
using namespace Pode

# read in the content from a dynamic pode file and invoke its content
function ConvertFrom-PodeFile {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Data = @{}

    # if we have data, then setup the data param
    if ($null -ne $Data -and $Data.Count -gt 0) {
        $Content = "param(`$data)`nreturn `"$($Content -replace '"', '``"')`""
    else {
        $Content = "return `"$($Content -replace '"', '``"')`""

    # invoke the content as a script to generate the dynamic content
    return (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock ([scriptblock]::Create($Content)) -Arguments $Data -Return)

function Get-PodeViewEngineType {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # work out the engine to use when parsing the file
    $type = $PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.Type

    $ext = Get-PodeFileExtension -Path $Path -TrimPeriod
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ext) -and ($ext -ine $PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.Extension)) {
        $type = $ext

    return $type

function Get-PodeFileContentUsingViewEngine {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    # work out the engine to use when parsing the file
    $engine = Get-PodeViewEngineType -Path $Path

    # setup the content
    $content = [string]::Empty

    # run the relevant engine logic
    switch ($engine.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'html' {
            $content = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw -Encoding utf8

        'md' {
            $content = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw -Encoding utf8

        'pode' {
            $content = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw -Encoding utf8
            $content = ConvertFrom-PodeFile -Content $content -Data $Data

        default {
            if ($null -ne $PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.ScriptBlock) {
                $_args = @($Path)
                if (($null -ne $Data) -and ($Data.Count -gt 0)) {
                    $_args = @($Path, $Data)

                $content = (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.ScriptBlock -Arguments $_args -UsingVariables $PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.UsingVariables -Return -Splat)

    return $content

function Get-PodeFileContent {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return (Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw -Encoding utf8)

function Get-PodeType {

    if ($null -eq $Value) {
        return $null

    $type = $Value.GetType()
    return @{
        Name     = $type.Name.ToLowerInvariant()
        BaseName = $type.BaseType.Name.ToLowerInvariant()

function Get-PodePSVersionTable {
    return $PSVersionTable

function Test-PodeIsAdminUser {
    # check the current platform, if it's unix then return true
    if (Test-PodeIsUnix) {
        return $true

    try {
        $principal = New-Object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
        if ($null -eq $principal) {
            return $false

        return $principal.IsInRole([System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)
    catch [exception] {
        Write-PodeHost 'Error checking user administrator priviledges' -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-PodeHost $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
        return $false

function Get-PodeHostIPRegex {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Both', 'Hostname', 'IP')]

    $ip_rgx = '\[?([a-f0-9]*\:){1,}[a-f0-9]*((\d+\.){3}\d+)?\]?|((\d+\.){3}\d+)|\*|all'
    $host_rgx = '([a-z]|\*\.)(([a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])\.)*([a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])+'

    switch ($Type.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'both' {
            return "(?<host>($($ip_rgx)|$($host_rgx)))"

        'hostname' {
            return "(?<host>($($host_rgx)))"

        'ip' {
            return "(?<host>($($ip_rgx)))"

function Get-PodePortRegex {
    return '(?<port>\d+)'

function Get-PodeEndpointInfo {


    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Address)) {
        return $null

    $hostRgx = Get-PodeHostIPRegex -Type Both
    $portRgx = Get-PodePortRegex
    $cmbdRgx = "$($hostRgx)\:$($portRgx)"

    # validate that we have a valid ip/host:port address
    if (!(($Address -imatch "^$($cmbdRgx)$") -or ($Address -imatch "^$($hostRgx)[\:]{0,1}") -or ($Address -imatch "[\:]{0,1}$($portRgx)$"))) {
        throw "Failed to parse '$($Address)' as a valid IP/Host:Port address"

    # grab the ip address/hostname
    $_host = $Matches['host']
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_host)) {
        $_host = '*'

    # ensure we have a valid ip address/hostname
    if (!(Test-PodeIPAddress -IP $_host)) {
        throw "The IP address supplied is invalid: $($_host)"

    # grab the port
    $_port = $Matches['port']
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_port)) {
        $_port = 0

    # ensure the port is valid
    if ($_port -lt 0) {
        throw "The port cannot be negative: $($_port)"

    # return the info
    return @{
        Host = $_host
        Port = (Resolve-PodeValue -Check ($AnyPortOnZero -and ($_port -eq 0)) -TrueValue '*' -FalseValue $_port)

function Test-PodeIPAddress {


    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($IP) -or ($IP -iin @('*', 'all'))) {
        return $true

    if ($IP -imatch "^$(Get-PodeHostIPRegex -Type Hostname)$") {
        return (!$IPOnly)

    try {
        $null = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($IP)
        return $true
    catch [exception] {
        return $false

function Test-PodeHostname {

    return ($Hostname -imatch "^$(Get-PodeHostIPRegex -Type Hostname)$")

function ConvertTo-PodeIPAddress {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse(([System.Net.IPEndPoint]$Address).Address.ToString())

function Get-PodeIPAddressesForHostname {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('All', 'IPv4', 'IPv6')]

    if (!(Test-PodeHostname -Hostname $Hostname)) {
        return $Hostname

    # get the ip addresses for the hostname
    try {
        $ips = @([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($Hostname))
    catch {
        return ''

    # return ips based on type
    switch ($Type.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'ipv4' {
            $ips = @(foreach ($ip in $ips) {
                    if ($ip.AddressFamily -ieq 'InterNetwork') {

        'ipv6' {
            $ips = @(foreach ($ip in $ips) {
                    if ($ip.AddressFamily -ieq 'InterNetworkV6') {

    return (@($ips)).IPAddressToString

function Test-PodeIPAddressLocal {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return (@('', '::1', '[::1]', '::ffff:', 'localhost') -icontains $IP)

function Test-PodeIPAddressAny {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return (@('', '*', 'all', '::', '[::]') -icontains $IP)

function Test-PodeIPAddressLocalOrAny {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return ((Test-PodeIPAddressLocal -IP $IP) -or (Test-PodeIPAddressAny -IP $IP))

function Resolve-PodeIPDualMode {

    # do nothing if IPv6Any
    if ($IP -eq [ipaddress]::IPv6Any) {
        return $IP

    # check loopbacks
    if (($IP -eq [ipaddress]::Loopback) -and [System.Net.Sockets.Socket]::OSSupportsIPv6) {
        return @($IP, [ipaddress]::IPv6Loopback)

    if ($IP -eq [ipaddress]::IPv6Loopback) {
        return @($IP, [ipaddress]::Loopback)

    # if iIPv4, convert and return both
    if (($IP.AddressFamily -eq [System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork) -and [System.Net.Sockets.Socket]::OSSupportsIPv6) {
        return @($IP, $IP.MapToIPv6())

    # if IPv6, only convert if valid IPv4
    if (($IP.AddressFamily -eq [System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetworkV6) -and $IP.IsIPv4MappedToIPv6) {
        return @($IP, $IP.MapToIPv4())

    # just return the IP
    return $IP

function Get-PodeIPAddress {


    # any address for IPv4 (or IPv6 for DualMode)
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($IP) -or ($IP -iin @('*', 'all'))) {
        if ($DualMode) {
            return [System.Net.IPAddress]::IPv6Any

        return [System.Net.IPAddress]::Any

    # any address for IPv6 explicitly
    if ($IP -iin @('::', '[::]')) {
        return [System.Net.IPAddress]::IPv6Any

    # localhost
    if ($IP -ieq 'localhost') {
        return [System.Net.IPAddress]::Loopback

    # localhost IPv6 explicitly
    if ($IP -iin @('[::1]', '::1')) {
        return [System.Net.IPAddress]::IPv6Loopback

    # hostname
    if ($IP -imatch "^$(Get-PodeHostIPRegex -Type Hostname)$") {
        return $IP

    # raw ip
    return [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($IP)

function Test-PodeIPAddressInRange {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ($IP.Family -ine $LowerIP.Family) {
        return $false

    $valid = $true

    foreach ($i in 0..3) {
        if (($IP.Bytes[$i] -lt $LowerIP.Bytes[$i]) -or ($IP.Bytes[$i] -gt $UpperIP.Bytes[$i])) {
            $valid = $false

    return $valid

function Test-PodeIPAddressIsSubnetMask {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return (($IP -split '/').Length -gt 1)

function Get-PodeSubnetRange {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # split for ip and number of 1 bits
    $split = $SubnetMask -split '/'
    if ($split.Length -le 1) {
        return $null

    $ip_parts = $split[0] -isplit '\.'
    $bits = [int]$split[1]

    # generate the netmask
    $network = @('', '', '', '')
    $count = 0

    foreach ($i in 0..3) {
        foreach ($b in 1..8) {

            if ($count -le $bits) {
                $network[$i] += '1'
            else {
                $network[$i] += '0'

    # covert netmask to bytes
    foreach ($i in 0..3) {
        $network[$i] = [Convert]::ToByte($network[$i], 2)

    # calculate the bottom range
    $bottom = @(foreach ($i in 0..3) {
            [byte]([byte]$network[$i] -band [byte]$ip_parts[$i])

    # calculate the range
    $range = @(foreach ($i in 0..3) {
            256 + (-bnot [byte]$network[$i])

    # calculate the top range
    $top = @(foreach ($i in 0..3) {
            [byte]([byte]$ip_parts[$i] + [byte]$range[$i])

    return @{
        'Lower'   = ($bottom -join '.')
        'Upper'   = ($top -join '.')
        'Range'   = ($range -join '.')
        'Netmask' = ($network -join '.')
        'IP'      = ($ip_parts -join '.')

function Add-PodeRunspace {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Main', 'Signals', 'Schedules', 'Gui', 'Web', 'Smtp', 'Tcp', 'Tasks', 'WebSockets', 'Files')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        $OutputStream = $null,




    try {
        # create powershell pipelines
        $ps = [powershell]::Create()
        $ps.RunspacePool = $PodeContext.RunspacePools[$Type].Pool

        # load modules/drives
        if (!$NoProfile) {
            $null = $ps.AddScript("Open-PodeRunspace -Type '$($Type)'")

        # load main script
        $null = $ps.AddScript($ScriptBlock)

        # load parameters
        if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $Parameters)) {
            $Parameters.Keys | ForEach-Object {
                $null = $ps.AddParameter($_, $Parameters[$_])

        # start the pipeline
        if ($null -eq $OutputStream) {
            $pipeline = $ps.BeginInvoke()
        else {
            $pipeline = $ps.BeginInvoke($OutputStream, $OutputStream)

        # do we need to remember this pipeline? sorry, what did you say?
        if ($Forget) {
            $null = $pipeline

        # or do we need to return it for custom processing? ie: tasks
        elseif ($PassThru) {
            return @{
                Pipeline = $ps
                Handler  = $pipeline

        # or store it here for later clean-up
        else {
            $PodeContext.Runspaces += @{
                Pool     = $Type
                Pipeline = $ps
                Handler  = $pipeline
                Stopped  = $false
    catch {
        $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
        throw $_.Exception

function Open-PodeRunspace {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    try {
        $PodeContext.RunspacePools[$Type].State = 'Ready'
    catch {
        if ($PodeContext.RunspacePools[$Type].State -ieq 'waiting') {
            $PodeContext.RunspacePools[$Type].State = 'Error'

        $_ | Out-Default
        $_.ScriptStackTrace | Out-Default

function Close-PodeRunspaces {

    if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {

    try {
        if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Runspaces)) {
            Write-Verbose 'Waiting until all Listeners are disposed'

            $count = 0
            $continue = $false
            while ($count -le 10) {
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

                $continue = $false
                foreach ($listener in $PodeContext.Listeners) {
                    if (!$listener.IsDisposed) {
                        $continue = $true

                foreach ($receiver in $PodeContext.Receivers) {
                    if (!$receiver.IsDisposed) {
                        $continue = $true

                foreach ($watcher in $PodeContext.Watchers) {
                    if (!$watcher.IsDisposed) {
                        $continue = $true

                if ($continue) {


            Write-Verbose 'All Listeners disposed'

            # now dispose runspaces
            Write-Verbose 'Disposing Runspaces'
            $runspaceErrors = @(foreach ($item in $PodeContext.Runspaces) {
                    if ($item.Stopped) {

                    try {
                        # only do this, if the pool is in error
                        if ($PodeContext.RunspacePools[$item.Pool].State -ieq 'error') {
                    catch {
                        "$($item.Pool) runspace failed to load: $($_.Exception.InnerException.Message)"

                    Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $item.Pipeline
                    $item.Stopped = $true

            # dispose of schedule runspaces
            if ($PodeContext.Schedules.Processes.Count -gt 0) {
                foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Schedules.Processes.Keys.Clone()) {
                    Close-PodeScheduleInternal -Process $PodeContext.Schedules.Processes[$key]

            # dispose of task runspaces
            if ($PodeContext.Tasks.Results.Count -gt 0) {
                foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Tasks.Results.Keys.Clone()) {
                    Close-PodeTaskInternal -Result $PodeContext.Tasks.Results[$key]

            $PodeContext.Runspaces = @()
            Write-Verbose 'Runspaces disposed'

        # close/dispose the runspace pools
        if ($ClosePool) {

        # check for runspace errors
        if (($null -ne $runspaceErrors) -and ($runspaceErrors.Length -gt 0)) {
            foreach ($err in $runspaceErrors) {
                if ($null -eq $err) {

                throw $err

        # garbage collect
    catch {
        $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
        throw $_.Exception

function Get-PodeConsoleKey {
    if ([Console]::IsInputRedirected -or ![Console]::KeyAvailable) {
        return $null

    return [Console]::ReadKey($true)

function Test-PodeTerminationPressed {
        $Key = $null

    if ($PodeContext.Server.DisableTermination) {
        return $false

    return (Test-PodeKeyPressed -Key $Key -Character 'c')

function Test-PodeRestartPressed {
        $Key = $null

    return (Test-PodeKeyPressed -Key $Key -Character 'r')

function Test-PodeOpenBrowserPressed {
        $Key = $null

    return (Test-PodeKeyPressed -Key $Key -Character 'b')

function Test-PodeKeyPressed {
        $Key = $null,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ($null -eq $Key) {
        $Key = Get-PodeConsoleKey

    return (($null -ne $Key) -and ($Key.Key -ieq $Character) -and
        (($Key.Modifiers -band [ConsoleModifiers]::Control) -or ((Test-PodeIsUnix) -and ($Key.Modifiers -band [ConsoleModifiers]::Shift))))

function Close-PodeServerInternal {

    # ensure the token is cancelled
    if ($null -ne $PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation) {
        Write-Verbose 'Cancelling main cancellation token'

    # stop all current runspaces
    Write-Verbose 'Closing runspaces'
    Close-PodeRunspaces -ClosePool

    # stop the file monitor if it's running
    Write-Verbose 'Stopping file monitor'

    try {
        # remove all the cancellation tokens
        Write-Verbose 'Disposing cancellation tokens'
        Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation
        Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $PodeContext.Tokens.Restart

        # dispose mutex/semaphores
        Write-Verbose 'Diposing mutex and semaphores'
    catch {
        $_ | Out-Default

    # remove all of the pode temp drives
    Write-Verbose 'Removing internal PSDrives'

    if ($ShowDoneMessage -and ($PodeContext.Server.Types.Length -gt 0) -and !$PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
        Write-PodeHost ' Done' -ForegroundColor Green

function New-PodePSDrive {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    # if the path is a share, do nothing
    if ($Path.StartsWith('\\')) {
        return $Path

    # if no name is passed, used a randomly generated one
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) {
        $Name = "PodeDir$(New-PodeGuid)"

    # if the path supplied doesn't exist, error
    if (!(Test-Path $Path)) {
        throw "Path does not exist: $($Path)"

    # resolve the path
    $Path = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Path -JoinRoot -Resolve

    # create the temp drive
    if (!(Test-PodePSDrive -Name $Name -Path $Path)) {
        $drive = (New-PSDrive -Name $Name -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $Path -Scope Global -ErrorAction Stop)
    else {
        $drive = Get-PodePSDrive -Name $Name

    # store internally, and return the drive's name
    if (!$PodeContext.Server.Drives.ContainsKey($drive.Name)) {
        $PodeContext.Server.Drives[$drive.Name] = $Path

    return "$($drive.Name):$([System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)"

function Get-PodePSDrive {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return (Get-PSDrive -Name $Name -PSProvider FileSystem -Scope Global -ErrorAction Ignore)

function Test-PodePSDrive {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    $drive = Get-PodePSDrive -Name $Name
    if ($null -eq $drive) {
        return $false

    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
        return ($drive.Root -ieq $Path)

    return $true

function Add-PodePSDrives {
    foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Server.Drives.Keys) {
        $null = New-PodePSDrive -Path $PodeContext.Server.Drives[$key] -Name $key

function Import-PodeModules {
    # import other modules in the session
    foreach ($path in $PodeContext.Server.Modules.Values) {
        if (Test-Path $path) {
            $null = Import-Module $path -DisableNameChecking -Scope Global -ErrorAction Stop

Creates and registers inbuilt PowerShell drives for the Pode server's default folders.
This function sets up inbuilt PowerShell drives for the Pode web server's default directories: views, public content, and error pages. For each of these directories, if the physical path exists on the server, a new PowerShell drive is created and mapped to this path. These drives provide an easy and consistent way to access server resources like views, static files, and custom error pages within the Pode application.
The function leverages `$PodeContext` to access the server's configuration and to determine the paths for these default folders. If a folder's path exists, the function uses `New-PodePSDrive` to create a PowerShell drive for it and stores this drive in the server's `InbuiltDrives` dictionary, keyed by the folder type.
This example is typically called within the Pode server setup script or internally by the Pode framework to initialize the PowerShell drives for the server's default folders.
- The function is designed to be used within the Pode framework and relies on the global `$PodeContext` variable for configuration.
- It specifically checks for the existence of paths for views, public content, and errors before attempting to create drives for them.
- This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function Add-PodePSInbuiltDrive {

    # create drive for views, if path exists
    $path = (Join-PodeServerRoot -Folder $PodeContext.Server.DefaultFolders.Views)
    if (Test-Path $path) {
        $PodeContext.Server.InbuiltDrives[$PodeContext.Server.DefaultFolders.Views] = (New-PodePSDrive -Path $path)

    # create drive for public content, if path exists
    $path = (Join-PodeServerRoot $PodeContext.Server.DefaultFolders.Public)
    if (Test-Path $path) {
        $PodeContext.Server.InbuiltDrives[$PodeContext.Server.DefaultFolders.Public] = (New-PodePSDrive -Path $path)

    # create drive for errors, if path exists
    $path = (Join-PodeServerRoot $PodeContext.Server.DefaultFolders.Errors)
    if (Test-Path $path) {
        $PodeContext.Server.InbuiltDrives[$PodeContext.Server.DefaultFolders.Errors] = (New-PodePSDrive -Path $path)

function Remove-PodePSDrives {
    $null = Get-PSDrive PodeDir* | Remove-PSDrive

function Join-PodeServerRoot {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



    # use the root path of the server
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Root)) {
        $Root = $PodeContext.Server.Root

    # join the folder/file to the root path
    return [System.IO.Path]::Combine($Root, $Folder, $FilePath)

function Remove-PodeEmptyItemsFromArray {
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    if ($null -eq $Array) {
        return @()

    return @( @($Array -ne ([string]::Empty)) -ne $null )

function Remove-PodeNullKeysFromHashtable {
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    foreach ($key in ($Hashtable.Clone()).Keys) {
        if ($null -eq $Hashtable[$key]) {
            $null = $Hashtable.Remove($key)

        if (($Hashtable[$key] -is [string]) -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Hashtable[$key])) {
            $null = $Hashtable.Remove($key)

        if ($Hashtable[$key] -is [array]) {
            if (($Hashtable[$key].Length -eq 1) -and ($null -eq $Hashtable[$key][0])) {
                $null = $Hashtable.Remove($key)

            foreach ($item in $Hashtable[$key]) {
                if (($item -is [hashtable]) -or ($item -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary])) {
                    $item | Remove-PodeNullKeysFromHashtable


        if (($Hashtable[$key] -is [hashtable]) -or ($Hashtable[$key] -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary])) {
            $Hashtable[$key] | Remove-PodeNullKeysFromHashtable

function Get-PodeFileExtension {


    $ext = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($Path)
    if ($TrimPeriod) {
        $ext = $ext.Trim('.')

    return $ext

function Get-PodeFileName {


    if ($WithoutExtension) {
        return [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($Path)

    return [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($Path)

function Test-PodeValidNetworkFailure {

    $msgs = @(
        '*network name is no longer available*',
        '*nonexistent network connection*',
        '*the response has completed*',
        '*broken pipe*'

    $match = @(foreach ($msg in $msgs) {
            if ($Exception.Message -ilike $msg) {

    return ($null -ne $match)

function ConvertFrom-PodeHeaderQValue {
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    $qs = [ordered]@{}

    # return if no value
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value)) {
        return $qs

    # split the values up
    $parts = @($Value -isplit ',').Trim()

    # go through each part and check its q-value
    foreach ($part in $parts) {
        # default of 1 if no q-value
        if ($part.IndexOf(';q=') -eq -1) {
            $qs[$part] = 1.0

        # parse for q-value
        $atoms = @($part -isplit ';q=')
        $qs[$atoms[0]] = [double]$atoms[1]

    return $qs

function Get-PodeAcceptEncoding {


    # return if no encoding
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($AcceptEncoding)) {
        return [string]::Empty

    # return empty if not compressing
    if (!$PodeContext.Server.Web.Compression.Enabled) {
        return [string]::Empty

    # convert encoding form q-form
    $encodings = ConvertFrom-PodeHeaderQValue -Value $AcceptEncoding
    if ($encodings.Count -eq 0) {
        return [string]::Empty

    # check the encodings for one that matches
    $normal = @('identity', '*')
    $valid = @()

    # build up supported and invalid
    foreach ($encoding in $encodings.Keys) {
        if (($encoding -iin $PodeContext.Server.Compression.Encodings) -or ($encoding -iin $normal)) {
            $valid += @{
                Name  = $encoding
                Value = $encodings[$encoding]

    # if it's empty, just return empty
    if ($valid.Length -eq 0) {
        return [string]::Empty

    # find the highest ranked match
    $found = @{}
    $failOnIdentity = $false

    foreach ($encoding in $valid) {
        if ($encoding.Value -gt $found.Value) {
            $found = $encoding

        if (!$failOnIdentity -and ($encoding.Value -eq 0) -and ($encoding.Name -iin $normal)) {
            $failOnIdentity = $true

    # force found to identity/* if the 0 is not identity - meaning it's still allowed
    if (($found.Value -eq 0) -and !$failOnIdentity) {
        $found = @{
            Name  = 'identity'
            Value = 1.0

    # return invalid, error, or return empty for idenity?
    if ($found.Value -eq 0) {
        if ($ThrowError) {
            throw (New-PodeRequestException -StatusCode 406)

    # else, we're safe
    if ($found.Name -iin $normal) {
        return [string]::Empty

    if ($found.Name -ieq 'x-gzip') {
        return 'gzip'

    return $found.Name

function Get-PodeRanges {


    # return if no ranges
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Range)) {
        return $null

    # split on '='
    $parts = @($Range -isplit '=').Trim()
    if (($parts.Length -le 1) -or ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($parts[1]))) {
        return $null

    $unit = $parts[0]
    if ($unit -ine 'bytes') {
        if ($ThrowError) {
            throw (New-PodeRequestException -StatusCode 416)

        return $null

    # split on ','
    $parts = @($parts[1] -isplit ',').Trim()

    # parse into From-To hashtable array
    $ranges = @()

    foreach ($atom in $parts) {
        if ($atom -inotmatch '(?<start>[\d]+){0,1}\s?\-\s?(?<end>[\d]+){0,1}') {
            if ($ThrowError) {
                throw (New-PodeRequestException -StatusCode 416)

            return $null

        $ranges += @{
            Start = $Matches['start']
            End   = $Matches['end']

    return $ranges

function Get-PodeTransferEncoding {


    # return if no encoding
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($TransferEncoding)) {
        return [string]::Empty

    # convert encoding form q-form
    $encodings = ConvertFrom-PodeHeaderQValue -Value $TransferEncoding
    if ($encodings.Count -eq 0) {
        return [string]::Empty

    # check the encodings for one that matches
    $normal = @('chunked', 'identity')
    $invalid = @()

    # if we see a supported one, return immediately. else build up invalid one
    foreach ($encoding in $encodings.Keys) {
        if ($encoding -iin $PodeContext.Server.Compression.Encodings) {
            if ($encoding -ieq 'x-gzip') {
                return 'gzip'

            return $encoding

        if ($encoding -iin $normal) {

        $invalid += $encoding

    # if we have any invalid, throw a 415 error
    if ($invalid.Length -gt 0) {
        if ($ThrowError) {
            throw (New-PodeRequestException -StatusCode 415)

        return $invalid[0]

    # else, we're safe
    return [string]::Empty

function Get-PodeEncodingFromContentType {

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ContentType)) {
        return [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8

    $parts = @($ContentType -isplit ';').Trim()

    foreach ($part in $parts) {
        if ($part.StartsWith('charset')) {
            return [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(($part -isplit '=')[1].Trim())

    return [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8

function New-PodeRequestException {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $err = [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException]::new()
    $err.Data.Add('PodeStatusCode', $StatusCode)
    return $err

function ConvertTo-PodeResponseContent {
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]


        $Depth = 10,

        $Delimiter = ',',


    # split for the main content type
    $ContentType = Split-PodeContentType -ContentType $ContentType

    # if there is no content-type then convert straight to string
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ContentType)) {
        return ([string]$InputObject)

    # run action for the content type
    switch ($ContentType) {
        { $_ -ilike '*/json' } {
            if ($InputObject -isnot [string]) {
                if ($Depth -le 0) {
                    return (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $InputObject -Compress)
                else {
                    return (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $InputObject -Depth $Depth -Compress)

            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($InputObject)) {
                return '{}'

        { $_ -ilike '*/yaml' -or $_ -ilike '*/x-yaml' } {
            if ($InputObject -isnot [string]) {
                if ($Depth -le 0) {
                    return (ConvertTo-PodeYamlInternal -InputObject $InputObject )
                else {
                    return (ConvertTo-PodeYamlInternal -InputObject $InputObject -Depth $Depth  )

            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($InputObject)) {
                return '[]'

        { $_ -ilike '*/xml' } {
            if ($InputObject -isnot [string]) {
                $temp = @(foreach ($item in $InputObject) {
                        New-Object psobject -Property $item

                return ($temp | ConvertTo-Xml -Depth $Depth -As String -NoTypeInformation)

            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($InputObject)) {
                return [string]::Empty

        { $_ -ilike '*/csv' } {
            if ($InputObject -isnot [string]) {
                $temp = @(foreach ($item in $InputObject) {
                        New-Object psobject -Property $item

                if (Test-PodeIsPSCore) {
                    $temp = ($temp | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter $Delimiter -IncludeTypeInformation:$false)
                else {
                    $temp = ($temp | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter $Delimiter -NoTypeInformation)

                return ($temp -join ([environment]::NewLine))

            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($InputObject)) {
                return [string]::Empty

        { $_ -ilike '*/html' } {
            if ($InputObject -isnot [string]) {
                return (($InputObject | ConvertTo-Html) -join ([environment]::NewLine))

            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($InputObject)) {
                return [string]::Empty

        { $_ -ilike '*/markdown' } {
            if ($AsHtml -and ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 7)) {
                return ($InputObject | ConvertFrom-Markdown).Html

    return ([string]$InputObject)

function ConvertFrom-PodeRequestContent {



    # get the requests content type
    $ContentType = Split-PodeContentType -ContentType $ContentType

    # result object for data/files
    $Result = @{
        Data  = @{}
        Files = @{}

    # if there is no content-type then do nothing
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ContentType)) {
        return $Result

    # if the content-type is not multipart/form-data, get the string data
    if ($ContentType -ine 'multipart/form-data') {
        # get the content based on server type
        if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
            switch ($PodeContext.Server.ServerlessType.ToLowerInvariant()) {
                'awslambda' {
                    $Content = $Request.body

                'azurefunctions' {
                    $Content = $Request.RawBody
        else {
            # if the request is compressed, attempt to uncompress it
            if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($TransferEncoding)) {
                # create a compressed stream to decompress the req bytes
                $ms = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.MemoryStream
                $ms.Write($Request.RawBody, 0, $Request.RawBody.Length)
                $null = $ms.Seek(0, 0)
                $stream = New-Object "System.IO.Compression.$($TransferEncoding)Stream"($ms, [System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress)

                # read the decompressed bytes
                $Content = Read-PodeStreamToEnd -Stream $stream -Encoding $Request.ContentEncoding
            else {
                $Content = $Request.Body

        # if there is no content then do nothing
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Content)) {
            return $Result

        # check if there is a defined custom body parser
        if ($PodeContext.Server.BodyParsers.ContainsKey($ContentType)) {
            $parser = $PodeContext.Server.BodyParsers[$ContentType]
            $Result.Data = (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $parser.ScriptBlock -Arguments $Content -UsingVariables $parser.UsingVariables -Return)
            $Content = $null
            return $Result

    # run action for the content type
    switch ($ContentType) {
        { $_ -ilike '*/json' } {
            if (Test-PodeIsPSCore) {
                $Result.Data = ($Content | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable)
            else {
                $Result.Data = ($Content | ConvertFrom-Json)

        { $_ -ilike '*/xml' } {
            $Result.Data = [xml]($Content)

        { $_ -ilike '*/csv' } {
            $Result.Data = ($Content | ConvertFrom-Csv)

        { $_ -ilike '*/x-www-form-urlencoded' } {
            $Result.Data = (ConvertFrom-PodeNameValueToHashTable -Collection ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($Content)))

        { $_ -ieq 'multipart/form-data' } {
            # parse multipart form data
            $form = $null

            if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
                switch ($PodeContext.Server.ServerlessType.ToLowerInvariant()) {
                    'awslambda' {
                        $Content = $Request.body

                    'azurefunctions' {
                        $Content = $Request.Body

                $form = [PodeForm]::Parse($Content, $WebEvent.ContentType, [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8)
            else {
                $form = $Request.Form

            # set the files/data
            foreach ($file in $form.Files) {
                $Result.Files.Add($file.FileName, $file)

            foreach ($item in $form.Data) {
                if ($item.IsSingular) {
                    $Result.Data.Add($item.Key, $item.Values[0])
                else {
                    $Result.Data.Add($item.Key, $item.Values)

            $form = $null

        default {
            $Result.Data = $Content

    $Content = $null
    return $Result

function Split-PodeContentType {

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ContentType)) {
        return [string]::Empty

    return @($ContentType -isplit ';')[0].Trim()

function ConvertFrom-PodeNameValueToHashTable {

    if ((Get-PodeCount -Object $Collection) -eq 0) {
        return @{}

    $ht = @{}
    foreach ($key in $Collection.Keys) {
        $htKey = $key
        if (!$key) {
            $htKey = ''

        $ht[$htKey] = $Collection.Get($key)

    return $ht

function Get-PodeCount {

    if ($null -eq $Object) {
        return 0

    if ($Object -is [string]) {
        return $Object.Length

    if ($Object -is [System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection] -and $Object.Count -eq 0) {
        return 0

    return $Object.Count

    Tests if a given file system path is valid and optionally if it is not a directory.
    This function tests if the provided file system path is valid. It checks if the path is not null or whitespace, and if the item at the path exists. If the item exists and is not a directory (unless the $FailOnDirectory switch is not used), it returns true. If the path is not valid, it can optionally set a 404 response status code.
    The file system path to test for validity.
    A switch to suppress setting the 404 response status code if the path is not valid.
.PARAMETER FailOnDirectory
    A switch to indicate that the function should return false if the path is a directory.
    A switch to indicate that the file with the hidden attribute has to be includede
    Return the item file item itself instead of true or false
    $isValid = Test-PodePath -Path "C:\temp\file.txt"
    if ($isValid) {
        # The file exists and is not a directory
    $isValid = Test-PodePath -Path "C:\temp\folder" -FailOnDirectory
    if (!$isValid) {
        # The path is a directory or does not exist
    This function is used within the Pode framework to validate file system paths for serving static content.

function Test-PodePath {





    $statusCode = 404

    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
        try {
            $item = Get-Item $Path -Force:$Force -ErrorAction Stop
            if (($null -ne $item) -and (!$FailOnDirectory -or !$item.PSIsContainer)) {
                $statusCode = 200
        catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {
            $statusCode = 404
        catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] {
            $statusCode = 401
        catch {
            $statusCode = 400


    if ($statusCode -eq 200) {
        if ($ReturnItem.IsPresent) {
            return  $item
        return $true

    # if we failed to get the file, report back the status code and/or return true/false
    if (!$NoStatus.IsPresent) {
        Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code $statusCode

    if ($ReturnItem.IsPresent) {
        return  $null
    return $false

function Test-PodePathIsFile {


    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
        return $false

    if ($FailOnWildcard -and (Test-PodePathIsWildcard $Path)) {
        return $false

    return (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($Path)))

function Test-PodePathIsWildcard {

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
        return $false

    return $Path.Contains('*')

function Test-PodePathIsDirectory {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



    if ($FailOnWildcard -and (Test-PodePathIsWildcard $Path)) {
        return $false

    return ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($Path)))

function Convert-PodePathSeparators {

    return @($Paths | ForEach-Object {
            if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)) {
                $_ -ireplace '[\\/]', [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar

function Convert-PodePathPatternToRegex {



    if (!$NotSlashes) {
        if ($Path -match '[\\/]\*$') {
            $Path = $Path -replace '[\\/]\*$', '/{0,1}*'

        $Path = $Path -ireplace '[\\/]', '[\\/]'

    $Path = $Path -ireplace '\.', '\.'
    $Path = $Path -ireplace '\*', '.*?'

    if ($NotStrict) {
        return $Path

    return "^$($Path)$"

function Convert-PodePathPatternsToRegex {



    # replace certain chars
    $Paths = @(foreach ($path in $Paths) {
            if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($path)) {
                Convert-PodePathPatternToRegex -Path $path -NotStrict -NotSlashes:$NotSlashes

    # if no paths, return null
    if (($null -eq $Paths) -or ($Paths.Length -eq 0)) {
        return $null

    # join them all together
    $joined = "($($Paths -join '|'))"

    if ($NotStrict) {
        return $joined

    return "^$($joined)$"

function Get-PodeDefaultSslProtocols {
    if (Test-PodeIsMacOS) {
        return (ConvertTo-PodeSslProtocols -Protocols Tls12)

    return (ConvertTo-PodeSslProtocols -Protocols Ssl3, Tls12)

function ConvertTo-PodeSslProtocols {
        [ValidateSet('Ssl2', 'Ssl3', 'Tls', 'Tls11', 'Tls12', 'Tls13')]

    $protos = 0
    foreach ($protocol in $Protocols) {
        $protos = [int]($protos -bor [System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols]::$protocol)

    return [System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols]($protos)

function Get-PodeModuleDetails {
    # if there's 1 module imported already, use that
    $importedModule = @(Get-Module -Name Pode)
    if (($importedModule | Measure-Object).Count -eq 1) {
        return (Convert-PodeModuleDetails -Module @($importedModule)[0])

    # if there's none or more, attempt to get the module used for 'engine'
    try {
        $usedModule = (Get-Command -Name 'Set-PodeViewEngine').Module
        if (($usedModule | Measure-Object).Count -eq 1) {
            return (Convert-PodeModuleDetails -Module $usedModule)
    catch {

    # if there were multiple to begin with, use the newest version
    if (($importedModule | Measure-Object).Count -gt 1) {
        return (Convert-PodeModuleDetails -Module @($importedModule | Sort-Object -Property Version)[-1])

    # otherwise there were none, use the latest installed
    return (Convert-PodeModuleDetails -Module @(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Pode | Sort-Object -Property Version)[-1])

function Convert-PodeModuleDetails {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $details = @{
        Name         = $Module.Name
        Path         = $Module.Path
        BasePath     = $Module.ModuleBase
        DataPath     = (Find-PodeModuleFile -Module $Module -CheckVersion)
        InternalPath = $null
        InPath       = (Test-PodeModuleInPath -Module $Module)

    $details.InternalPath = $details.DataPath -ireplace 'Pode\.(ps[md]1)', 'Pode.Internal.$1'
    return $details

function Test-PodeModuleInPath {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $separator = ';'
    if (Test-PodeIsUnix) {
        $separator = ':'

    $paths = @($env:PSModulePath -split $separator)

    foreach ($path in $paths) {
        if ($Module.Path.StartsWith($path)) {
            return $true

    return $false

function Get-PodeModuleDependencies {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if (!$Module.RequiredModules) {
        return $Module

    $mods = @()
    foreach ($mod in $Module.RequiredModules) {
        $mods += (Get-PodeModuleDependencies -Module $mod)

    return ($mods + $module)

function Get-PodeModuleRootPath {
    return (Split-Path -Parent -Path $PodeContext.Server.PodeModule.Path)

function Get-PodeModuleMiscPath {
    return [System.IO.Path]::Combine((Get-PodeModuleRootPath), 'Misc')

function Get-PodeUrl {
    return "$($WebEvent.Endpoint.Protocol)://$($WebEvent.Endpoint.Address)$($WebEvent.Path)"

function Find-PodeErrorPage {


    # if a defined content type is supplied, attempt to find an error page for that first
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ContentType)) {
        $path = Get-PodeErrorPage -Code $Code -ContentType $ContentType
        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) {
            return @{ 'Path' = $path; 'ContentType' = $ContentType }

    # if a defined route error page content type is supplied, attempt to find an error page for that
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($WebEvent.ErrorType)) {
        $path = Get-PodeErrorPage -Code $Code -ContentType $WebEvent.ErrorType
        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) {
            return @{ 'Path' = $path; 'ContentType' = $WebEvent.ErrorType }

    # if route patterns have been defined, see if an error content type matches and attempt that
    if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Server.Web.ErrorPages.Routes)) {
        # find type by pattern
        $matched = @(foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Server.Web.ErrorPages.Routes.Keys) {
                if ($WebEvent.Path -imatch $key) {

        # if we have a match, see if a page exists
        if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $matched)) {
            $type = $PodeContext.Server.Web.ErrorPages.Routes[$matched]
            $path = Get-PodeErrorPage -Code $Code -ContentType $type
            if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) {
                return @{ 'Path' = $path; 'ContentType' = $type }

    # if we're using strict typing, attempt that, if we have a content type
    if ($PodeContext.Server.Web.ErrorPages.StrictContentTyping -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($WebEvent.ContentType)) {
        $path = Get-PodeErrorPage -Code $Code -ContentType $WebEvent.ContentType
        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) {
            return @{ 'Path' = $path; 'ContentType' = $WebEvent.ContentType }

    # if we have a default defined, attempt that
    if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Server.Web.ErrorPages.Default)) {
        $path = Get-PodeErrorPage -Code $Code -ContentType $PodeContext.Server.Web.ErrorPages.Default
        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) {
            return @{ 'Path' = $path; 'ContentType' = $PodeContext.Server.Web.ErrorPages.Default }

    # if there's still no error page, use default HTML logic
    $type = Get-PodeContentType -Extension 'html'
    $path = (Get-PodeErrorPage -Code $Code -ContentType $type)

    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) {
        return @{ 'Path' = $path; 'ContentType' = $type }

    return $null

function Get-PodeErrorPage {


    # parse the passed content type
    $ContentType = Split-PodeContentType -ContentType $ContentType

    # object for the page path
    $path = $null

    # attempt to find a custom error page
    $path = Find-PodeCustomErrorPage -Code $Code -ContentType $ContentType

    # if there's no custom page found, attempt to find an inbuilt page
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) {
        $podeRoot = Get-PodeModuleMiscPath
        $path = Find-PodeFileForContentType -Path $podeRoot -Name 'default-error-page' -ContentType $ContentType -Engine 'pode'

    # if there's no path found, or it's inaccessible, return null
    if (!(Test-PodePath $path -NoStatus)) {
        return $null

    return $path

function Find-PodeCustomErrorPage {


    # get the custom errors path
    $customErrPath = $PodeContext.Server.InbuiltDrives['errors']

    # if there's no custom error path, return
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($customErrPath)) {
        return $null

    # retrieve a status code page
    $path = (Find-PodeFileForContentType -Path $customErrPath -Name "$($Code)" -ContentType $ContentType)
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) {
        return $path

    # retrieve default page
    $path = (Find-PodeFileForContentType -Path $customErrPath -Name 'default' -ContentType $ContentType)
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) {
        return $path

    # no file was found
    return $null

function Find-PodeFileForContentType {



        $Engine = $null

    # get all files at the path that start with the name
    $files = @(Get-ChildItem -Path ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($Path, "$($Name).*")))

    # if there are no files, return
    if ($null -eq $files -or $files.Length -eq 0) {
        return $null

    # filter the files by the view engine extension (but only if the current engine is dynamic - non-html)
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Engine) -and $PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.IsDynamic) {
        $Engine = $PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.Extension

    $Engine = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Engine -Default 'pode')
    if ($Engine -ine 'pode') {
        $Engine = "($($Engine)|pode)"

    $engineFiles = @(foreach ($file in $files) {
            if ($file.Name -imatch "\.$($Engine)$") {

    $files = @(foreach ($file in $files) {
            if ($file.Name -inotmatch "\.$($Engine)$") {

    # only attempt static files if we still have files after any engine filtering
    if ($null -ne $files -and $files.Length -gt 0) {
        # get files of the format '<name>.<type>'
        $file = @(foreach ($f in $files) {
                if ($f.Name -imatch "^$($Name)\.(?<ext>.*?)$") {
                    if (($ContentType -ieq (Get-PodeContentType -Extension $Matches['ext']))) {

        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($file)) {
            return $file

    # only attempt these formats if we have a files for the view engine
    if ($null -ne $engineFiles -and $engineFiles.Length -gt 0) {
        # get files of the format '<name>.<type>.<engine>'
        $file = @(foreach ($f in $engineFiles) {
                if ($f.Name -imatch "^$($Name)\.(?<ext>.*?)\.$($engine)$") {
                    if ($ContentType -ieq (Get-PodeContentType -Extension $Matches['ext'])) {

        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($file)) {
            return $file

        # get files of the format '<name>.<engine>'
        $file = @(foreach ($f in $engineFiles) {
                if ($f.Name -imatch "^$($Name)\.$($engine)$") {

        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($file)) {
            return $file

    # no file was found
    return $null

function Get-PodeRelativePath {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]





    # if the path is relative, join to root if flagged
    if ($JoinRoot -and ($Path -match '^\.{1,2}([\\\/]|$)')) {
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RootPath)) {
            $RootPath = $PodeContext.Server.Root

        $Path = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RootPath, $Path)

    # if flagged, resolve the path
    if ($Resolve) {
        $_rawPath = $Path
        $Path = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($Path.Replace('\', '/'))

    # if flagged, test the path and throw error if it doesn't exist
    if ($TestPath -and !(Test-PodePath $Path -NoStatus)) {
        throw "The path does not exist: $(Protect-PodeValue -Value $Path -Default $_rawPath)"

    return $Path

function Get-PodeWildcardFiles {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Wildcard = '*.*',


    # if the OriginalPath is a directory, add wildcard
    if (Test-PodePathIsDirectory -Path $Path) {
        $Path = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($Path, $Wildcard)

    # if path has a *, assume wildcard
    if (Test-PodePathIsWildcard -Path $Path) {
        $Path = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Path -RootPath $RootPath -JoinRoot
        return @((Get-ChildItem $Path -Recurse -Force).FullName)

    return $null

function Test-PodeIsServerless {


    if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless -and $ThrowError) {
        throw "The $($FunctionName) function is not supported in a serverless context"

    if (!$ThrowError) {
        return $PodeContext.Server.IsServerless

function Get-PodeEndpointUrl {

    # get the endpoint on which we're currently listening - use first http/https if there are many
    if ($null -eq $Endpoint) {
        $Endpoint = @($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values | Where-Object { $_.Protocol -iin @('http', 'https') -and $_.Default })[0]
        if ($null -eq $Endpoint) {
            $Endpoint = @($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values | Where-Object { $_.Protocol -iin @('http', 'https') })[0]

    $url = $Endpoint.Url
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($url)) {
        $url = "$($Endpoint.Protocol)://$($Endpoint.FriendlyName):$($Endpoint.Port)"

    return $url

function Get-PodeDefaultPort {
        [ValidateSet('Http', 'Https', 'Smtp', 'Smtps', 'Tcp', 'Tcps', 'Ws', 'Wss')]

        [ValidateSet('Implicit', 'Explicit')]
        $TlsMode = 'Implicit',


    # are we after the real default ports?
    if ($Real) {
        return (@{
                Http  = @{ Implicit = 80 }
                Https = @{ Implicit = 443 }
                Smtp  = @{ Implicit = 25 }
                Smtps = @{ Implicit = 465; Explicit = 587 }
                Tcp   = @{ Implicit = 9001 }
                Tcps  = @{ Implicit = 9002; Explicit = 9003 }
                Ws    = @{ Implicit = 80 }
                Wss   = @{ Implicit = 443 }

    # if we running as iis, return the ASPNET port
    if ($PodeContext.Server.IsIIS) {
        return [int]$env:ASPNETCORE_PORT

    # if we running as heroku, return the port
    if ($PodeContext.Server.IsHeroku) {
        return [int]$env:PORT

    # otherwise, get the port for the protocol
    return (@{
            Http  = @{ Implicit = 8080 }
            Https = @{ Implicit = 8443 }
            Smtp  = @{ Implicit = 25 }
            Smtps = @{ Implicit = 465; Explicit = 587 }
            Tcp   = @{ Implicit = 9001 }
            Tcps  = @{ Implicit = 9002; Explicit = 9003 }
            Ws    = @{ Implicit = 9080 }
            Wss   = @{ Implicit = 9443 }

function Set-PodeServerHeader {


    $name = 'Pode'
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Type) -or $AllowEmptyType) {
        $name += " - $($Type)"

    Set-PodeHeader -Name 'Server' -Value $name

function Get-PodeHandler {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Service', 'Smtp')]


    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) {
        return $PodeContext.Server.Handlers[$Type]

    return $PodeContext.Server.Handlers[$Type][$Name]

function Convert-PodeFileToScriptBlock {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # resolve for relative path
    $FilePath = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $FilePath -JoinRoot

    # if file doesn't exist, error
    if (!(Test-PodePath -Path $FilePath -NoStatus)) {
        throw "The FilePath supplied does not exist: $($FilePath)"

    # if the path is a wildcard or directory, error
    if (!(Test-PodePathIsFile -Path $FilePath -FailOnWildcard)) {
        throw "The FilePath supplied cannot be a wildcard or a directory: $($FilePath)"

    return ([scriptblock](Use-PodeScript -Path $FilePath))

function Convert-PodeQueryStringToHashTable {

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Uri)) {
        return @{}

    $qmIndex = $Uri.IndexOf('?')
    if ($qmIndex -eq -1) {
        return @{}

    if ($qmIndex -gt 0) {
        $Uri = $Uri.Substring($qmIndex)

    $tmpQuery = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($Uri)
    return (ConvertFrom-PodeNameValueToHashTable -Collection $tmpQuery)

function Get-PodeDotSourcedFiles {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    # set default root path
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RootPath)) {
        $RootPath = $PodeContext.Server.Root

    # get all dot-sourced files
    $cmdTypes = @('dot', 'ampersand')
    $files = ($Ast.FindAll({
        ($args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst]) -and
        ($args[0].InvocationOperator -iin $cmdTypes) -and
        ($args[0].CommandElements.StaticType.Name -ieq 'string')
            }, $false)).CommandElements.Value

    $fileOrder = @()

    # no files found
    if (($null -eq $files) -or ($files.Length -eq 0)) {
        return $fileOrder

    # get any sub sourced files
    foreach ($file in $files) {
        $file = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $file -RootPath $RootPath -JoinRoot
        $fileOrder += $file

        $ast = Get-PodeAstFromFile -FilePath $file

        $result = Get-PodeDotSourcedFiles -Ast $ast -RootPath (Split-Path -Parent -Path $file)
        if (($null -ne $result) -and ($result.Length -gt 0)) {
            $fileOrder += $result

    # return all found files
    return $fileOrder

function Get-PodeAstFromFile {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if (!(Test-Path $FilePath)) {
        throw "Path to script file does not exist: $($FilePath)"

    return [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($FilePath, [ref]$null, [ref]$null)

function Get-PodeFunctionsFromFile {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $ast = Get-PodeAstFromFile -FilePath $FilePath
    return @(Get-PodeFunctionsFromAst -Ast $ast)

function Get-PodeFunctionsFromAst {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $funcs = @(($Ast.FindAll({ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] }, $false)))

    return @(foreach ($func in $funcs) {
            # skip null
            if ($null -eq $func) {

            # skip pode funcs
            if ($func.Name -ilike '*-Pode*') {

            # definition
            $def = "$($func.Body)".Trim('{}').Trim()
            if (($null -ne $func.Parameters) -and ($func.Parameters.Count -gt 0)) {
                $def = "param($($func.Parameters.Name -join ','))`n$($def)"

            # the found func
                Name       = $func.Name
                Definition = $def

function Get-PodeFunctionsFromScriptBlock {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # functions that have been found
    $foundFuncs = @()

    # get each function in the callstack
    $callstack = Get-PSCallStack
    if ($callstack.Count -gt 3) {
        $callstack = ($callstack | Select-Object -Skip 4)
        $bindingFlags = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'NonPublic, Instance, Static'

        foreach ($call in $callstack) {
            $_funcContext = $call.GetType().GetProperty('FunctionContext', $bindingFlags).GetValue($call, $null)
            $_scriptBlock = $_funcContext.GetType().GetField('_scriptBlock', $bindingFlags).GetValue($_funcContext)
            $foundFuncs += @(Get-PodeFunctionsFromAst -Ast $_scriptBlock.Ast)

    # get each function from the main script
    $foundFuncs += @(Get-PodeFunctionsFromAst -Ast $ScriptBlock.Ast)

    # return the found functions
    return $foundFuncs

function Read-PodeWebExceptionDetails {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    switch ($ErrorRecord) {
        { $_.Exception -is [System.Net.WebException] } {
            $stream = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
            $stream.Position = 0

            $body = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($stream).ReadToEnd()
            $code = [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
            $desc = $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription

        { $_.Exception -is [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException] } {
            $body = $_.ErrorDetails.Message
            $code = [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
            $desc = $_.Exception.Response.ReasonPhrase

        default {
            throw "Exception is of an invalid type, should be either WebException or HttpRequestException, but got: $($_.Exception.GetType().Name)"

    return @{
        Status = @{
            Code        = $code
            Description = $desc
        Body   = $body

function Use-PodeFolder {

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # use default, or custom path
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
        $Path = Join-PodeServerRoot -Folder $DefaultPath
    else {
        $Path = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Path -JoinRoot

    # fail if path not found
    if (!(Test-PodePath -Path $Path -NoStatus)) {
        throw "Path to load $($DefaultPath) not found: $($Path)"

    # get .ps1 files and load them
    Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter *.ps1 -Force -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
        Use-PodeScript -Path $_.FullName

function Find-PodeModuleFile {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Name')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Module')]




    # get module and check psd1, then psm1
    if ($null -eq $Module) {
        $Module = (Get-Module -Name $Name -ListAvailable:$ListAvailable | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1)

    # if the path isn't already a psd1 do this
    $path = Join-Path $Module.ModuleBase "$($Module.Name).psd1"
    if (!(Test-Path $path)) {
        # if we only want a psd1, return null
        if ($DataOnly) {
            $path = $null
        else {
            $path = $Module.Path

    # check the Version of the psd1
    elseif ($CheckVersion) {
        $data = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $path -ErrorAction Stop

        $version = $null
        if (![version]::TryParse($data.ModuleVersion, [ref]$version)) {
            if ($DataOnly) {
                $path = $null
            else {
                $path = $Module.Path

    return $path

function Clear-PodeHashtableInnerKeys {
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $InputObject) {

    $InputObject.Keys.Clone() | ForEach-Object {

function Set-PodeCronInterval {




    if ($Interval -le 0) {
        return $false

    if ($Value.Length -gt 1) {
        throw "You can only supply a single $($Type) value when using intervals"

    if ($Value.Length -eq 1) {
        $Cron[$Type] = "$(@($Value)[0])"

    $Cron[$Type] += "/$($Interval)"
    return ($Value.Length -eq 1)

function Test-PodeModuleInstalled {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return ($null -ne (Get-Module -Name $Name -ListAvailable -ErrorAction Ignore -Verbose:$false))

function Get-PodePlaceholderRegex {
    return '\:(?<tag>[\w]+)'

function Resolve-PodePlaceholders {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        $Prepend = '(?<',

        $Append = '>[^\/]+?)',


    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Pattern)) {
        $Pattern = Get-PodePlaceholderRegex

    if ($Path -imatch $Pattern) {
        $Path = [regex]::Escape($Path)

    if ($Slashes) {
        $Path = ($Path.TrimEnd('\/') -replace '(\\\\|\/)', '[\\\/]')
        $Path = "$($Path)[\\\/]"

    return (Convert-PodePlaceholders -Path $Path -Pattern $Pattern -Prepend $Prepend -Append $Append)

function Convert-PodePlaceholders {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        $Prepend = '(?<',

        $Append = '>[^\/]+?)'

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Pattern)) {
        $Pattern = Get-PodePlaceholderRegex

    while ($Path -imatch $Pattern) {
        $Path = ($Path -ireplace $Matches[0], "$($Prepend)$($Matches['tag'])$($Append)")

    return $Path

function Test-PodePlaceholders {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Placeholder)) {
        $Placeholder = Get-PodePlaceholderRegex

    return ($Path -imatch $Placeholder)

Retrieves the PowerShell module manifest object for the specified module.
This function constructs the path to a PowerShell module manifest file (.psd1) located in the parent directory of the script root. It then imports the module manifest file to access its properties and returns the manifest object. This can be useful for scripts that need to dynamically discover and utilize module metadata, such as version, dependencies, and exported functions.
This function does not accept any parameters.
$manifest = Get-PodeModuleManifest
This example calls the `Get-PodeModuleManifest` function to retrieve the module manifest object and stores it in the variable `$manifest`.

function Get-PodeModuleManifest {
    # Construct the path to the module manifest (.psd1 file)
    $moduleManifestPath = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -ChildPath 'Pode.psd1'

    # Import the module manifest to access its properties
    $moduleManifest = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $moduleManifestPath
    return  $moduleManifest

Tests if the Pode module is from the development branch.
The Test-PodeVersionDev function checks if the Pode module's version matches the placeholder value ('$version$'), which is used to indicate the development branch of the module. It returns $true if the version matches, indicating the module is from the development branch, and $false otherwise.
This function does not accept any parameters.
Returns $true if the Pode module version is '$version$', indicating the development branch. Returns $false for any other version.
PS> $moduleManifest = @{ ModuleVersion = '$version$' }
PS> Test-PodeVersionDev
Returns $true, indicating the development branch.
PS> $moduleManifest = @{ ModuleVersion = '1.2.3' }
PS> Test-PodeVersionDev
Returns $false, indicating a specific release version.
This function assumes that $moduleManifest is a hashtable representing the loaded module manifest, with a key of ModuleVersion.

function Test-PodeVersionDev {
    return (Get-PodeModuleManifest).ModuleVersion -eq '$version$'

Tests the running PowerShell version for compatibility with Pode, identifying end-of-life (EOL) and untested versions.
The `Test-PodeVersionPwshEOL` function checks the current PowerShell version against a list of versions that were either supported or EOL at the time of the Pode release. It uses the module manifest to determine which PowerShell versions are considered EOL and which are officially supported. If the current version is EOL or was not tested with the current release of Pode, the function generates a warning. This function aids in maintaining best practices for using supported PowerShell versions with Pode.
.PARAMETER ReportUntested
If specified, the function will report if the current PowerShell version was not available and thus untested at the time of the Pode release. This is useful for identifying potential compatibility issues with newer versions of PowerShell.
A hashtable containing two keys:
- `eol`: A boolean indicating if the current PowerShell version was EOL at the time of the Pode release.
- `supported`: A boolean indicating if the current PowerShell version was officially supported by Pode at the time of the release.
Checks the current PowerShell version against Pode's supported and EOL versions list. Outputs a warning if the version is EOL or untested, and returns a hashtable indicating the compatibility status.
Test-PodeVersionPwshEOL -ReportUntested
Similar to the basic usage, but also reports if the current PowerShell version was untested because it was not available at the time of the Pode release.
This function is part of the Pode module's utilities to ensure compatibility and encourage the use of supported PowerShell versions.

function Test-PodeVersionPwshEOL {
        [switch] $ReportUntested
    $moduleManifest = Get-PodeModuleManifest
    if ($moduleManifest.ModuleVersion -eq '$version$') {
        return @{
            eol       = $false
            supported = $true

    $psVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
    $eolVersions = $moduleManifest.PrivateData.PwshVersions.Untested -split ','
    $isEol = "$($psVersion.Major).$($psVersion.Minor)" -in $eolVersions

    if ($isEol) {
        Write-PodeHost "[WARNING] Pode $(Get-PodeVersion) has not been tested on PowerShell $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion), as it is EOL." -ForegroundColor Yellow

    $SupportedVersions = $moduleManifest.PrivateData.PwshVersions.Supported -split ','
    $isSupported = "$($psVersion.Major).$($psVersion.Minor)" -in $SupportedVersions

    if ((! $isSupported) -and (! $isEol) -and $ReportUntested) {
        Write-PodeHost "[WARNING] Pode $(Get-PodeVersion) has not been tested on PowerShell $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion), as it was not available when Pode was released." -ForegroundColor Yellow

    return @{
        eol       = $isEol
        supported = $isSupported

creates a YAML description of the data in the object - based on
This produces YAML from any object you pass to it. It isn't suitable for the huge objects produced by some of the cmdlets such as Get-Process, but fine for simple objects
the object that you want scripted out
The depth that you want your object scripted to

function ConvertTo-PodeYaml {
    param (
        [parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        $Depth = 16

    if ($null -eq $PodeContext.Server.InternalCache.YamlModuleImported) {
        $PodeContext.Server.InternalCache.YamlModuleImported = ((Test-PodeModuleInstalled -Name 'PSYaml') -or (Test-PodeModuleInstalled -Name 'powershell-yaml'))

    if ($PodeContext.Server.InternalCache.YamlModuleImported) {
        return ($InputObject | ConvertTo-Yaml)
    else {
        return ConvertTo-PodeYamlInternal -InputObject $InputObject -Depth $Depth -NoNewLine

  Converts PowerShell objects into a YAML-formatted string.
  This function takes PowerShell objects and converts them to a YAML string representation.
  It supports various data types including arrays, hashtables, strings, and more.
  The depth of conversion can be controlled, allowing for nested objects to be accurately represented.
.PARAMETER InputObject
  The PowerShell object to convert to YAML. This parameter accepts input via the pipeline.
  Specifies the maximum depth of object nesting to convert. Default is 10 levels deep.
.PARAMETER NestingLevel
  Used internally to track the current depth of recursion. Generally not specified by the user.
  If specified, suppresses the newline characters in the output to create a single-line string.
  System.String. Returns a string in YAML format.
  $object | ConvertTo-PodeYamlInternal
  Converts the object piped to it into a YAML string.
  This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
  It converts only basic PowerShell types, such as strings, integers, booleans, arrays, hashtables, and ordered dictionaries into a YAML format.

function ConvertTo-PodeYamlInternal {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        $Depth = 10,

        $NestingLevel = 0,


    process {
        # if it is null return null
        If ( !($InputObject) ) {
            if ($InputObject -is [Object[]]) {
                return '[]'
            else {
                return ''

        $padding = [string]::new(' ', $NestingLevel * 2) # lets just create our left-padding for the block
        try {
            $Type = $InputObject.GetType().Name # we start by getting the object's type
            if ($InputObject -is [object[]]) {
                #what it really is
                $Type = "$($InputObject.GetType().BaseType.Name)"

            #report the leaves in terms of object type
            if ($Depth -ilt $NestingLevel) {
                $Type = 'OutOfDepth'
            # prevent these values being identified as an object
            if ($InputObject -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]) {
                $Type = 'HashTable'
            elseif ($Type -ieq 'List`1') {
                $Type = 'Array'
            elseif ($InputObject -is [array]) {
                $Type = 'Array'
            } # whatever it thinks it is called
            elseif ($InputObject -is [hashtable]) {
                $Type = 'HashTable'
            } # for our purposes it is a hashtable

            $output += switch ($Type.ToLower()) {
                'string' {
                    $String = "$InputObject"
                    if (($string -match '[\r\n]' -or $string.Length -gt 80) -and ($string -notlike 'http*')) {
                        $multiline = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new("|`n")

                        $items = $string.Split("`n")
                        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $items.Length; $i++) {
                            $workingString = $items[$i] -replace '\r$'
                            $length = $workingString.Length
                            $index = 0
                            $wrap = 80

                            while ($index -lt $length) {
                                $breakpoint = $wrap
                                $linebreak = $false

                                if (($length - $index) -gt $wrap) {
                                    $lastSpaceIndex = $workingString.LastIndexOf(' ', $index + $wrap, $wrap)
                                    if ($lastSpaceIndex -ne -1) {
                                        $breakpoint = $lastSpaceIndex - $index
                                    else {
                                        $linebreak = $true
                                else {
                                    $breakpoint = $length - $index

                                $null = $multiline.Append($padding).Append($workingString.Substring($index, $breakpoint).Trim())
                                if ($linebreak) {
                                    $null = $multiline.Append('\')

                                $index += $breakpoint
                                if ($index -lt $length) {
                                    $null = $multiline.Append([System.Environment]::NewLine)

                            if ($i -lt ($items.Length - 1)) {
                                $null = $multiline.Append([System.Environment]::NewLine)

                    else {
                        if ($string -match '^[#\[\]@\{\}\!\*]') {
                            "'$($string -replace '''', '''''')'"
                        else {
                'hashtable' {
                    if ($InputObject.Count -gt 0 ) {
                        $index = 0
                        $string = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
                        foreach ($item in $InputObject.Keys) {
                            if ($InputObject[$item] -is [string]) { $increment = 2 } else { $increment = 1 }
                            if ($NoNewLine -and $index++ -eq 0) { $NewPadding = '' } else { $NewPadding = "`n$padding" }
                            $null = $string.Append( $NewPadding).Append( $item).Append(': ').Append((ConvertTo-PodeYamlInternal -InputObject $InputObject[$item] -Depth $Depth -NestingLevel ($NestingLevel + $increment)))
                    else { '{}' }
                'boolean' {
                    if ($InputObject -eq $true) { 'true' } else { 'false' }
                'array' {
                    $string = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
                    $index = 0
                    foreach ($item in $InputObject ) {
                        if ($NoNewLine -and $index++ -eq 0) { $NewPadding = '' } else { $NewPadding = "`n$padding" }
                        $null = $string.Append($NewPadding).Append('- ').Append((ConvertTo-PodeYamlInternal -InputObject $item -depth $Depth -NestingLevel ($NestingLevel + 1) -NoNewLine))
                'int32' {
                'double' {
                default {
            return $Output
        catch {
            $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
            $_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
            throw "Error'$($_)' in script $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName) $($_.InvocationInfo.Line.Trim()) (line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)) char $($_.InvocationInfo.OffsetInLine) executing $($_.InvocationInfo.MyCommand) on $type object '$($InputObject)' Class: $($InputObject.GetType().Name) BaseClass: $($InputObject.GetType().BaseType.Name) "