
Enables Middleware for creating, retrieving and using Sessions within Pode.
Enables Middleware for creating, retrieving and using Sessions within Pode; with support for defining Session duration, and custom Storage.
If you're storing sessions outside of Pode, you must supply a Secret value so sessions aren't corrupted.
An optional Secret to use when signing Sessions (Default: random GUID).
The name of the cookie/header used for the Session.
The duration a Session should last for, before being expired.
.PARAMETER Generator
A custom ScriptBlock to generate a random unique SessionId. The value returned must be a String.
A custom PSObject that defines methods for Delete, Get, and Set. This allow you to store Sessions in custom Storage such as Redis. A Secret is required.
The Scope that the Session applies to, possible values are Browser and Tab (Default: Browser).
The Browser scope is the default logic, where authentication and general data for the sessions are shared across all tabs.
The Tab scope keep the authentication data shared across all tabs, but general data is separated across different tabs.
For the Tab scope, the "Tab ID" required will be sourced from the "X-PODE-SESSION-TAB-ID" header.
If supplied, the Sessions will have their durations extended on each successful Request.
If supplied, the Session cookie will only be accessible to browsers.
If supplied, the Session cookie will only be accessible over HTTPS Requests.
If supplied, the Secret will be extended using the client request's UserAgent and RemoteIPAddress.
If supplied, Sessions will be sent back in a header on the Response with the Name supplied.
Enable-PodeSessionMiddleware -Duration 120
Enable-PodeSessionMiddleware -Duration 120 -Extend -Generator { return [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() }
Enable-PodeSessionMiddleware -Secret 'schwifty' -Duration 120 -UseHeaders -Strict

function Enable-PodeSessionMiddleware {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Cookies')]

        $Name = 'pode.sid',

                if ($_ -lt 0) {
                    # Duration must be 0 or greater, but got
                    throw ($PodeLocale.durationMustBeZeroOrGreaterExceptionMessage -f $_)

                return $true
        $Duration = 0,


        $Storage = $null,

        [ValidateSet('Browser', 'Tab')]
        $Scope = 'Browser',


        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Cookies')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Cookies')]


        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Headers')]

    # check that session logic hasn't already been initialised
    if (Test-PodeSessionsEnabled) {
        # Session Middleware has already been initialized
        throw ($PodeLocale.sessionMiddlewareAlreadyInitializedExceptionMessage)

    # ensure the override store has the required methods
    if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $Storage)) {
        $members = @($Storage | Get-Member | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)
        @('delete', 'get', 'set') | ForEach-Object {
            if ($members -inotcontains $_) {
                # The custom session storage does not implement the required '{0}()' method
                throw ($PodeLocale.customSessionStorageMethodNotImplementedExceptionMessage -f $_)

    # verify the secret, set to guid if not supplied, or error if none and we have a storage
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Secret)) {
        if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $Storage)) {
            # A Secret is required when using custom session storage
            throw ($PodeLocale.secretRequiredForCustomSessionStorageExceptionMessage)

        $Secret = Get-PodeServerDefaultSecret

    # if no custom storage, use the inmem one
    if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Storage) {
        $Storage = (Get-PodeSessionInMemStore)

    # set options against server context
    $PodeContext.Server.Sessions = @{
        Name       = $Name
        Secret     = $Secret
        GenerateId = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Generator -Default { return (New-PodeGuid) })
        Store      = $Storage
        Info       = @{
            Duration   = $Duration
            Extend     = $Extend.IsPresent
            Secure     = $Secure.IsPresent
            Strict     = $Strict.IsPresent
            HttpOnly   = $HttpOnly.IsPresent
            UseHeaders = $UseHeaders.IsPresent
            Scope      = @{
                Type      = $Scope.ToLowerInvariant()
                IsBrowser = ($Scope -ieq 'Browser')

    # return scriptblock for the session middleware
    Get-PodeSessionMiddleware |
        New-PodeMiddleware |
        Add-PodeMiddleware -Name '__pode_mw_sessions__'

Remove the current Session, logging it out.
Remove the current Session, logging it out. This will remove the session from Storage, and Cookies.

function Remove-PodeSession {

    # if sessions haven't been setup, error
    if (!(Test-PodeSessionsEnabled)) {
        # The sessions have not been configured
        throw ($PodeLocale.sessionsNotConfiguredExceptionMessage)

    # do nothing if session is null
    if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session) {

    # remove the session, and from auth and cookies

Saves the current Session's data.
Saves the current Session's data.
If supplied, the data will be saved even if nothing has changed.
Save-PodeSession -Force

function Save-PodeSession {

    # if sessions haven't been setup, error
    if (!(Test-PodeSessionsEnabled)) {
        # The sessions have not been configured
        throw ($PodeLocale.sessionsNotConfiguredExceptionMessage)

    # error if session is null
    if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session) {
        # There is no session available to save
        throw ($PodeLocale.noSessionAvailableToSaveExceptionMessage)

    # if auth is in use, then assign to session store
    if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $WebEvent.Auth) -and $WebEvent.Auth.Store) {
        $WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth = $WebEvent.Auth

    # save the session
    Save-PodeSessionInternal -Force:$Force

Returns the currently authenticated SessionId.
Returns the currently authenticated SessionId. If there's no session, or it's not authenticated, then null is returned instead.
You can also have the SessionId returned as signed as well.
If supplied, the returned SessionId will also be signed.
If supplied, the sessionId will be returned regardless of authentication.
$sessionId = Get-PodeSessionId

function Get-PodeSessionId {


    $sessionId = $null

    # do nothing if not authenticated, or force passed
    if (!$Force -and ((Test-PodeIsEmpty $WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth.User) -or !$WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth.IsAuthenticated)) {
        return $sessionId

    # get the sessionId
    $sessionId = $WebEvent.Session.FullId

    # do they want the session signed?
    if ($Signed) {
        $strict = $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.Strict
        $secret = $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Secret

        # sign the value if we have a secret
        $sessionId = (Invoke-PodeValueSign -Value $sessionId -Secret $secret -Strict:$strict)

    # return the ID
    return $sessionId

function Get-PodeSessionTabId {

    if ($PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.Scope.IsBrowser) {
        return $null

    return Get-PodeHeader -Name 'X-PODE-SESSION-TAB-ID'

Resets the current Session's expiry date.
Resets the current Session's expiry date, to be from the current time plus the defined Session duration.

function Reset-PodeSessionExpiry {

    # if sessions haven't been setup, error
    if (!(Test-PodeSessionsEnabled)) {
        # The sessions have not been configured
        throw ($PodeLocale.sessionsNotConfiguredExceptionMessage)

    # error if session is null
    if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session) {
        # There is no session available to save
        throw ($PodeLocale.noSessionAvailableToSaveExceptionMessage)

    # temporarily set this session to auto-extend
    $WebEvent.Session.Extend = $true

    # reset on response

Returns the defined Session duration.
Returns the defined Session duration that all Session are created using.
$duration = Get-PodeSessionDuration

function Get-PodeSessionDuration {

    return [int]$PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.Duration

Returns the datetime on which the current Session's will expire.
Returns the datetime on which the current Session's will expire.
$expiry = Get-PodeSessionExpiry

function Get-PodeSessionExpiry {

    # error if session is null
    if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session) {
        # There is no session available to save
        throw ($PodeLocale.noSessionAvailableToSaveExceptionMessage)

    # default min date
    if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session.TimeStamp) {
        return [datetime]::MinValue

    # use or existing timestamp?
    $expiry = [DateTime]::UtcNow

    if (!$WebEvent.Session.Extend -and ($null -ne $WebEvent.Session.TimeStamp)) {
        $expiry = $WebEvent.Session.TimeStamp

    # add session duration on
    $expiry = $expiry.AddSeconds($PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.Duration)

    # return expiry
    return $expiry

function Test-PodeSessionsEnabled {
    return (($null -ne $PodeContext.Server.Sessions) -and ($PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Count -gt 0))

function Get-PodeSessionInfo {
    return $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info

function Test-PodeSessionScopeIsBrowser {
    return [bool]$PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.Scope.IsBrowser