
    Adds a new runspace to Pode with the specified type and script block.
    The `Add-PodeRunspace` function creates a new PowerShell runspace within Pode
    based on the provided type and script block. This function allows for additional
    customization through parameters, output streaming, and runspace management options.
    The type of runspace to create. Accepted values are:
    'Main', 'Signals', 'Schedules', 'Gui', 'Web', 'Smtp', 'Tcp', 'Tasks',
    'WebSockets', 'Files', 'Timers'.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
    The script block to execute within the runspace. This script block will be
    added to the runspace's pipeline.
.PARAMETER Parameters
    Optional parameters to pass to the script block.
.PARAMETER OutputStream
    A PSDataCollection object to handle output streaming for the runspace.
    If specified, the pipeline's output will not be stored or remembered.
    If specified, the runspace will not load any modules or profiles.
    If specified, returns the pipeline and handler for custom processing.
    Add-PodeRunspace -Type 'Tasks' -ScriptBlock {
        # Your script code here

function Add-PodeRunspace {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Main', 'Signals', 'Schedules', 'Gui', 'Web', 'Smtp', 'Tcp', 'Tasks', 'WebSockets', 'Files', 'Timers')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        $OutputStream = $null,





        $Id = '1'

    try {
        # Define the script block to open the runspace and set its state.
        $openRunspaceScript = {
            param($Type, $Name, $NoProfile)
            try {
                # Set the runspace name.
                Set-PodeCurrentRunspaceName -Name $Name

                if (!$NoProfile) {
                    # Import necessary internal Pode modules for the runspace.

                    # Add required PowerShell drives.

                # Mark the runspace as 'Ready' to process requests.
                $PodeContext.RunspacePools[$Type].State = 'Ready'
            catch {
                # Handle errors, setting the runspace state to 'Error' if applicable.
                if ($PodeContext.RunspacePools[$Type].State -ieq 'waiting') {
                    $PodeContext.RunspacePools[$Type].State = 'Error'

                # Output the error details to the default stream and rethrow.
                $_ | Out-Default
                $_.ScriptStackTrace | Out-Default

        # Create a PowerShell pipeline.
        $ps = [powershell]::Create()
        $ps.RunspacePool = $PodeContext.RunspacePools[$Type].Pool

        # Add the script block and parameters to the pipeline.
        $null = $ps.AddScript($openRunspaceScript)
        $null = $ps.AddParameters(
                'Type'      = $Type
                'Name'      = "Pode_$($Type)_$($Name)_$($Id)"
                'NoProfile' = $NoProfile.IsPresent

        # Add the main script block to the pipeline.
        $null = $ps.AddScript($ScriptBlock)

        # Add any provided parameters to the script block.
        if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $Parameters)) {
            $Parameters.Keys | ForEach-Object {
                $null = $ps.AddParameter($_, $Parameters[$_])

        # Begin invoking the pipeline, with or without output streaming.
        if ($null -eq $OutputStream) {
            $pipeline = $ps.BeginInvoke()
        else {
            $pipeline = $ps.BeginInvoke($OutputStream, $OutputStream)

        # Handle forgetting, returning, or storing the pipeline.
        if ($Forget) {
            $null = $pipeline
        elseif ($PassThru) {
            return @{
                Pipeline = $ps
                Handler  = $pipeline
        else {
            $PodeContext.Runspaces += @{
                Pool     = $Type
                Pipeline = $ps
                Handler  = $pipeline
                Stopped  = $false
    catch {
        # Log and throw any exceptions encountered during execution.
        $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
        throw $_.Exception

    Closes and disposes of the Pode runspaces, listeners, receivers, watchers, and optionally runspace pools.
    This function checks and waits for all Listeners, Receivers, and Watchers to be disposed of
    before proceeding to close and dispose of the runspaces and optionally the runspace pools.
    It ensures a clean shutdown by managing the disposal of resources in a specified order.
    The function handles serverless and regular server environments differently, skipping
    disposal actions in serverless contexts.
    Specifies whether to close and dispose of the runspace pools along with the runspaces.
    This is optional and should be specified if the pools need to be explicitly closed.
    Close-PodeRunspace -ClosePool
    This example closes all runspaces and their associated pools, ensuring that all resources are properly disposed of.
    Outputs from this function are primarily internal state changes and verbose logging.

function Close-PodeRunspace {

    # Early return if server is serverless, as disposal is not required.
    if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {

    try {
        # Only proceed if there are runspaces to dispose of.
        if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Runspaces)) {
            Write-Verbose 'Waiting until all Listeners are disposed'

            $count = 0
            $continue = $false
            # Attempts to dispose of resources for up to 10 seconds.
            while ($count -le 10) {
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

                $continue = $false
                # Check each listener, receiver, and watcher; if any are not disposed, continue waiting.
                foreach ($listener in $PodeContext.Listeners) {
                    if (!$listener.IsDisposed) {
                        $continue = $true

                foreach ($receiver in $PodeContext.Receivers) {
                    if (!$receiver.IsDisposed) {
                        $continue = $true

                foreach ($watcher in $PodeContext.Watchers) {
                    if (!$watcher.IsDisposed) {
                        $continue = $true
                # If undisposed resources exist, continue waiting.
                if ($continue) {


            Write-Verbose 'All Listeners disposed'

            # now dispose runspaces
            Write-Verbose 'Disposing Runspaces'
            $runspaceErrors = @(foreach ($item in $PodeContext.Runspaces) {
                    if ($item.Stopped) {

                    try {
                        # only do this, if the pool is in error
                        if ($PodeContext.RunspacePools[$item.Pool].State -ieq 'error') {
                    catch {
                        "$($item.Pool) runspace failed to load: $($_.Exception.InnerException.Message)"

                    Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $item.Pipeline
                    $item.Stopped = $true

            # dispose of schedule runspaces
            if ($PodeContext.Schedules.Processes.Count -gt 0) {
                foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Schedules.Processes.Keys.Clone()) {
                    Close-PodeScheduleInternal -Process $PodeContext.Schedules.Processes[$key]

            # dispose of task runspaces
            if ($PodeContext.Tasks.Processes.Count -gt 0) {
                foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Tasks.Processes.Keys.Clone()) {
                    Close-PodeTaskInternal -Process $PodeContext.Tasks.Processes[$key]

            $PodeContext.Runspaces = @()
            Write-Verbose 'Runspaces disposed'

        # close/dispose the runspace pools
        if ($ClosePool) {

        # Check for and throw runspace errors if any occurred during disposal.
        if (($null -ne $runspaceErrors) -and ($runspaceErrors.Length -gt 0)) {
            foreach ($err in $runspaceErrors) {
                if ($null -eq $err) {

                throw $err

        # garbage collect
    catch {
        $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
        throw $_.Exception