#Region '.\Private\apiCalls\ConvertTo-PokemonTCGQueryString.ps1' -1 function ConvertTo-PokemonTCGQueryString { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts uri filter parameters .DESCRIPTION The Invoke-PokemonTCGRequest cmdlet converts & formats uri filter parameters from a function which are later used to make the full resource uri for an API call This is an internal helper function the ties in directly with the Invoke-PokemonTCGRequest & any public functions that define parameters .PARAMETER uriFilter Hashtable of values to combine a functions parameters with the resourceURI parameter This allows for the full uri query to occur .PARAMETER resourceURI Defines the short resource uri (url) to use when creating the API call .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-PokemonTCGQueryString -uriFilter $uriFilter -resourceURI '/cards' Example: (From public function) $uriFilter = @{} ForEach ( $Key in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() ) { if( $excludedParameters -contains $Key.Key ) {$null} else{ $uriFilter += @{ $Key.Key = $Key.Value } } } 1x key = https://api.pokemontcg.io/v2/cards?q=name:ditto' 2x key = https://api.pokemontcg.io/v2/cards?q=types:water&select=id,name' .NOTES N/A .LINK https://celerium.github.io/PokemonTCG-PowerShellWrapper/site/Internal/ConvertTo-PokemonTCGQueryString.html #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$resourceURI, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [hashtable]$uriFilter ) begin {} process { if (-not $uriFilter) { return "" } $excludedParameters = 'Debug', 'ErrorAction', 'ErrorVariable', 'InformationAction', 'InformationVariable', 'OutBuffer', 'OutVariable', 'PipelineVariable', 'Verbose', 'WarningAction', 'WarningVariable', 'allPages','id' $query_Parameters = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([string]::Empty) ForEach ( $Key in $uriFilter.GetEnumerator() ) { if( $excludedParameters -contains $Key.Key ) {$null} elseif ( $Key.Value.GetType().IsArray ) { Write-Verbose "[ $($Key.Key) ] is an array parameter" foreach ($Value in $Key.Value) { $query_Parameters.Add($Key.Key, $Value) } } else{ $query_Parameters.Add($Key.Key, $Key.Value) } } # Build the request and load it with the query string $uri_Request = [System.UriBuilder]($PokemonTCG_BaseURI + $resourceURI) $uri_Request.Query = $query_Parameters.ToString() return $uri_Request } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\apiCalls\ConvertTo-PokemonTCGQueryString.ps1' 94 #Region '.\Private\apiCalls\Invoke-PokemonTCGRequest.ps1' -1 function Invoke-PokemonTCGRequest { <# .SYNOPSIS Makes an API request .DESCRIPTION The Invoke-PokemonTCGRequest cmdlet invokes an API request to PokemonTCG API This is an internal function that is used by all public functions As of 2024-11 the PokemonTCG v2 API only supports GET requests .PARAMETER method Defines the type of API method to use Allowed values: 'GET' .PARAMETER resourceURI Defines the resource uri (url) to use when creating the API call .PARAMETER uriFilter Used with the internal function [ ConvertTo-PokemonTCGQueryString ] to combine a functions parameters with the resourceURI parameter This allows for the full uri query to occur The full resource path is made with the following data $PokemonTCG_BaseURI + $resourceURI + ConvertTo-PokemonTCGQueryString .PARAMETER data Place holder parameter to use when other methods are supported by the PokemonTCG v2 API .PARAMETER allPages Returns all items from an endpoint When using this parameter there is no need to use the page parameter .EXAMPLE Invoke-PokemonTCGRequest -method GET -resourceURI '/cards' -uriFilter $uriFilter Invoke a rest method against the defined resource using any of the provided parameters Example: Name Value ---- ----- method GET Uri https://api.pokemontcg.io/v2/cards?q=name:ditto Headers {X-Api-Key = 123456789} Body .NOTES N/A .LINK https://celerium.github.io/PokemonTCG-PowerShellWrapper/site/Internal/Invoke-PokemonTCGRequest.html #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet('GET')] [string]$method = 'GET', [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$resourceURI, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Hashtable]$uriFilter = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Hashtable]$data = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$allPages ) begin { # Load Web assembly when needed as PowerShell Core has the assembly preloaded if ( !("System.Web.HttpUtility" -as [Type]) ) { Add-Type -Assembly System.Web } $FunctionName = $MyInvocation.InvocationName $ParameterName = $functionName + '_Parameters' -replace '-','_' $QueryParameterName = $functionName + '_ParametersQuery' -replace '-','_' } process { $query_string = ConvertTo-PokemonTCGQueryString -resourceURI $resourceURI -uriFilter $uriFilter Set-Variable -Name $QueryParameterName -Value $query_string -Scope Global -Force -Confirm:$false if ($null -eq $data) { $body = $null } else { $body = $data | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $PokemonTCG_JSON_Conversion_Depth } try { if ( [bool](Get-PokemonTCGApiKey) ) { $Base64ApiKey = [Convert]::ToBase64String( [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes( $(Get-PokemonTCGApiKey -plainTex)) ) } $parameters = [ordered] @{ "method" = $method "Uri" = $query_string.Uri "Body" = $body } if ($Base64ApiKey) { $parameters.Add( "Headers", @{ 'X-Api-Key' = $Base64ApiKey }) } Set-Variable -Name $ParameterName -Value $parameters -Scope Global -Force -Confirm:$false if ($allPages) { Write-Verbose "Gathering all items from [ $( $PokemonTCG_BaseURI + $resourceURI ) ] " $pageNumber = 1 $allResponseData = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::new() do { $parameters['Uri'] = $query_string.Uri -replace 'page=\d+',"page=$pageNumber" $currentPage = Invoke-RestMethod @parameters -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "[ $pageNumber ] of [ $([Math]::Ceiling( $currentPage.totalCount/$currentPage.pageSize )) ] pages" foreach ($item in $currentPage.data) { $allResponseData.add($item) } $pageNumber++ } while ($([Math]::Ceiling( $currentPage.totalCount/$currentPage.pageSize )) -ne $pageNumber - 1 -and $([Math]::Ceiling( $currentPage.totalCount/$currentPage.pageSize )) -ne 0) } else{ $apiResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @parameters -ErrorAction Stop } } catch { $exceptionError = $_.Exception.Message Write-Warning 'The [ Invoke_PokemonTCGParameters, Invoke_PokemonTCGParametersQuery, & CmdletName_Parameters ] variables can provide extra details' switch -Wildcard ($exceptionError) { '*402*' { Write-Error "Invoke-PokemonTCGRequest : The parameters were valid but the request failed - [ $($Invoke_PokemonTCGRequest_Parameters.uri.ToString()) ]" } '*404*' { Write-Error "Invoke-PokemonTCGRequest : [ $resourceURI ] not found!" } '*429*' { Write-Error 'Invoke-PokemonTCGRequest : API rate limited' } '*504*' { Write-Error "Invoke-PokemonTCGRequest : Gateway Timeout" } default { Write-Error $_ } } } finally { $Auth = $Invoke_PokemonTCGRequest_Parameters['headers']['X-Api-Key'] $Invoke_PokemonTCGRequest_Parameters['headers']['X-Api-Key'] = $Auth.Substring( 0, [Math]::Min($Auth.Length, 9) ) + '*******' } if($allPages) { #Making output consistent if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($allResponseData.data) ) { $apiResponse = $null } else{ $apiResponse = [PSCustomObject]@{ data = $allResponseData page = '1' pageSize = $null count = $null totalCount = ($allResponseData | Measure-Object).Count } } return $apiResponse } else{ return $apiResponse } } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\apiCalls\Invoke-PokemonTCGRequest.ps1' 200 #Region '.\Private\apiKeys\Add-PokemonTCGApiKey.ps1' -1 function Add-PokemonTCGApiKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the PokemonTCG API key .DESCRIPTION The Add-PokemonTCGApiKey cmdlet sets the PokemonTCG API key which is used to authenticate all API calls made to PokemonTCG An API key is not required to use the PokemonTCG API. However if you aren't using an API key, you are rate limited to 1000 requests a day, and a maximum of 30 per minute A PokemonTCG API key can be acquired via an account on https://dev.pokemontcg.io/ .PARAMETER ApiKey Defines your API secret key .EXAMPLE Add-PokemonTCGApiKey No API key is set .EXAMPLE Add-PokemonTCGApiKey -ApiKey '12345' Sets the API key to the defined value .EXAMPLE '12345' | Add-PokemonTCGApiKey Sets the API key to the defined value .NOTES N/A .LINK https://celerium.github.io/PokemonTCG-PowerShellWrapper/site/Internal/Add-PokemonTCGApiKey.html #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('Set-PokemonTCGApiKey')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$ApiKey ) begin {} process { if ($ApiKey) { $x_api_key = ConvertTo-SecureString $ApiKey -AsPlainText -Force Set-Variable -Name "PokemonTCG_API_Key" -Value $x_api_key -Option ReadOnly -Scope Global -Force } else { Write-Verbose "Not using an API key will limit queries to 1000 requests a day, and a maximum of 30 per minute" } } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\apiKeys\Add-PokemonTCGApiKey.ps1' 65 #Region '.\Private\apiKeys\Get-PokemonTCGApiKey.ps1' -1 function Get-PokemonTCGApiKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the PokemonTCG API key .DESCRIPTION The Get-PokemonTCGApiKey cmdlet gets the PokemonTCG API key global variable .PARAMETER plainText Decrypt and return the API key in plain text .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGApiKey Gets the PokemonTCG API key global variable and returns it as a SecureString .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGApiKey -plainText Gets the PokemonTCG API key global variable and returns it as plain text .NOTES N/A .LINK https://celerium.github.io/PokemonTCG-PowerShellWrapper/site/Internal/Get-PokemonTCGApiKey.html #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$plainText ) begin {} process { try { if ($PokemonTCG_API_Key) { if ($plainText) { $Api_Key = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($PokemonTCG_API_Key) ([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringBSTR($Api_Key)).ToString() } else { $PokemonTCG_API_Key } } else { Write-Verbose "The PokemonTCG API key is not set. Run Add-PokemonTCGApiKey to set the API key." } } catch { Write-Error $_ } finally { if ($Api_Key) { [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ZeroFreeBSTR($Api_Key) } } } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\apiKeys\Get-PokemonTCGApiKey.ps1' 73 #Region '.\Private\apiKeys\Remove-PokemonTCGApiKey.ps1' -1 function Remove-PokemonTCGApiKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes the PokemonTCG API key .DESCRIPTION The Remove-PokemonTCGApiKey cmdlet removes the PokemonTCG API key global variable .EXAMPLE Remove-PokemonTCGApiKey Removes the PokemonTCG API key global variable .NOTES N/A .LINK https://celerium.github.io/PokemonTCG-PowerShellWrapper/site/Internal/Remove-PokemonTCGApiKey.html #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param () begin {} process { switch ([bool]$PokemonTCG_API_Key) { $true { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('PokemonTCG_API_Key')) { Remove-Variable -Name "PokemonTCG_API_Key" -Scope Global -Force } } $false { Write-Warning "The PokemonTCG API key is not set. Nothing to remove" } } } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\apiKeys\Remove-PokemonTCGApiKey.ps1' 44 #Region '.\Private\apiKeys\Test-PokemonTCGApiKey.ps1' -1 function Test-PokemonTCGApiKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Test the PokemonTCG API key .DESCRIPTION The Test-PokemonTCGApiKey cmdlet tests the base URI & API key that were defined in the Add-PokemonTCGBaseURI & Add-PokemonTCGApiKey cmdlets .PARAMETER BaseURI Define the base URI for the PokemonTCG API connection using PokemonTCG's URI or a custom URI The default base URI is https://api.pokemontcg.io/v2 .EXAMPLE Test-PokemonTCGBaseURI Tests the base URI & API key that was defined in the Add-PokemonTCGBaseURI & Add-PokemonTCGApiKey cmdlets The default full base uri test path is: https://api.pokemontcg.io/v2/types .EXAMPLE Test-PokemonTCGBaseURI -BaseURI http://myapi.gateway.celerium.org Tests the base URI & API key that was defined in the Add-PokemonTCGBaseURI & Add-PokemonTCGApiKey cmdlets The full base uri test path in this example is: http://myapi.gateway.celerium.org/types .NOTES N/A .LINK https://celerium.github.io/PokemonTCG-PowerShellWrapper/site/Internal/Test-PokemonTCGApiKey.html #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string]$BaseURI = $PokemonTCG_BaseURI ) begin { $resourceURI = "/types" } process { try { $PokemonTCG_Headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[string],[string]]" $PokemonTCG_Headers.Add("Content-Type", 'application/json') if ( [bool](Get-PokemonTCGApiKey) ) { Write-Verbose "Performing API key test against [ $($BaseURI + $resourceURI) ]" $Base64ApiKey = [Convert]::ToBase64String( [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes( $(Get-PokemonTCGApiKey -plainTex)) ) $PokemonTCG_Headers.Add('X-Api-Key', $Base64ApiKey) } else{ Write-Verbose "Performing test WITHOUT an API key against [ $($BaseUri + $resourceURI) ]" } $rest_output = Invoke-WebRequest -method Get -uri ($BaseURI + $resourceURI) -headers $PokemonTCG_Headers -ErrorAction Stop } catch { [PSCustomObject]@{ method = $_.Exception.Response.method StatusCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ StatusDescription = $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription Message = $_.Exception.Message URI = $($PokemonTCG_BaseURI + $resourceURI) } } finally { Remove-Variable -Name PokemonTCG_Headers -Force } if ($rest_output) { $data = @{} $data = $rest_output [PSCustomObject]@{ StatusCode = $data.StatusCode StatusDescription = $data.StatusDescription URI = $($PokemonTCG_BaseURI + $resourceURI) } } } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\apiKeys\Test-PokemonTCGApiKey.ps1' 98 #Region '.\Private\baseUri\Add-PokemonTCGBaseURI.ps1' -1 function Add-PokemonTCGBaseURI { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the base URI for the PokemonTCG API .DESCRIPTION The Add-PokemonTCGBaseURI cmdlet sets the base URI which is later used to construct the full URI for all API calls .PARAMETER BaseURI Define the base URI for the PokemonTCG API connection .EXAMPLE Add-PokemonTCGBaseURI The base URI will use https://api.pokemontcg.io/v2 which is PokemonTCG's default URI .EXAMPLE Add-PokemonTCGBaseURI -BaseURI http://myapi.gateway.celerium.org A custom API gateway of http://myapi.gateway.celerium.org will be used for all API calls to PokemonTCG's API .NOTES N/A .LINK https://celerium.github.io/PokemonTCG-PowerShellWrapper/site/Internal/Add-PokemonTCGBaseURI.html #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('Set-PokemonTCGBaseURI')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false , ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string]$BaseURI = 'https://api.pokemontcg.io/v2' ) begin {} process { # Trim superfluous forward slash from address (if applicable) if ($BaseURI[$BaseURI.Length-1] -eq "/") { $BaseURI = $BaseURI.Substring(0,$BaseURI.Length-1) } Set-Variable -Name "PokemonTCG_BaseURI" -Value $BaseURI -Option ReadOnly -Scope Global -Force } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\baseUri\Add-PokemonTCGBaseURI.ps1' 55 #Region '.\Private\baseUri\Get-PokemonTCGBaseURI.ps1' -1 function Get-PokemonTCGBaseURI { <# .SYNOPSIS Shows the PokemonTCG base URI global variable .DESCRIPTION The Get-PokemonTCGBaseURI cmdlet shows the PokemonTCG base URI global variable value .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGBaseURI Shows the PokemonTCG base URI global variable value .NOTES N/A .LINK https://celerium.github.io/PokemonTCG-PowerShellWrapper/site/Internal/Get-PokemonTCGBaseURI.html #> [CmdletBinding()] Param () begin {} process { switch ([bool]$PokemonTCG_BaseURI) { $true { $PokemonTCG_BaseURI } $false { Write-Warning "The PokemonTCG base URI is not set. Run Add-PokemonTCGBaseURI to set the base URI." } } } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\baseUri\Get-PokemonTCGBaseURI.ps1' 39 #Region '.\Private\baseUri\Remove-PokemonTCGBaseURI.ps1' -1 function Remove-PokemonTCGBaseURI { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes the PokemonTCG base URI global variable .DESCRIPTION The Remove-PokemonTCGBaseURI cmdlet removes the PokemonTCG base URI global variable .EXAMPLE Remove-PokemonTCGBaseURI Removes the PokemonTCG base URI global variable .NOTES N/A .LINK https://celerium.github.io/PokemonTCG-PowerShellWrapper/site/Internal/Remove-PokemonTCGBaseURI.html #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param () begin {} process { switch ([bool]$PokemonTCG_BaseURI) { $true { Remove-Variable -Name "PokemonTCG_BaseURI" -Scope Global -Force } $false { Write-Warning "The PokemonTCG base URI variable is not set. Nothing to remove" } } } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\baseUri\Remove-PokemonTCGBaseURI.ps1' 39 #Region '.\Private\moduleSettings\Export-PokemonTCGModuleSettings.ps1' -1 function Export-PokemonTCGModuleSettings { <# .SYNOPSIS Exports the PokemonTCG BaseURI, API, & JSON configuration information to file .DESCRIPTION The Export-PokemonTCGModuleSettings cmdlet exports the PokemonTCG BaseURI, API, & JSON configuration information to file Making use of PowerShell's System.Security.SecureString type, exporting module settings encrypts your API key in a format that can only be unencrypted with the your Windows account as this encryption is tied to your user principal This means that you cannot copy your configuration file to another computer or user account and expect it to work .PARAMETER PokemonTCGConfPath Define the location to store the PokemonTCG configuration file By default the configuration file is stored in the following location: $env:USERPROFILE\PokemonTCG .PARAMETER PokemonTCGConfFile Define the name of the PokemonTCG configuration file By default the configuration file is named: config.psd1 .EXAMPLE Export-PokemonTCGModuleSettings Validates that the BaseURI, API, and JSON depth are set then exports their values to the current user's PokemonTCG configuration file located at: $env:USERPROFILE\PokemonTCG\config.psd1 .EXAMPLE Export-PokemonTCGModuleSettings -PokemonTCGConfPath C:\PokemonTCG -PokemonTCGConfFile MyConfig.psd1 Validates that the BaseURI, API, and JSON depth are set then exports their values to the current user's PokemonTCG configuration file located at: C:\PokemonTCG\MyConfig.psd1 .NOTES N/A .LINK https://celerium.github.io/PokemonTCG-PowerShellWrapper/site/Internal/Export-PokemonTCGModuleSettings.html #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'set')] Param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'set')] [string]$PokemonTCGConfPath = $(Join-Path -Path $home -ChildPath $(if ($IsWindows -or $PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') {"PokemonTCG"}else{".PokemonTCG"}) ), [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'set')] [string]$PokemonTCGConfFile = 'config.psd1' ) begin {} process { Write-Warning "Secrets are stored using Windows Data Protection API (DPAPI)" Write-Warning "DPAPI provides user context encryption in Windows but NOT in other operating systems like Linux or UNIX. It is recommended to use a more secure & cross-platform storage method" $PokemonTCGConfig = Join-Path -Path $PokemonTCGConfPath -ChildPath $PokemonTCGConfFile # Confirm variables exist and are not null before exporting if ($PokemonTCG_BaseURI -and $PokemonTCG_API_Key -and $PokemonTCG_JSON_Conversion_Depth) { $secureString = $PokemonTCG_API_Key | ConvertFrom-SecureString if ($IsWindows -or $PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') { New-Item -Path $PokemonTCGConfPath -ItemType Directory -Force | ForEach-Object { $_.Attributes = $_.Attributes -bor "Hidden" } } else{ New-Item -Path $PokemonTCGConfPath -ItemType Directory -Force } @" @{ PokemonTCG_BaseURI = '$PokemonTCG_BaseURI' PokemonTCG_API_Key = '$secureString' PokemonTCG_JSON_Conversion_Depth = '$PokemonTCG_JSON_Conversion_Depth' } "@ | Out-File -FilePath $PokemonTCGConfig -Force } else { Write-Error "Failed to export PokemonTCG Module settings to [ $PokemonTCGConfig ]" Write-Error $_ exit 1 } } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\moduleSettings\Export-PokemonTCGModuleSettings.ps1' 93 #Region '.\Private\moduleSettings\Get-PokemonTCGModuleSettings.ps1' -1 function Get-PokemonTCGModuleSettings { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the saved PokemonTCG configuration settings .DESCRIPTION The Get-PokemonTCGModuleSettings cmdlet gets the saved PokemonTCG configuration settings from the local system By default the configuration file is stored in the following location: $env:USERPROFILE\PokemonTCG .PARAMETER PokemonTCGConfPath Define the location to store the PokemonTCG configuration file By default the configuration file is stored in the following location: $env:USERPROFILE\PokemonTCG .PARAMETER PokemonTCGConfFile Define the name of the PokemonTCG configuration file By default the configuration file is named: config.psd1 .PARAMETER openConfFile Opens the PokemonTCG configuration file .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGModuleSettings Gets the contents of the configuration file that was created with the Export-PokemonTCGModuleSettings The default location of the PokemonTCG configuration file is: $env:USERPROFILE\PokemonTCG\config.psd1 .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGModuleSettings -PokemonTCGConfPath C:\PokemonTCG -PokemonTCGConfFile MyConfig.psd1 -openConfFile Opens the configuration file from the defined location in the default editor The location of the PokemonTCG configuration file in this example is: C:\PokemonTCG\MyConfig.psd1 .NOTES N/A .LINK https://celerium.github.io/PokemonTCG-PowerShellWrapper/site/Internal/Get-PokemonTCGModuleSettings.html #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'index')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'index')] [string]$PokemonTCGConfPath = $(Join-Path -Path $home -ChildPath $(if ($IsWindows -or $PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') {"PokemonTCG"}else{".PokemonTCG"}) ), [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'index')] [string]$PokemonTCGConfFile = 'config.psd1', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'show')] [switch]$openConfFile ) begin { $PokemonTCGConfig = Join-Path -Path $PokemonTCGConfPath -ChildPath $PokemonTCGConfFile } process { if ( Test-Path -Path $PokemonTCGConfig ) { if($openConfFile) { Invoke-Item -Path $PokemonTCGConfig } else{ Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory $PokemonTCGConfPath -FileName $PokemonTCGConfFile } } else{ Write-Verbose "No configuration file found at [ $PokemonTCGConfig ]" } } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\moduleSettings\Get-PokemonTCGModuleSettings.ps1' 89 #Region '.\Private\moduleSettings\Import-PokemonTCGModuleSettings.ps1' -1 function Import-PokemonTCGModuleSettings { <# .SYNOPSIS Imports the PokemonTCG BaseURI, API, & JSON configuration information to the current session .DESCRIPTION The Import-PokemonTCGModuleSettings cmdlet imports the PokemonTCG BaseURI, API, & JSON configuration information stored in the PokemonTCG configuration file to the users current session By default the configuration file is stored in the following location: $env:USERPROFILE\PokemonTCG .PARAMETER PokemonTCGConfPath Define the location to store the PokemonTCG configuration file By default the configuration file is stored in the following location: $env:USERPROFILE\PokemonTCG .PARAMETER PokemonTCGConfFile Define the name of the PokemonTCG configuration file By default the configuration file is named: config.psd1 .EXAMPLE Import-PokemonTCGModuleSettings Validates that the configuration file created with the Export-PokemonTCGModuleSettings cmdlet exists then imports the stored data into the current users session The default location of the PokemonTCG configuration file is: $env:USERPROFILE\PokemonTCG\config.psd1 .EXAMPLE Import-PokemonTCGModuleSettings -PokemonTCGConfPath C:\PokemonTCG -PokemonTCGConfFile MyConfig.psd1 Validates that the configuration file created with the Export-PokemonTCGModuleSettings cmdlet exists then imports the stored data into the current users session The location of the PokemonTCG configuration file in this example is: C:\PokemonTCG\MyConfig.psd1 .NOTES N/A .LINK https://celerium.github.io/PokemonTCG-PowerShellWrapper/site/Internal/Import-PokemonTCGModuleSettings.html #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'set')] Param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'set')] [string]$PokemonTCGConfPath = $(Join-Path -Path $home -ChildPath $(if ($IsWindows -or $PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') {"PokemonTCG"}else{".PokemonTCG"}) ), [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'set')] [string]$PokemonTCGConfFile = 'config.psd1' ) begin { $PokemonTCGConfig = Join-Path -Path $PokemonTCGConfPath -ChildPath $PokemonTCGConfFile } process { if ( Test-Path $PokemonTCGConfig ) { $tmp_config = Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory $PokemonTCGConfPath -FileName $PokemonTCGConfFile # Send to function to strip potentially superfluous slash (/) Add-PokemonTCGBaseURI $tmp_config.PokemonTCG_BaseURI $tmp_config.PokemonTCG_API_Key = ConvertTo-SecureString $tmp_config.PokemonTCG_API_Key Set-Variable -Name "PokemonTCG_API_Key" -Value $tmp_config.PokemonTCG_API_Key -Option ReadOnly -Scope Global -Force Set-Variable -Name "PokemonTCG_JSON_Conversion_Depth" -Value $tmp_config.PokemonTCG_JSON_Conversion_Depth -Scope Global -Force Write-Verbose "PokemonTCG Module configuration loaded successfully from [ $PokemonTCGConfig ]" # Clean things up Remove-Variable "tmp_config" } else { Write-Verbose "No configuration file found at [ $PokemonTCGConfig ] run Add-PokemonTCGApiKey to get started." Add-PokemonTCGBaseURI Set-Variable -Name "PokemonTCG_BaseURI" -Value $(Get-PokemonTCGBaseURI) -Option ReadOnly -Scope Global -Force Set-Variable -Name "PokemonTCG_JSON_Conversion_Depth" -Value 100 -Scope Global -Force } } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\moduleSettings\Import-PokemonTCGModuleSettings.ps1' 96 #Region '.\Private\moduleSettings\Initialize-PokemonTCGModuleSettings.ps1' -1 #Used to auto load either baseline settings or saved configurations when the module is imported Import-PokemonTCGModuleSettings -Verbose:$false #EndRegion '.\Private\moduleSettings\Initialize-PokemonTCGModuleSettings.ps1' 3 #Region '.\Private\moduleSettings\Remove-PokemonTCGModuleSettings.ps1' -1 function Remove-PokemonTCGModuleSettings { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes the stored PokemonTCG configuration folder .DESCRIPTION The Remove-PokemonTCGModuleSettings cmdlet removes the PokemonTCG folder and its files This cmdlet also has the option to remove sensitive PokemonTCG variables as well By default configuration files are stored in the following location and will be removed: $env:USERPROFILE\PokemonTCG .PARAMETER PokemonTCGConfPath Define the location of the PokemonTCG configuration folder By default the configuration folder is located at: $env:USERPROFILE\PokemonTCG .PARAMETER andVariables Define if sensitive PokemonTCG variables should be removed as well By default the variables are not removed .EXAMPLE Remove-PokemonTCGModuleSettings Checks to see if the default configuration folder exists and removes it if it does The default location of the PokemonTCG configuration folder is: $env:USERPROFILE\PokemonTCG .EXAMPLE Remove-PokemonTCGModuleSettings -PokemonTCGConfPath C:\PokemonTCG -andVariables Checks to see if the defined configuration folder exists and removes it if it does If sensitive PokemonTCG variables exist then they are removed as well The location of the PokemonTCG configuration folder in this example is: C:\PokemonTCG .NOTES N/A .LINK https://celerium.github.io/PokemonTCG-PowerShellWrapper/site/Internal/Remove-PokemonTCGModuleSettings.html #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = 'set')] Param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'set')] [string]$PokemonTCGConfPath = $(Join-Path -Path $home -ChildPath $(if ($IsWindows -or $PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') {"PokemonTCG"}else{".PokemonTCG"}) ), [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'set')] [switch]$andVariables ) begin {} process { if (Test-Path $PokemonTCGConfPath) { Remove-Item -Path $PokemonTCGConfPath -Recurse -Force -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference If ($andVariables) { Remove-PokemonTCGApiKey Remove-PokemonTCGBaseURI } if (!(Test-Path $PokemonTCGConfPath)) { Write-Output "The PokemonTCG configuration folder has been removed successfully from [ $PokemonTCGConfPath ]" } else { Write-Error "The PokemonTCG configuration folder could not be removed from [ $PokemonTCGConfPath ]" } } else { Write-Warning "No configuration folder found at [ $PokemonTCGConfPath ]" } } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\moduleSettings\Remove-PokemonTCGModuleSettings.ps1' 87 #Region '.\Public\cards\Get-PokemonTCGCard.ps1' -1 function Get-PokemonTCGCard { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets PokemonTCG cards .DESCRIPTION The Get-PokemonTCGCard cmdlet gets PokemonTCG cards individually, in bulk, & or with advanced query filters (Filters are case-sensitive) Details on allowed queries can be found at https://docs.pokemontcg.io/api-reference/cards/card-object .PARAMETER id The id of the card .PARAMETER select A comma delimited list of fields to return in the response By default, all fields are returned if not defined .PARAMETER q The search query .PARAMETER orderBy The field(s) to order the results by .PARAMETER page Defines the page number to return .PARAMETER pageSize Defines the amount of items to return with each page .PARAMETER allPages Returns all items from an endpoint When using this parameter there is no need to use the page parameter .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGCard Gets the first 250 PokemonTCG cards .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGCard -id base3-3 Returns the PokemonTCG ditto object with the defined id .EXAMPLE 'base3-3' | Get-PokemonTCGCard Returns the PokemonTCG ditto object with the defined id .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGCard -q 'name:ditto' Returns the first 250 ditto's from the PokemonTCG API .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGCard -q 'nationalPokedexNumbers:132' Returns the first 250 ditto's from the PokemonTCG API .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGCard -q 'set.id:base*' -Verbose Returns the first 250 pokemon from any base set starting with the defined term from the PokemonTCG API Progress information is sent to the console while the cmdlet is running .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGCard -q 'set.id:base* types:water' -Verbose Returns the first 250 water type pokemon from any base set starting with the defined term from the PokemonTCG API Progress information is sent to the console while the cmdlet is running .NOTES The PokemonTCG card object contains the following attributes: (https://docs.pokemontcg.io/api-reference/cards/card-object#attributes) id string name string supertype string subtypes list(string) level string hp string types list(string) evolvesFrom string evolvesTo list(string) rules list(string) ancientTrait hash abilities list(hash) attacks list(hash) weaknesses list(hash) resistances list(hash) retreatCost list(string) convertedRetreatCost integer set hash number string artist string rarity string flavorText string nationalPokedexNumbers list(integer) legalities hash regulationMark string images hash tcgplayer hash cardmarket hash .LINK https://celerium.github.io/PokemonTCG-PowerShellWrapper/site/Cards/Get-PokemonTCGCard.html .Link https://docs.pokemontcg.io/api-reference/cards/card-object#attributes #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Show')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Index', ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string]$id, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Index')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Show')] [string]$select, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Show')] [Alias('query')] [string]$q, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Show')] [string]$orderBy, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Show')] [ValidateRange(1, [int64]::MaxValue)] [int64]$page, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Show')] [ValidateRange(1, 250)] [int64]$pageSize, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Show')] [switch]$allPages ) begin { $FunctionName = $MyInvocation.InvocationName $ParameterName = $functionName + '_Parameters' -replace '-','_' $QueryParameterName = $functionName + '_ParametersQuery' -replace '-','_' } process { Write-Verbose "[ $FunctionName ] - Running the [ $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) ] parameterSet" switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Index' { $resourceURI = "/cards/$id" } 'Show' { $resourceURI = "/cards" } } #Region [ Parameter Adjustments ] if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Show') { #Add default PSBoundParameters if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('page') ) { $PSBoundParameters.page = 1 } else { $PSBoundParameters.page = $Page } if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('pageSize') ) { $PSBoundParameters.pageSize = 250 } else { $PSBoundParameters.pageSize = $PageSize } } #EndRegion [ Parameter Adjustments ] Set-Variable -Name $ParameterName -Value $PSBoundParameters -Scope Global -Force -Confirm:$false Set-Variable -Name $QueryParameterName -Value $query_params -Scope Global -Force -Confirm:$false return Invoke-PokemonTCGRequest -method GET -resourceURI $resourceURI -uriFilter $PSBoundParameters -allPages:$allPages } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Public\cards\Get-PokemonTCGCard.ps1' 186 #Region '.\Public\rarities\Get-PokemonTCGRarity.ps1' -1 function Get-PokemonTCGRarity { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets PokemonTCG rarities .DESCRIPTION The Get-PokemonTCGRarity cmdlet gets PokemonTCG rarities .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGRarity Gets the first 250 PokemonTCG rarities .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGRarity -Verbose Gets the first 250 PokemonTCG rarities Progress information is sent to the console while the cmdlet is running .NOTES N/A .LINK https://celerium.github.io/PokemonTCG-PowerShellWrapper/site/Rarities/Get-PokemonTCGRarity.html .Link https://docs.pokemontcg.io/api-reference/rarities/get-rarities #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Index')] Param () begin { $FunctionName = $MyInvocation.InvocationName $ParameterName = $functionName + '_Parameters' -replace '-','_' $QueryParameterName = $functionName + '_ParametersQuery' -replace '-','_' } process { Write-Verbose "[ $FunctionName ] - Running the [ $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) ] parameterSet" $resourceURI = "/rarities" Set-Variable -Name $ParameterName -Value $PSBoundParameters -Scope Global -Force -Confirm:$false Set-Variable -Name $QueryParameterName -Value $query_params -Scope Global -Force -Confirm:$false return Invoke-PokemonTCGRequest -method GET -resourceURI $resourceURI -uriFilter $PSBoundParameters -allPages:$allPages } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Public\rarities\Get-PokemonTCGRarity.ps1' 58 #Region '.\Public\sets\Get-PokemonTCGSet.ps1' -1 function Get-PokemonTCGSet { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets PokemonTCG sets .DESCRIPTION The Get-PokemonTCGSet cmdlet gets PokemonTCG sets individually, in bulk, & or with advanced query filters (Filters are case-sensitive) Details on allowed queries can be found at https://docs.pokemontcg.io/api-reference/sets/set-object#attributes .PARAMETER id The id of the set .PARAMETER select A comma delimited list of fields to return in the response By default, all fields are returned if not defined .PARAMETER q The search query .PARAMETER orderBy The field(s) to order the results by .PARAMETER page Defines the page number to return .PARAMETER pageSize Defines the amount of items to return with each page .PARAMETER allPages Returns all items from an endpoint When using this parameter there is no need to use the page parameter .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGSet Gets the first 250 PokemonTCG sets .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGSet -id base1 Returns the set with the defined id .EXAMPLE 'base1' | Get-PokemonTCGSet Returns the set with the defined id .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGSet -q 'series:base' Returns the first 250 sets with the defined series .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGSet -q 'name:base*' -Verbose Returns the first 250 sets that start with the defined name Progress information is sent to the console while the cmdlet is running .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGSet -q 'series:base printedTotal:[* TO 102]' -Verbose Returns the first 250 sets from the defined series that contain up to 102 printed cards Progress information is sent to the console while the cmdlet is running .NOTES The PokemonTCG sets object contains the following attributes: (https://docs.pokemontcg.io/api-reference/sets/set-object#attributes) id string name string series string printedTotal integer total integer legalities hash ptcgoCode string releaseDate string updatedAt string images hash .LINK https://celerium.github.io/PokemonTCG-PowerShellWrapper/site/Sets/Get-PokemonTCGSet.html .Link https://docs.pokemontcg.io/api-reference/sets/set-object#attributes #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Show')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Index', ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string]$id, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Index')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Show')] [string]$select, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Show')] [Alias('query')] [string]$q, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Show')] [string]$orderBy, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Show')] [ValidateRange(1, [int64]::MaxValue)] [int64]$page, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Show')] [ValidateRange(1, 250)] [int64]$pageSize, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Show')] [switch]$allPages ) begin { $FunctionName = $MyInvocation.InvocationName $ParameterName = $functionName + '_Parameters' -replace '-','_' $QueryParameterName = $functionName + '_ParametersQuery' -replace '-','_' } process { Write-Verbose "[ $FunctionName ] - Running the [ $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) ] parameterSet" switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Index' { $resourceURI = "/sets/$id" } 'Show' { $resourceURI = "/sets" } } #Region [ Parameter Adjustments ] if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Show') { #Add default PSBoundParameters if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('page') ) { $PSBoundParameters.page = 1 } else { $PSBoundParameters.page = $Page } if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('pageSize') ) { $PSBoundParameters.pageSize = 250 } else { $PSBoundParameters.pageSize = $PageSize } } #EndRegion [ Parameter Adjustments ] Set-Variable -Name $ParameterName -Value $PSBoundParameters -Scope Global -Force -Confirm:$false Set-Variable -Name $QueryParameterName -Value $query_params -Scope Global -Force -Confirm:$false return Invoke-PokemonTCGRequest -method GET -resourceURI $resourceURI -uriFilter $PSBoundParameters -allPages:$allPages } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Public\sets\Get-PokemonTCGSet.ps1' 161 #Region '.\Public\subtypes\Get-PokemonTCGSubtype.ps1' -1 function Get-PokemonTCGSubtype { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets PokemonTCG Subtypes .DESCRIPTION The Get-PokemonTCGSubtype cmdlet gets PokemonTCG Subtypes .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGSubtype Gets the first 250 PokemonTCG Subtypes .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGSubtype -Verbose Gets the first 250 PokemonTCG Subtypes Progress information is sent to the console while the cmdlet is running .NOTES N/A .LINK https://celerium.github.io/PokemonTCG-PowerShellWrapper/site/Subtypes/Get-PokemonTCGSubtype.html .Link https://docs.pokemontcg.io/api-reference/subtypes/get-subtypes #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Index')] Param () begin { $FunctionName = $MyInvocation.InvocationName $ParameterName = $functionName + '_Parameters' -replace '-','_' $QueryParameterName = $functionName + '_ParametersQuery' -replace '-','_' } process { Write-Verbose "[ $FunctionName ] - Running the [ $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) ] parameterSet" $resourceURI = "/subtypes" Set-Variable -Name $ParameterName -Value $PSBoundParameters -Scope Global -Force -Confirm:$false Set-Variable -Name $QueryParameterName -Value $query_params -Scope Global -Force -Confirm:$false return Invoke-PokemonTCGRequest -method GET -resourceURI $resourceURI -uriFilter $PSBoundParameters -allPages:$allPages } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Public\subtypes\Get-PokemonTCGSubtype.ps1' 58 #Region '.\Public\supertypes\Get-PokemonTCGSupertype.ps1' -1 function Get-PokemonTCGSupertype { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets PokemonTCG Supertypes .DESCRIPTION The Get-PokemonTCGSupertype cmdlet gets PokemonTCG Supertypes .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGSupertype Gets the first 250 PokemonTCG Supertypes .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGSupertype -Verbose Gets the first 250 PokemonTCG Supertypes Progress information is sent to the console while the cmdlet is running .NOTES N/A .LINK https://celerium.github.io/PokemonTCG-PowerShellWrapper/site/Supertypes/Get-PokemonTCGSupertype.html .Link https://docs.pokemontcg.io/api-reference/supertypes/get-supertypes #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Index')] Param () begin { $FunctionName = $MyInvocation.InvocationName $ParameterName = $functionName + '_Parameters' -replace '-','_' $QueryParameterName = $functionName + '_ParametersQuery' -replace '-','_' } process { Write-Verbose "[ $FunctionName ] - Running the [ $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) ] parameterSet" $resourceURI = "/supertypes" Set-Variable -Name $ParameterName -Value $PSBoundParameters -Scope Global -Force -Confirm:$false Set-Variable -Name $QueryParameterName -Value $query_params -Scope Global -Force -Confirm:$false return Invoke-PokemonTCGRequest -method GET -resourceURI $resourceURI -uriFilter $PSBoundParameters -allPages:$allPages } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Public\supertypes\Get-PokemonTCGSupertype.ps1' 58 #Region '.\Public\types\Get-PokemonTCGType.ps1' -1 function Get-PokemonTCGType { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets PokemonTCG types .DESCRIPTION The Get-PokemonTCGType cmdlet gets PokemonTCG types .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGType Gets the first 250 PokemonTCG types .EXAMPLE Get-PokemonTCGType -Verbose Gets the first 250 PokemonTCG types Progress information is sent to the console while the cmdlet is running .NOTES N/A .LINK https://celerium.github.io/PokemonTCG-PowerShellWrapper/site/Types/Get-PokemonTCGType.html .Link https://docs.pokemontcg.io/api-reference/types/get-types #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Index')] Param () begin { $FunctionName = $MyInvocation.InvocationName $ParameterName = $functionName + '_Parameters' -replace '-','_' $QueryParameterName = $functionName + '_ParametersQuery' -replace '-','_' } process { Write-Verbose "[ $FunctionName ] - Running the [ $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) ] parameterSet" $resourceURI = "/types" Set-Variable -Name $ParameterName -Value $PSBoundParameters -Scope Global -Force -Confirm:$false Set-Variable -Name $QueryParameterName -Value $query_params -Scope Global -Force -Confirm:$false return Invoke-PokemonTCGRequest -method GET -resourceURI $resourceURI -uriFilter $PSBoundParameters -allPages:$allPages } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Public\types\Get-PokemonTCGType.ps1' 58 |