results: $results" $cookie_info = $response.Headers["Set-Cookie"] -replace '(Secure|HttpOnly)(?([,;])|$)','$1=1; ' $cookie_info = ConvertFrom-StringData ($cookie_info -replace '; ',"`n") $cookie = '' foreach($key in $cookie_info.Keys) { if ('version','path','domain','expires','HttpOnly','Secure' -notcontains $key) { $cookie += "; ${key}=$($cookie_info[$key])" } } $cookie = $cookie.substring(2) # Remove the initial '; ' Write-Debug "Adding cookie: $cookie to URL: $url" $webSession.Cookies.SetCookies($url, $cookie); return [ININ.ICSession] @{ id = $results.sessionId; token = $results.csrfToken; baseUrl = [System.Uri] $url; webSession = $webSession; servers = $results.alternateHostList; server = $results.icServer; user = [ININ.ICUser] @{ id = $results.userID; display = $results.userDisplayName }; language = $Language; } } catch [System.Net.WebException] { if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -ne 'ServiceUnavailable') { Throw $_ } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.ErrorDetails)) { Throw $_ } try { $details = ConvertFrom-Json $_.ErrorDetails } catch{} if ($details -eq $null) { Throw $_ } Write-Verbose "$ComputerName error: $($details.message) [$($details.errorId)]" if ('error.server.notAcceptingConnections','error.server.unavailable' -notcontains $details.errorId) { Throw $_ } if ($details.alternateHostList.Count -eq 0) { Throw $_ } $ComputerName = $details.alternateHostList[0] Write-Verbose "Next Server to Try: $ComputerName" } } Throw "Unavailable" # TODO: Throw better Exception! } # }}}2 |