
Converts Scoped Variables within a given ScriptBlock.
Converts Scoped Variables within a given ScriptBlock, and returns the updated ScriptBlock back, including any
using-variable values that will need to be supplied as parameters to the ScriptBlock first.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock to be converted.
An optional SessionState object, used to retrieve using-variable values.
If not supplied, using-variable values will not be converted.
An optional array of one or more Scoped Variable Names to Exclude from converting. (ie: Session, Using, or a Name from Add-PodeScopedVariable)
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
$ScriptBlock = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Exclude Session, Using

function Convert-PodeScopedVariables {
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]



    # do nothing if no scriptblock
    if ($null -eq $ScriptBlock) {
        return $ScriptBlock

    # using vars
    $usingVars = $null

    # loop through each defined scoped variable and convert, unless excluded
    foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Server.ScopedVariables.Keys) {
        # excluded?
        if ($Exclude -icontains $key) {

        # convert scoped var
        $ScriptBlock, $otherResults = Convert-PodeScopedVariable -Name $key -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSSession

        # using vars?
        if (($null -ne $otherResults) -and ($key -ieq 'using')) {
            $usingVars = $otherResults

    # return just the scriptblock, or include using vars as well
    if ($null -ne $usingVars) {
        return $ScriptBlock, $usingVars

    return $ScriptBlock

Converts a Scoped Variable within a given ScriptBlock.
Converts a Scoped Variable within a given ScriptBlock, and returns the updated ScriptBlock back, including any
other values that will need to be supplied as parameters to the ScriptBlock first.
The Name of the Scoped Variable to convert. (ie: Session, Using, or a Name from Add-PodeScopedVariable)
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock to be converted.
An optional SessionState object, used to retrieve using-variable values or other values where scope is required.
$ScriptBlock = Convert-PodeScopedVariable -Name State -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
$ScriptBlock, $otherResults = Convert-PodeScopedVariable -Name Using -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock

function Convert-PodeScopedVariable {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]


    # do nothing if no scriptblock
    if ($null -eq $ScriptBlock) {
        return $ScriptBlock

    # check if scoped var defined
    if (!(Test-PodeScopedVariable -Name $Name)) {
        throw "Scoped Variable not found: $($Name)"

    # get the scoped var metadata
    $scopedVar = $PodeContext.Server.ScopedVariables[$Name]

    # invoke the logic for the appropriate conversion type required - internal function map, custom scriptblock, or simple replace
    switch ($scopedVar.Type) {
        'internal' {
            switch ($scopedVar.Name) {
                'using' {
                    return Convert-PodeScopedVariableInbuiltUsing -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSSession

        'scriptblock' {
            return Invoke-PodeScriptBlock `
                -ScriptBlock $scopedVar.ScriptBlock `
                -Arguments $ScriptBlock, $PSSession, $scopedVar.Get.Pattern, $scopedVar.Set.Pattern `
                -Splat `
                -Return `

        'replace' {
            # convert scriptblock to string
            $strScriptBlock = "$($ScriptBlock)"

            # see if the script contains any form of the scoped variable, and if not just return
            $found = $strScriptBlock -imatch "\`$$($Name)\:"
            if (!$found) {
                return $ScriptBlock

            # loop and replace "set" syntax if replace template supplied
            if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($scopedVar.Set.Replace)) {
                while ($strScriptBlock -imatch $scopedVar.Set.Pattern) {
                    $setReplace = $scopedVar.Set.Replace.Replace('{{name}}', $Matches['name'])
                    $strScriptBlock = $strScriptBlock.Replace($Matches['full'], $setReplace)

            # loop and replace "get" syntax
            while ($strScriptBlock -imatch $scopedVar.Get.Pattern) {
                $getReplace = $scopedVar.Get.Replace.Replace('{{name}}', $Matches['name'])
                $strScriptBlock = $strScriptBlock.Replace($Matches['full'], "($($getReplace))")

            # convert update scriptblock back
            return [scriptblock]::Create($strScriptBlock)

Adds a new Scoped Variable.
Adds a new Scoped Variable, to make calling certain functions simpler.
For example "$state:Name" instead of "Get-PodeState" and "Set-PodeState".
The Name of the Scoped Variable.
A template to be used when converting "$var = $SV:<name>" to a "Get-SVValue -Name <name>" syntax.
You can use the "{{name}}" placeholder to show where the <name> would be placed in the conversion. The result will also be automatically wrapped in brackets.
For example, "$var = $state:<name>" to "Get-PodeState -Name <name>" would need a GetReplace value of "Get-PodeState -Name '{{name}}'".
An optional template to be used when converting "$SV:<name> = <value>" to a "Set-SVValue -Name <name> -Value <value>" syntax.
You can use the "{{name}}" placeholder to show where the <name> would be placed in the conversion. The <value> will automatically be appended to the end.
For example, "$state:<name> = <value>" to "Set-PodeState -Name <name> -Value <value>" would need a SetReplace value of "Set-PodeState -Name '{{name}}' -Value ".
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
For more advanced conversions, that aren't as simple as a simple find/replace, you can supply a ScriptBlock instead.
This ScriptBlock will be supplied ScriptBlock to convert, followed by a SessionState object, and the Get/Set regex patterns, as parameters.
The ScriptBlock should returned a converted ScriptBlock that works, plus an optional array of values that should be supplied to the ScriptBlock when invoked.
Add-PodeScopedVariable -Name 'cache' -SetReplace "Set-PodeCache -Key '{{name}}' -InputObject " -GetReplace "Get-PodeCache -Key '{{name}}'"
Add-PodeScopedVariable -Name 'config' -ScriptBlock {
    param($ScriptBlock, $SessionState, $GetPattern, $SetPattern)
    $strScriptBlock = "$($ScriptBlock)"
    $template = "(Get-PodeConfig).'{{name}}'"
    # allows "$port = $config:port" instead of "$port = (Get-PodeConfig).port"
    while ($strScriptBlock -imatch $GetPattern) {
        $getReplace = $template.Replace('{{name}}', $Matches['name'])
        $strScriptBlock = $strScriptBlock.Replace($Matches['full'], "($($getReplace))")
    return [scriptblock]::Create($strScriptBlock)

function Add-PodeScopedVariable {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Replace')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Replace')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Replace')]
        $SetReplace = $null,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ScriptBlock')]

    Add-PodeScopedVariableInternal @PSBoundParameters

Removes a Scoped Variable.
Removes a Scoped Variable.
The Name of a Scoped Variable to remove.
Remove-PodeScopedVariable -Name State

function Remove-PodeScopedVariable {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $null = $PodeContext.Server.ScopedVariables.Remove($Name)

Tests if a Scoped Variable exists.
Tests if a Scoped Variable exists.
The Name of the Scoped Variable to check.
if (Test-PodeScopedVariable -Name $Name) { ... }

function Test-PodeScopedVariable {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return $PodeContext.Server.ScopedVariables.Contains($Name)

Removes all Scoped Variables.
Removes all Scoped Variables.

function Clear-PodeScopedVariables {
    $null = $PodeContext.Server.ScopedVariables.Clear()

Get a Scoped Variable(s).
Get a Scoped Variable(s).
The Name of the Scoped Variable(s) to retrieve.
Get-PodeScopedVariable -Name State
Get-PodeScopedVariable -Name State, Using

function Get-PodeScopedVariable {

    # return all if no Name
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name) -or ($Name.Length -eq 0)) {
        return $PodeContext.Server.ScopedVariables.Values

    # return filtered
    return @(foreach ($n in $Name) {

Automatically loads Scoped Variable ps1 files
Automatically loads Scoped Variable ps1 files from either a /scoped-vars folder, or a custom folder. Saves space dot-sourcing them all one-by-one.
Optional Path to a folder containing ps1 files, can be relative or literal.
Use-PodeScopedVariables -Path './my-vars'

function Use-PodeScopedVariables {

    Use-PodeFolder -Path $Path -DefaultPath 'scoped-vars'