function Submit-Renewal { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Specific',Position=0,ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$MainDomain, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Specific',Position=1,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateScript({Test-ValidFriendlyName $_ -ThrowOnFail})] [string]$Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='AllOrders',Mandatory)] [switch]$AllOrders, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='AllAccounts',Mandatory)] [switch]$AllAccounts, [switch]$Force, [switch]$NoSkipManualDns, [hashtable]$PluginArgs ) Begin { # make sure we have an account if renewing all or a specific order if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -in 'Specific','AllOrders') { try { if (-not (Get-PAAccount)) { throw "No ACME account configured. Run Set-PAAccount or New-PAAccount first." } } catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) } } } Process { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Specific' { # grab the order object $orderArgs = @{} if ($MainDomain) { $orderArgs.MainDomain = $MainDomain } if ($Name) { $orderArgs.Name = $Name } if (-not ($order = Get-PAOrder @orderArgs)) { try { throw "No order found for the specified parameters." } catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) } } # trigger an ARI check if supported if (-not (Get-PAServer).DisableARI -and (Get-PAServer).renewalInfo) { Update-PAOrder -Order $order } # skip if the renewal window hasn't been reached and no -Force if (-not $Force -and $null -ne $order.RenewAfter -and (Get-DateTimeOffsetNow) -lt ([DateTimeOffset]::Parse($order.RenewAfter))) { Write-Warning "Order '$($order.Name)' is not recommended for renewal yet. Use -Force to override." return } # skip orders with no plugin (likely because they were created using custom processes) if ($null -eq $order.Plugin) { Write-Warning "Skipping renewal for order '$($order.Name)' due to null plugin." return } # skip orders with a Manual DNS plugin by default because they require interactivity if (-not $NoSkipManualDns -and 'Manual' -in @($order.Plugin)) { Write-Warning "Skipping renewal for order '$($order.Name)' due to Manual DNS plugin. Use -NoSkipManualDns to avoid this." return } Write-Verbose "Renewing certificate for order '$($order.Name)'" # If new PluginArgs were specified, store these now. if ($PluginArgs) { Export-PluginArgs -Order $order -PluginArgs $PluginArgs } # Build the parameter list we're going to send to New-PACertificate $certParams = @{} if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($order.CSRBase64Url)) { # FromScratch param set $certParams.Domain = @($order.MainDomain); if ($order.SANs.Count -gt 0) { $certParams.Domain += @($order.SANs) } $certParams.CertKeyLength = $order.KeyLength $certParams.AlwaysNewKey = $order.AlwaysNewKey $certParams.OCSPMustStaple = $order.OCSPMustStaple $certParams.FriendlyName = $order.FriendlyName $certParams.PfxPass = $order.PfxPass if (Test-WinOnly) { $certParams.Install = $order.Install } } else { # FromCSR param set $reqPath = Join-Path $order.Folder "request.csr" $certParams.CSRPath = $reqPath } # common params $certParams.Name = $order.Name $certParams.Plugin = $order.Plugin $certParams.PluginArgs = $order | Get-PAPluginArgs $certParams.DnsAlias = $order.DnsAlias $certParams.UseSerialValidation = $order.UseSerialValidation $certParams.Force = $Force.IsPresent $certParams.DnsSleep = $order.DnsSleep $certParams.ValidationTimeout = $order.ValidationTimeout $certParams.PreferredChain = $order.PreferredChain $certParams.Profile = $order.Profile if ($order.LifetimeDays -gt 0) { $certParams.LifetimeDays = $order.LifetimeDays } # now we just have to request a new cert using all of the old parameters New-PACertificate @certParams break } 'AllOrders' { # get all existing orders on this account $orders = @(Get-PAOrder -List -Refresh) if ($orders.Count -gt 0) { $renewParams = @{ Force = $Force.IsPresent NoSkipManualDns = $NoSkipManualDns.IsPresent } # If new PluginArgs were specified use them if ($PluginArgs) { $renewParams.PluginArgs = $PluginArgs } # recurse to renew these orders $orders | Submit-Renewal @renewParams } else { Write-Verbose "No orders found for account $($" } break } 'AllAccounts' { # save the current account so we can switch back when we're done $oldAcct = Get-PAAccount # get the list of valid accounts $accounts = Get-PAAccount -List -Status 'valid' -Refresh foreach ($acct in $accounts) { # set it as current $acct | Set-PAAccount $renewParams = @{ AllOrders = $true Force = $Force.IsPresent NoSkipManualDns = $NoSkipManualDns.IsPresent } # If new PluginArgs were specified use them if ($PluginArgs) { $renewParams.PluginArgs = $PluginArgs } # recurse to renew all orders on it Submit-Renewal @renewParams } # restore the old current account if ($oldAcct) { $oldAcct | Set-PAAccount } break } } } } |