function Export-PluginArgs { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)] [PSTypeName('PoshACME.PAOrder')]$Order, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [hashtable]$PluginArgs, [switch]$IgnoreExisting ) # In this function, we're trying to merge the specified plugin args with the existing set # of saved plugin arg data on disk. But some plugins have parameter sets that can # end up causing AmbiguousParameterSet errors if we just naively merge all new args. # So essentially what we're going to do is this for each specified plugin: # - query all supported args # - if any $PluginArgs match # - check for saved plugin args that match and remove them # - add the new args to the saved data # # This should allow you to do something like add names to an existing cert where the new names # utilize a different plugin than the previous ones and only need to specify the new plugin's # parameters in $PluginArgs. Begin { # Make sure we have an account configured if (-not ($acct = Get-PAAccount)) { throw "No ACME account configured. Run Set-PAAccount or New-PAAccount first." } function SecureSerialize { [CmdletBinding()] param( [object]$SecVar, [hashtable]$EncParam ) if ($SecVar -is [securestring]) { return [pscustomobject]@{ origType = 'securestring' value = $SecVar | ConvertFrom-SecureString @EncParam } } elseif ($SecVar -is [pscredential]) { return [pscustomobject]@{ origType = 'pscredential' user = $SecVar.Username pass = $SecVar.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString @EncParam } } elseif ($SecVar -is [array]) { $safeArray = foreach ($var in $SecVar) { SecureSerialize $var $EncParam } return $safeArray } else { # for now, assume everything else is safe to auto serialize and just # return the original object return $SecVar } } } Process { trap { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) } Write-Debug "Exporting plugin args for order '$($Order.Name)' with plugins $($Order.Plugin -join ',')" $pData = @{} if (-not $IgnoreExisting) { $pData = $Order | Get-PAPluginArgs } # define the set of parameter names to ignore $ignoreParams = @('RecordName','TxtValue','Url','Body') + [Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::CommonParameters + [Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::OptionalCommonParameters # $Order.Plugin will most often come with duplicates after being called from Submit-ChallengeValidation # So grab just the unique set. $uniquePlugins = @($Order.Plugin | Sort-Object -Unique) # Get all of the plugin specific parameter names for the current plugin list $paramNames = foreach ($p in $uniquePlugins) { Write-Debug "Attempting to load plugin $p" $pluginDetail = $script:Plugins.$p if (-not $pluginDetail) { Write-Error "$p plugin not found or was invalid." continue } # dot source the plugin file . $pluginDetail.Path # grab a reference to the appropriate Add command if ('dns-01' -eq $pluginDetail.ChallengeType) { $cmd = Get-Command Add-DnsTxt } else { $cmd = Get-Command Add-HttpChallenge } # return the set of non-common param names $cmd.Parameters.Keys | Where-Object { ($_ -notin $ignoreParams) -and ($true -notin $cmd.Parameters[$_].Attributes.ValueFromRemainingArguments) } } # Remove any old args that may conflict with the new ones foreach ($key in @($pData.Keys)) { if ($key -in $paramNames) { Write-Debug "Removing old value for $key" $pData.Remove($key) } } # Add new args to the old data foreach ($key in ($PluginArgs.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -in $paramNames })) { Write-Debug "Adding new value for $key" $pData.$key = $PluginArgs.$key } # Now we need to export the merged object as JSON # but we have to pre-serialize things like SecureString and PSCredential # first because ConvertTo-Json can't deal with those natively. # get the encryption parameter $encParam = Get-EncryptionParam -Account $acct -EA Stop $pDataSafe = @{} foreach ($key in $pData.Keys) { $pDataSafe.$key = SecureSerialize $pData.$key $encParam } # build the path to the existing plugin data file and export it $pDataFile = Join-Path $Order.Folder 'pluginargs.json' $pDataSafe | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File $pDataFile -Encoding utf8 } } |