function Set-PAOrder { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName='Edit')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidAssignmentToAutomaticVariable','')] param( [Parameter(Position=0,ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$MainDomain, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateScript({Test-ValidFriendlyName $_ -ThrowOnFail})] [string]$Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Revoke', Mandatory)] [switch]$RevokeCert, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Revoke')] [switch]$Force, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Edit')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Revoke')] [switch]$NoSwitch, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Edit')] [ValidateScript({Test-ValidPlugin $_ -ThrowOnFail})] [Alias('DnsPlugin')] [string[]]$Plugin, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Edit')] [hashtable]$PluginArgs, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Edit')] [ValidateRange(0, 3650)] [int]$LifetimeDays, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Edit')] [string[]]$DnsAlias, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Edit')] [ValidateScript({Test-ValidFriendlyName $_ -ThrowOnFail})] [string]$NewName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Edit')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Subject, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Edit')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$FriendlyName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Edit')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$PfxPass, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Edit')] [ValidateScript({Test-SecureStringNotNullOrEmpty $_ -ThrowOnFail})] [securestring]$PfxPassSecure, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Edit')] [switch]$UseModernPfxEncryption, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Edit')] [switch]$Install, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Edit')] [switch]$OCSPMustStaple, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Edit')] [int]$DnsSleep, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Edit')] [int]$ValidationTimeout, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Edit')] [string]$PreferredChain, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Edit')] [switch]$AlwaysNewKey, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Edit')] [switch]$UseSerialValidation, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Edit')] [string]$Profile ) Begin { try { # Make sure we have an account configured if (-not ($acct = Get-PAAccount)) { throw "No ACME account configured. Run Set-PAAccount or New-PAAccount first." } } catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) } # PfxPassSecure takes precedence over PfxPass if both are specified but we # need the value in plain text. So we'll just take over the PfxPass variable # to use for the rest of the function. if ($PfxPassSecure) { # throw a warning if they also specified PfxPass if ('PfxPass' -in $PSBoundParameters.Keys) { Write-Warning "PfxPass and PfxPassSecure were both specified. Using value from PfxPassSecure." } # override the existing PfxPass parameter $PfxPass = [pscredential]::new('u',$PfxPassSecure).GetNetworkCredential().Password $PSBoundParameters.PfxPass = $PfxPass } } Process { # There are 3 types of calls the user might be making here. # - order switch # - order switch and edit/revoke # - edit/revoke only (possibly bulk via pipeline) # The default is to switch orders. So we have a -NoSwitch parameter to # indicate a non-switching revocation. But there's a chance they could forget # to use it for a bulk update. For now, we'll just let it happen and switch # to whatever order came through the pipeline last. # Make sure we have a distinct order to work with if ($Name) { $order = Get-PAOrder -Name $Name if (-not $order) { Write-Error "No order found matching Name '$Name'" return } } elseif ($MainDomain) { # They only specified MainDomain which means there could be multiple matches. But # we want to avoid letting users accidentally modify the wrong order. So error if # there are multiple matches. $order = Get-PAOrder -List | Where-Object { $_.MainDomain -eq $MainDomain } if (-not $order) { Write-Error "No order found matching MainDomain '$MainDomain'." return } elseif ($order -and $order.Count -gt 1) { Write-Error "Multiple orders found for MainDomain '$MainDomain'. Please specify Name as well." return } } else { # get the current order if it exists $order = Get-PAOrder if (-not $order) { Write-Error "No ACME order configured. Run New-PAOrder or specify a Name or MainDomain." return } } # check if the specified order matches the current order $modCurrentOrder = ($script:Order -and $script:Order.Name -eq $order.Name) # Edit or Revoke? if ('Edit' -eq $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { $saveChanges = $false $rewritePfx = $false $rewriteCer = $false $psbKeys = $PSBoundParameters.Keys if ('Plugin' -in $psbKeys -and ($null -eq $order.Plugin -or $null -ne (Compare-Object $Plugin $order.Plugin))) { Write-Verbose "Setting Plugin to $(($Plugin -join ','))" $order.Plugin = $Plugin $saveChanges = $true } if ('PluginArgs' -in $psbKeys) { Write-Verbose "Updating plugin args for plugin(s) $(($order.Plugin -join ','))" Export-PluginArgs -Order $order -PluginArgs $PluginArgs } if ('DnsAlias' -in $psbKeys) { Write-Verbose "Setting DnsAlias to $($DnsAlias -join ',')" $order.DnsAlias = @($DnsAlias) $saveChanges = $true } if ('Subject' -in $psbKeys -and $Subject -ne $order.Subject) { Write-Verbose "Setting Subject to '$Subject'" Write-Warning "Changing the value of Subject only affects future certificates generated with this order. It can not change the state of an existing certificate." $order.Subject = $Subject $saveChanges = $true } if ('FriendlyName' -in $psbKeys -and $FriendlyName -ne $order.FriendlyName) { Write-Verbose "Setting FriendlyName to '$FriendlyName'" $order.FriendlyName = $FriendlyName $saveChanges = $true $rewritePfx = $true } if ('PfxPass' -in $psbKeys -and $PfxPass -ne $order.PfxPass) { Write-Verbose "Setting PfxPass to '$PfxPass'" $order.PfxPass = $PfxPass $saveChanges = $true $rewritePfx = $true } if ('Install' -in $psbKeys -and $Install.IsPresent -ne $order.Install) { Write-Verbose "Setting Install to $($Install.IsPresent)" $order.Install = $Install.IsPresent $saveChanges = $true } if ('OCSPMustStaple' -in $psbKeys -and $OCSPMustStaple.IsPresent -ne $order.OCSPMustStaple) { Write-Verbose "Setting OCSPMustStaple to $($OCSPMustStaple.IsPresent)" Write-Warning "Changing the value of OCSPMustStaple only affects future certificates generated with this order. It can not change the state of an existing certificate." $order.OCSPMustStaple = $OCSPMustStaple.IsPresent $saveChanges = $true } if ('DnsSleep' -in $psbKeys -and $DnsSleep -ne $order.DnsSleep) { Write-Verbose "Setting DnsSleep to $DnsSleep" $order.DnsSleep = $DnsSleep $saveChanges = $true } if ('ValidationTimeout' -in $psbKeys -and $ValidationTimeout -ne $order.ValidationTimeout) { Write-Verbose "Setting ValidationTimeout to $ValidationTimeout" $order.ValidationTimeout = $ValidationTimeout $saveChanges = $true } if ('PreferredChain' -in $psbKeys -and $PreferredChain -ne $order.PreferredChain) { Write-Verbose "Setting PreferredChain to $PreferredChain" $order | Add-Member 'PreferredChain' $PreferredChain -Force $saveChanges = $true $rewritePfx = $true $rewriteCer = $true } if ('Profile' -in $psbKeys -and $Profile -ne $order.Profile) { if ($Profile -in (Get-PAProfile).Profile) { Write-Verbose "Setting Profile to $Profile" $order | Add-Member 'Profile' $Profile -Force $saveChanges = $true $rewritePfx = $false $rewriteCer = $false } else { Write-Warning "Profile '$Profile' is not currently supported on this ACME server. Ignoring profile selection." } } if ('AlwaysNewKey' -in $psbKeys -and (-not $order.AlwaysNewKey -or $AlwaysNewKey.IsPresent -ne $order.AlwaysNewKey) ) { Write-Verbose "Setting AlwaysNewKey to $($AlwaysNewKey.IsPresent)" $order | Add-Member 'AlwaysNewKey' $AlwaysNewKey.IsPresent -Force $saveChanges = $true } if ('UseSerialValidation' -in $psbKeys -and (-not $order.UseSerialValidation -or $UseSerialValidation.IsPresent -ne $order.UseSerialValidation) ) { Write-Verbose "Setting UseSerialValidation to $($UseSerialValidation.IsPresent)" $order | Add-Member 'UseSerialValidation' $UseSerialValidation.IsPresent -Force $saveChanges = $true } if ('LifetimeDays' -in $psbKeys -and $LifetimeDays -ne $order.LifetimeDays) { Write-Verbose "Setting LifetimeDays to $LifetimeDays" $order.LifetimeDays = $LifetimeDays $saveChanges = $true } if ('UseModernPfxEncryption' -in $psbKeys -and (-not $order.UseModernPfxEncryption -or $UseModernPfxEncryption.IsPresent -ne $order.UseModernPfxEncryption) ) { Write-Verbose "Setting UseModernPfxEncryption to $($UseModernPfxEncryption.IsPresent)" $order | Add-Member 'UseModernPfxEncryption' $UseModernPfxEncryption.IsPresent -Force $saveChanges = $true $rewritePfx = $true } if ($saveChanges) { Write-Verbose "Saving order changes" Update-PAOrder $order -SaveOnly } # re-export certs if necessary if ($rewriteCer -or $rewritePfx) { $cert = $order | Get-PACertificate if ($rewriteCer -and $cert) { Export-PACertFiles $order } elseif ($rewritePfx -and $cert) { Export-PACertFiles $order -PfxOnly } } # deal with potential name change if ($NewName -and $NewName -ne $order.Name) { $newFolder = Join-Path $acct.Folder $NewName if (Test-Path $newFolder) { Write-Error "Failed to rename PAOrder '$($order.Name)'. The path '$newFolder' already exists." } else { try { # rename the dir folder Write-Debug "Renaming '$($order.Name)' order folder to $newFolder" Rename-Item $order.Folder $newFolder -EA Stop # update the id/Folder in memory $order.Name = $NewName $order.Folder = $newFolder } catch { Write-Error $_ } } } # update the current order ref if necessary $curOrderFile = (Join-Path $acct.Folder 'current-order.txt') if ($modCurrentOrder -or -not $NoSwitch) { if ($order.Name -ne (Get-Content $curOrderFile -EA Ignore)) { Write-Debug "Updating current-order.txt" $order.Name | Out-File $curOrderFile -Force -EA Stop } $script:Order = $order } } else { # RevokeCert was specified # make sure the order has a cert to revoke and that it's not already expired if (-not $order.CertExpires) { Write-Warning "Unable to revoke certificate for order '$($order.Name)'. No cert found to revoke." return } if ((Get-DateTimeOffsetNow) -ge ([DateTimeOffset]::Parse($order.CertExpires))) { Write-Warning "Unable to revoke certificate for order '$($order.Name)'. Cert already expired." return } # make sure the cert file actually exists $certFile = Join-Path $order.Folder 'cert.cer' if (-not (Test-Path $certFile -PathType Leaf)) { Write-Warning "Unable to revoke certificate. $certFile not found." return } # confirm revocation unless -Force was used if (-not $Force) { if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("Are you sure you wish to revoke the certificate for order '$($order.Name)'?", "Revoking a certificate is irreversible and may immediately break any services using it.")) { Write-Verbose "Revocation aborted for order '$($order.Name)'." return } } Write-Verbose "Revoking certificate for order '$($order.Name)'." # grab the cert file contents, strip the headers, and join the lines $certStart = -1; $certEnd = -1; $certLines = Get-Content $certFile for ($i=0; $i -lt $certLines.Count; $i++) { if ($certLines[$i] -eq '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----') { $certStart = $i + 1 } elseif ($certLines[$i] -eq '-----END CERTIFICATE-----') { $certEnd = $i - 1 break } } if ($certStart -lt 0 -or $certEnd -lt 0) { try { throw "Malformed certificate file. $certFile" } catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) } } $certStr = $certLines[$certStart..$certEnd] -join '' | ConvertTo-Base64Url -FromBase64 # build the header $header = @{ alg = $acct.alg; kid = $acct.location; nonce = $script:Dir.nonce; url = $script:Dir.revokeCert; } $payloadJson = "{`"certificate`":`"$certStr`"}" # send the request try { Invoke-ACME $header $payloadJson $acct -EA Stop | Out-Null } catch { throw } # refresh the order Update-PAOrder $order } } } |