function Get-CurrentPluginType { 'dns-01' } function Add-DnsTxt { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Secure')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword','')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)] [string]$RecordName, [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=1)] [string]$TxtValue, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$SdnsApiRoot, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Secure')] [pscredential]$SdnsCred, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DeprecatedInsecure',Mandatory)] [string]$SdnsUser, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DeprecatedInsecure',Mandatory)] [string]$SdnsPassword, [switch]$SdnsIgnoreCert, [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments)] $ExtraParams ) $apiRoot = "$($SdnsApiRoot)/zones" # create a pscredential from insecure args if necessary if ('DeprecatedInsecure' -eq $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { $secpass = ConvertTo-SecureString $SdnsPassword -AsPlainText -Force $SdnsCred = [pscredential]::new($SdnsUser,$secpass) } $credSplat = @{} if ($SdnsCred) { $credSplat.Credential = $SdnsCred } try { # ignore cert validation for the duration of the call if ($SdnsIgnoreCert) { Set-SdnsCertIgnoreOn } $zone = Find-SimpleDNSPlusZone -RecordName $RecordName -SdnsApiRoot $SdnsApiRoot -CredSplat $credSplat # Get a list of existing TXT records for this record name try { $recs = (Invoke-RestMethod "$apiRoot/$zone/records" @credSplat @script:UseBasic -EA Stop ) | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq "TXT" -And $_.Name -eq $RecordName} } catch { throw } if (-not $recs -or "`"$TxtValue`"" -notin $ { $bodyJson = ConvertTo-Json @(@{Name=$RecordName;Type='TXT';TTL=600;'Data'=$TxtValue}) -Compress try { Write-Debug "Sending $bodyJson" Invoke-RestMethod "$apiRoot/$zone/records" ` -Method Patch @credSplat -Body $bodyJson ` -ContentType 'application/json' @script:UseBasic -EA Stop | Out-Null } catch { throw } } else { Write-Debug "Record $RecordName already contains $TxtValue. Nothing to do." } } finally { # return cert validation back to normal if ($SdnsIgnoreCert) { Set-SdnsCertIgnoreOff } } <# .SYNOPSIS Add a DNS TXT record to Simple DNS Plus Server. .DESCRIPTION Add a DNS TXT record to Simple DNS Plus Server. .PARAMETER RecordName The fully qualified name of the TXT record. .PARAMETER TxtValue The value of the TXT record. .PARAMETER SdnsApiRoot The root URL of the Simple DNS Plus Server API. For example, or .PARAMETER SdnsCred The HTTP API credentials required to authenticate. .PARAMETER SdnsUser (DEPRECATED) The HTTP API Username. .PARAMETER SdnsSecret (DEPRECATED) The HTTP API Password. .PARAMETER SdnsIgnoreCert Use this switch to prevent certificate errors when your Simple DNS Plus server is using a self-signed or other untrusted SSL certificate. When passing parameters via hashtable, set it as a boolean such as @{SdnsIgnoreCert=$true}. .PARAMETER ExtraParams This parameter can be ignored and is only used to prevent errors when splatting with more parameters than this function supports. .EXAMPLE Add-DnsTxt '' 'txtvalue' -SdnsApiRoot Adds a TXT record using anonymous authentication. .EXAMPLE $pArgs = @{ SdnsApiRoot = ''; SdnsCred = (Get-Credential); SdnsIgnoreCert = $true } PS C:\>Add-DnsTxt '' 'txtvalue' @pArgs Adds a TXT record using credentials and ignores certificate validation. #> } function Remove-DnsTxt { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Secure')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword','')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)] [string]$RecordName, [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=1)] [string]$TxtValue, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$SdnsApiRoot, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Secure')] [pscredential]$SdnsCred, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DeprecatedInsecure',Mandatory)] [string]$SdnsUser, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DeprecatedInsecure',Mandatory)] [string]$SdnsPassword, [switch]$SdnsIgnoreCert, [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments)] $ExtraParams ) $apiRoot = "$($SdnsApiRoot)/zones" # create a pscredential from insecure args if necessary if ('DeprecatedInsecure' -eq $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { $secpass = ConvertTo-SecureString $SdnsPassword -AsPlainText -Force $SdnsCred = [pscredential]::new($SdnsUser,$secpass) } $credSplat = @{} if ($SdnsCred) { $credSplat.Credential = $SdnsCred } try { # ignore cert validation for the duration of the call if ($SdnsIgnoreCert) { Set-SdnsCertIgnoreOn } $zone = Find-SimpleDNSPlusZone -RecordName $RecordName -SdnsApiRoot $SdnsApiRoot -CredSplat $credSplat # Get a list of existing Challenge TXT records for this record name, # Simple DNS Plus API returns full fqdns as each record, so no need to parse/shorten it. try { $recs = (Invoke-RestMethod "$apiRoot/$zone/records" @credSplat @script:UseBasic -EA Stop) | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty TTL | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq "TXT" -And $_.Name -eq $RecordName } } catch { throw } if (-not $recs -or "`"$TxtValue`"" -notin $recs.Data) { Write-Debug "Record $RecordName with value $TxtValue doesn't exist. Nothing to do." } else { # Txt record values in simple dns plus contains double quotes encasing the string. # So for it to JSON properly, we must remove those double quotes from the string. $recs | ForEach-Object { $_.Data = $_.Data -replace '"','' } $recToDelete = $recs | Where-Object {$_.Data -eq $TxtValue} $recToDelete | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Remove -NotePropertyValue $true $bodyJson = ConvertTo-Json @($recToDelete) -Compress try { Write-Debug "Sending $bodyJson" Invoke-RestMethod "$apiRoot/$zone/records" ` -Method Patch @credSplat -Body $bodyJson ` -ContentType 'application/json' @script:UseBasic -EA Stop | Out-Null } catch { throw } } } finally { # return cert validation back to normal if ($SdnsIgnoreCert) { Set-SdnsCertIgnoreOff } } <# .SYNOPSIS Remove a DNS TXT record from Simple DNS Plus Server. .DESCRIPTION Remove a DNS TXT record from Simple DNS Plus Server. .PARAMETER RecordName The fully qualified name of the TXT record. .PARAMETER TxtValue The value of the TXT record. .PARAMETER SdnsApiRoot The root URL of the Simple DNS Plus Server API. For example, or .PARAMETER SdnsCred The HTTP API credentials required to authenticate. .PARAMETER SdnsUser (DEPRECATED) The HTTP API Username. .PARAMETER SdnsSecret (DEPRECATED) The HTTP API Password. .PARAMETER SdnsIgnoreCert Use this switch to prevent certificate errors when your Simple DNS Plus server is using a self-signed or other untrusted SSL certificate. When passing parameters via hashtable, set it as a boolean such as @{SdnsIgnoreCert=$true}. .PARAMETER ExtraParams This parameter can be ignored and is only used to prevent errors when splatting with more parameters than this function supports. .EXAMPLE Remove-DnsTxt '' 'txtvalue' -SdnsApiRoot Removes a TXT record using anonymous authentication. .EXAMPLE $pArgs = @{ SdnsApiRoot = ''; SdnsCred = (Get-Credential); SdnsIgnoreCert = $true } PS C:\>Remove-DnsTxt '' 'txtvalue' @pArgs Removes a TXT record using credentials and ignores certificate validation. #> } function Save-DnsTxt { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments)] $ExtraParams ) <# .SYNOPSIS Not required. .DESCRIPTION This provider does not require calling this function to commit changes to DNS records. .PARAMETER ExtraParams This parameter can be ignored and is only used to prevent errors when splatting with more parameters than this function supports. #> } ############################ # Helper Functions ############################ # function Find-SimpleDNSPlusZone { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string]$RecordName, [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1)] [string]$SdnsApiRoot, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [hashtable]$CredSplat ) # setup a module variable to cache the record to zone mapping # so it's quicker to find later if (!$script:SdnsRecordZones) { $script:SdnsRecordZones = @{} } # check for the record in the cache if ($script:SDnsRecordZones.ContainsKey($RecordName)) { return $script:SdnsRecordZones.$RecordName } $apiRoot = "$($SdnsApiRoot)/zones" # get the list of available zones try { $zones = (Invoke-RestMethod $apiRoot @credSplat @script:UseBasic -EA Stop) ` | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq "primary"} ` | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name } catch { throw } # We need to find the closest/deepest # sub-zone that would hold the record rather than just adding it to the apex. So for something # like, we'd look for zone matches in the following # order: # - # - # - # - $pieces = $RecordName.Split('.') for ($i=0; $i -lt ($pieces.Count-1); $i++) { $zoneTest = $pieces[$i..($pieces.Count-1)] -join '.' Write-Debug "Checking $zoneTest" if ($zoneTest -in $zones) { $zoneName = $zones | Where-Object { $_ -eq $zoneTest } $script:SdnsRecordZones.$RecordName = $zoneName return $zoneName } } return $null } # These cert ignore helpers rely on some TLS initialization code that runs during the # module import. So if you're dot sourcing the plugin file to test, you need to account # for that. function Set-SdnsCertIgnoreOn { [CmdletBinding()] param() if ($script:SkipCertSupported) { # Core edition if (-not $script:UseBasic.SkipCertificateCheck) { # temporarily set skip to true $script:UseBasic.SkipCertificateCheck = $true # remember that we did $script:SdnsUnsetIgnoreAfter = $true } } else { # Desktop edition Write-Debug "Ignoring certs" [CertValidation]::Ignore() } } function Set-SdnsCertIgnoreOff { [CmdletBinding()] param() if ($script:SkipCertSupported) { # Core edition if ($script:SdnsUnsetIgnoreAfter) { $script:UseBasic.SkipCertificateCheck = $false Remove-Variable SdnsUnsetIgnoreAfter -Scope Script } } else { # Desktop edition Write-Debug "Un-Ignoring certs" [CertValidation]::Restore() } } |