
function Save-DnsChallenge {

    $pluginDir = Join-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase 'DnsPlugins'
    $pluginFile = Join-Path $pluginDir "$Plugin.ps1"

    # dot source the plugin file
    . $pluginFile

    # check for the command that should exist now based on plugin name
    $saveCommand = "Save-DnsTxt$Plugin"
    if (!(Get-Command $saveCommand -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        throw "Expected plugin command $saveCommand not found."

    # call the function with the required parameters and splatting the rest
    &$saveCommand @PluginArgs

        Commit previously published DNS challenges to the DNS server.
        Some DNS plugins don't make published DNS challenges live right away and require a save or commit step. This function should be called once after running all of the Publish-DnsChallenge commands.
        For DNS plugins that don't require a commit step, this function can still be run but does nothing.
    .PARAMETER Plugin
        The name of the DNS plugin to use. Use Get-DnsPlugins to display a list of available plugins.
    .PARAMETER PluginArgs
        A hashtable containing the plugin arguments to use with the specified DnsPlugin list. So if a plugin has a -MyText string and -MyNumber integer parameter, you could specify them as @{MyText='text';MyNumber=1234}.
        Save-DnsChallenge Manual @{}
        Commit changes using the Manual DNS plugin that requires no plugin arguments.
        Save-DnsChallenge Flurbog @{FBServer='';FBToken='abc123'}
        Commit changes using the Flurbog DNS plugin that requires FBServer and FBToken arguments.
