
Return the value of a key from the cache. You can use "$value = $cache:key" as well.
Return the value of a key from the cache, or returns the value plus metadata such as expiry time if required. You can use "$value = $cache:key" as well.
The Key to be retrieved.
An optional cache Storage name. (Default: in-memory)
If supplied, and if supported by the cache storage, an metadata such as expiry times will also be returned.
$value = Get-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey'
$value = Get-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey' -Storage 'ExampleStorage'
$value = Get-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey' -Metadata
$value = $cache:ExampleKey

function Get-PodeCache {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Storage = $null,


    # inmem or custom storage?
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Storage)) {
        $Storage = $PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultStorage

    # use inmem cache
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Storage)) {
        return (Get-PodeCacheInternal -Key $Key -Metadata:$Metadata)

    # used custom storage
    if (Test-PodeCacheStorage -Key $Storage) {
        return (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Storage[$Storage].Get -Arguments @($Key, $Metadata.IsPresent) -Splat -Return)

    # storage not found!
    # Cache storage with name not found when attempting to retrieve cached item
    throw ($PodeLocale.cacheStorageNotFoundForRetrieveExceptionMessage -f $Storage, $Key)

Set (create/update) a key in the cache. You can use "$cache:key = 'value'" as well.
Set (create/update) a key in the cache, with an optional TTL value. You can use "$cache:key = 'value'" as well.
The Key to be set.
.PARAMETER InputObject
The value of the key to be set, can be any object type.
An optional TTL value, in seconds. The default is whatever "Get-PodeCacheDefaultTtl" retuns, which will be 3600 seconds when not set.
An optional cache Storage name. (Default: in-memory)
Set-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey' -InputObject 'ExampleValue'
Set-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey' -InputObject 'ExampleValue' -Storage 'ExampleStorage'
Set-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey' -InputObject 'ExampleValue' -Ttl 300
Set-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey' -InputObject @{ Value = 'ExampleValue' }
@{ Value = 'ExampleValue' } | Set-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey'
$cache:ExampleKey = 'ExampleValue'

function Set-PodeCache {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        $Ttl = 0,

        $Storage = $null

    begin {
        # Initialize an array to hold piped-in values
        $pipelineValue = @()

    process {
        # Add the current piped-in value to the array
        $pipelineValue += $_

    end {
        # If there are multiple piped-in values, set InputObject to the array of values
        if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
            $InputObject = $pipelineValue

        # use the global settable default here
        if ($Ttl -le 0) {
            $Ttl = $PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultTtl

        # inmem or custom storage?
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Storage)) {
            $Storage = $PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultStorage

        # use inmem cache
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Storage)) {
            Set-PodeCacheInternal -Key $Key -InputObject $InputObject -Ttl $Ttl

        # used custom storage
        elseif (Test-PodeCacheStorage -Key $Storage) {
            $null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Storage[$Storage].Set -Arguments @($Key, $InputObject, $Ttl) -Splat

        # storage not found!
        else {
            # Cache storage with name not found when attempting to set cached item
            throw ($PodeLocale.cacheStorageNotFoundForSetExceptionMessage -f $Storage, $Key)

Test if a key exists in the cache.
Test if a key exists in the cache, and isn't expired.
The Key to test.
An optional cache Storage name. (Default: in-memory)
Test-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey'
Test-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey' -Storage 'ExampleStorage'

function Test-PodeCache {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Storage = $null

    # inmem or custom storage?
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Storage)) {
        $Storage = $PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultStorage

    # use inmem cache
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Storage)) {
        return (Test-PodeCacheInternal -Key $Key)

    # used custom storage
    if (Test-PodeCacheStorage -Key $Storage) {
        return (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Storage[$Storage].Test -Arguments @($Key) -Splat -Return)

    # storage not found!
    # Cache storage with name not found when attempting to check if cached item exists
    throw ($PodeLocale.cacheStorageNotFoundForExistsExceptionMessage -f $Storage, $Key)

Remove a key from the cache.
Remove a key from the cache.
The Key to be removed.
An optional cache Storage name. (Default: in-memory)
Remove-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey'
Remove-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey' -Storage 'ExampleStorage'

function Remove-PodeCache {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Storage = $null

    # inmem or custom storage?
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Storage)) {
        $Storage = $PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultStorage

    # use inmem cache
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Storage)) {
        Remove-PodeCacheInternal -Key $Key

    # used custom storage
    elseif (Test-PodeCacheStorage -Key $Storage) {
        $null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Storage[$Storage].Remove -Arguments @($Key) -Splat

    # storage not found!
    else {
        # Cache storage with name not found when attempting to remove cached item
        throw ($PodeLocale.cacheStorageNotFoundForRemoveExceptionMessage -f $Storage, $Key)

Clear all keys from the cache.
Clear all keys from the cache.
An optional cache Storage name. (Default: in-memory)
Clear-PodeCache -Storage 'ExampleStorage'

function Clear-PodeCache {
        $Storage = $null

    # inmem or custom storage?
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Storage)) {
        $Storage = $PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultStorage

    # use inmem cache
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Storage)) {

    # used custom storage
    elseif (Test-PodeCacheStorage -Key $Storage) {
        $null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Storage[$Storage].Clear

    # storage not found!
    else {
        # Cache storage with name not found when attempting to clear the cache
        throw ($PodeLocale.cacheStorageNotFoundForClearExceptionMessage -f $Storage)

Add a cache storage.
Add a cache storage.
The Name of the cache storage.
A Get ScriptBlock, to retrieve a key's value from the cache, or the value plus metadata if required. Supplied parameters: Key, Metadata.
A Set ScriptBlock, to set/create/update a key's value in the cache. Supplied parameters: Key, Value, TTL.
A Remove ScriptBlock, to remove a key from the cache. Supplied parameters: Key.
A Test ScriptBlock, to test if a key exists in the cache. Supplied parameters: Key.
A Clear ScriptBlock, to remove all keys from the cache. Use an empty ScriptBlock if not supported.
If supplied, this cache storage will be set as the default storage.
Add-PodeCacheStorage -Name 'ExampleStorage' -Get {} -Set {} -Remove {} -Test {} -Clear {}

function Add-PodeCacheStorage {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    # test if storage already exists
    if (Test-PodeCacheStorage -Name $Name) {
        # Cache Storage with name already exists
        throw ($PodeLocale.cacheStorageAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage -f $Name)

    # add cache storage
    $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Storage[$Name] = @{
        Name    = $Name
        Get     = $Get
        Set     = $Set
        Remove  = $Remove
        Test    = $Test
        Clear   = $Clear
        Default = $Default.IsPresent

    # is default storage?
    if ($Default) {
        $PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultStorage = $Name

Remove a cache storage.
Remove a cache storage.
The Name of the cache storage.
Remove-PodeCacheStorage -Name 'ExampleStorage'

function Remove-PodeCacheStorage {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $null = $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Storage.Remove($Name)

Returns a cache storage.
Returns a cache storage.
The Name of the cache storage.
$storage = Get-PodeCacheStorage -Name 'ExampleStorage'

function Get-PodeCacheStorage {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Storage[$Name]

Test if a cache storage has been added/exists.
Test if a cache storage has been added/exists.
The Name of the cache storage.
if (Test-PodeCacheStorage -Name 'ExampleStorage') { }

function Test-PodeCacheStorage {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Storage.ContainsKey($Name)

Set a default cache storage.
Set a default cache storage.
The Name of the default storage to use for caching.
Set-PodeCacheDefaultStorage -Name 'ExampleStorage'

function Set-PodeCacheDefaultStorage {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultStorage = $Name

Returns the current default cache Storage name.
Returns the current default cache Storage name. Empty/null if one isn't set.
$storageName = Get-PodeCacheDefaultStorage

function Get-PodeCacheDefaultStorage {

    return $PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultStorage

Set a default cache TTL.
Set a default cache TTL.
A default TTL value, in seconds, to use when setting cache key expiries.
Set-PodeCacheDefaultTtl -Value 3600

function Set-PodeCacheDefaultTtl {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ($Value -le 0) {

    $PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultTtl = $Value

Returns the current default cache TTL value.
Returns the current default cache TTL value. 3600 seconds is the default TTL if not set.
$ttl = Get-PodeCacheDefaultTtl

function Get-PodeCacheDefaultTtl {

    return $PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultTtl