
Places a temporary lock on an object, or Lockable, while a ScriptBlock is invoked.
Places a temporary lock on an object, or Lockable, while a ScriptBlock is invoked.
The Object, or Lockable, to lock. If no Object is supplied then the global lockable is used by default.
The Name of a Lockable object in Pode to lock, if no Name is supplied then the global lockable is used by default.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock to invoke.
If supplied, a number of milliseconds to timeout after if a lock cannot be acquired. (Default: Infinite)
If supplied, any values from the ScriptBlock will be returned.
.PARAMETER CheckGlobal
If supplied, will check the global Lockable object and wait until it's freed-up before locking the passed object.
Lock-PodeObject -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
Lock-PodeObject -Object $SomeArray -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
Lock-PodeObject -Name 'LockName' -Timeout 5000 -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
$result = (Lock-PodeObject -Return -Object $SomeArray -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ })

function Lock-PodeObject {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Object')]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Object')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Name')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Timeout = [System.Threading.Timeout]::Infinite,



    try {
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) {
            Enter-PodeLockable -Object $Object -Timeout $Timeout -CheckGlobal:$CheckGlobal
        else {
            Enter-PodeLockable -Name $Name -Timeout $Timeout -CheckGlobal:$CheckGlobal

        if ($null -ne $ScriptBlock) {
            Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -NoNewClosure -Return:$Return
    catch {
        $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
        throw $_.Exception
    finally {
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) {
            Exit-PodeLockable -Object $Object
        else {
            Exit-PodeLockable -Name $Name

Creates a new custom Lockable object.
Creates a new custom Lockable object for use with Lock-PodeObject, and Enter/Exit-PodeLockable.
The Name of the Lockable object.
New-PodeLockable -Name 'Lock1'

function New-PodeLockable {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if (Test-PodeLockable -Name $Name) {

    $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Custom[$Name] = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})

Removes a custom Lockable object.
Removes a custom Lockable object.
The Name of the Lockable object to remove.
Remove-PodeLockable -Name 'Lock1'

function Remove-PodeLockable {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if (Test-PodeLockable -Name $Name) {

Get a custom Lockable object.
Get a custom Lockable object for use with Lock-PodeObject, and Enter/Exit-PodeLockable.
The Name of the Lockable object.
Get-PodeLockable -Name 'Lock1' | Lock-PodeObject -ScriptBlock {}

function Get-PodeLockable {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Custom[$Name]

Test if a custom Lockable object exists.
Test if a custom Lockable object exists.
The Name of the Lockable object.
Test-PodeLockable -Name 'Lock1'

function Test-PodeLockable {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Custom.ContainsKey($Name)

Place a lock on an object or Lockable.
Place a lock on an object or Lockable. This should eventually be followed by a call to Exit-PodeLockable.
The Object, or Lockable, to lock. If no Object is supplied then the global lockable is used by default.
The Name of a Lockable object in Pode to lock, if no Name is supplied then the global lockable is used by default.
If supplied, a number of milliseconds to timeout after if a lock cannot be acquired. (Default: Infinite)
.PARAMETER CheckGlobal
If supplied, will check the global Lockable object and wait until it's freed-up before locking the passed object.
Enter-PodeLockable -Object $SomeArray
Enter-PodeLockable -Name 'LockName' -Timeout 5000

function Enter-PodeLockable {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Object')]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Object')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Name')]

        $Timeout = [System.Threading.Timeout]::Infinite,


    # get object by name if set
    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) {
        $Object = Get-PodeLockable -Name $Name

    # if object is null, default to global
    if ($null -eq $Object) {
        $Object = $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Global

    # check if value type and throw
    if ($Object -is [valuetype]) {
        throw 'Cannot lock value types'

    # check if null and throw
    if ($null -eq $Object) {
        throw 'Cannot lock a null object'

    # check if the global lockable is locked
    if ($CheckGlobal) {
        Lock-PodeObject -Object $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Global -ScriptBlock {} -Timeout $Timeout

    # attempt to acquire lock
    $locked = $false
    [System.Threading.Monitor]::TryEnter($Object.SyncRoot, $Timeout, [ref]$locked)
    if (!$locked) {
        throw 'Failed to acquire lock on object'

Remove a lock from an object or Lockable.
Remove a lock from an object or Lockable, that was originally locked via Enter-PodeLockable.
The Object, or Lockable, to unlock. If no Object is supplied then the global lockable is used by default.
The Name of a Lockable object in Pode to unlock, if no Name is supplied then the global lockable is used by default.
Exit-PodeLockable -Object $SomeArray
Exit-PodeLockable -Name 'LockName'

function Exit-PodeLockable {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Object')]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Object')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Name')]

    # get object by name if set
    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) {
        $Object = Get-PodeLockable -Name $Name

    # if object is null, default to global
    if ($null -eq $Object) {
        $Object = $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Global

    # check if value type and throw
    if ($Object -is [valuetype]) {
        throw 'Cannot unlock value types'

    # check if null and throw
    if ($null -eq $Object) {
        throw 'Cannot unlock a null object'

    if ([System.Threading.Monitor]::IsEntered($Object.SyncRoot)) {

Remove all Lockables.
Remove all Lockables.

function Clear-PodeLockables {

    if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Custom) {

    foreach ($name in $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Custom.Keys.Clone()) {
        Remove-PodeLockable -Name $name

Create a new Mutex.
Create a new Mutex.
The Name of the Mutex.
The Scope of the Mutex, can be either Self, Local, or Global. (Default: Self)
Self: The current process, or child processes.
Local: All processes for the current login session on Windows, or the the same as Self on Unix.
Global: All processes on the system, across every session.
New-PodeMutex -Name 'SelfMutex'
New-PodeMutex -Name 'LocalMutex' -Scope Local
New-PodeMutex -Name 'GlobalMutex' -Scope Global

function New-PodeMutex {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [ValidateSet('Self', 'Local', 'Global')]
        $Scope = 'Self'

    if (Test-PodeMutex -Name $Name) {
        throw "A mutex with the following name already exists: $($Name)"

    $mutex = $null

    switch ($Scope.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'self' {
            $mutex = [System.Threading.Mutex]::new($false)

        'local' {
            $mutex = [System.Threading.Mutex]::new($false, "Local\$($Name)")

        'global' {
            $mutex = [System.Threading.Mutex]::new($false, "Global\$($Name)")

    $PodeContext.Threading.Mutexes[$Name] = $mutex

Test if a Mutex exists.
Test if a Mutex exists.
The Name of the Mutex.
Test-PodeMutex -Name 'LocalMutex'

function Test-PodeMutex {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return $PodeContext.Threading.Mutexes.ContainsKey($Name)

Get a Mutex.
Get a Mutex.
The Name of the Mutex.
$mutex = Get-PodeMutex -Name 'SelfMutex'

function Get-PodeMutex {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return $PodeContext.Threading.Mutexes[$Name]

Remove a Mutex.
Remove a Mutex.
The Name of the Mutex.
Remove-PodeMutex -Name 'GlobalMutex'

function Remove-PodeMutex {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if (Test-PodeMutex -Name $Name) {

Places a temporary hold on a Mutex, invokes a ScriptBlock, then releases the Mutex.
Places a temporary hold on a Mutex, invokes a ScriptBlock, then releases the Mutex.
The Name of the Mutex.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock to invoke.
If supplied, a number of milliseconds to timeout after if a hold cannot be acquired on the Mutex. (Default: Infinite)
If supplied, any values from the ScriptBlock will be returned.
Use-PodeMutex -Name 'SelfMutex' -Timeout 5000 -ScriptBlock {}
$result = Use-PodeMutex -Name 'LocalMutex' -Return -ScriptBlock {}

function Use-PodeMutex {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Timeout = [System.Threading.Timeout]::Infinite,


    try {
        $acquired = $false
        Enter-PodeMutex -Name $Name -Timeout $Timeout
        $acquired = $true
        Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -NoNewClosure -Return:$Return
    catch {
        $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
        throw $_.Exception
    finally {
        if ($acquired) {
            Exit-PodeMutex -Name $Name

Acquires a hold on a Mutex.
Acquires a hold on a Mutex. This should eventually by followed by a call to Exit-PodeMutex.
The Name of the Mutex.
If supplied, a number of milliseconds to timeout after if a hold cannot be acquired on the Mutex. (Default: Infinite)
Enter-PodeMutex -Name 'SelfMutex' -Timeout 5000

function Enter-PodeMutex {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Timeout = [System.Threading.Timeout]::Infinite

    $mutex = Get-PodeMutex -Name $Name
    if ($null -eq $mutex) {
        throw "No mutex found called '$($Name)'"

    if (!$mutex.WaitOne($Timeout)) {
        throw "Failed to acquire mutex ownership. Mutex name: $($Name)"

Release the hold on a Mutex.
Release the hold on a Mutex, that was originally acquired by Enter-PodeMutex.
The Name of the Mutex.
Exit-PodeMutex -Name 'SelfMutex'

function Exit-PodeMutex {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $mutex = Get-PodeMutex -Name $Name
    if ($null -eq $mutex) {
        throw "No mutex found called '$($Name)'"


Removes all Mutexes.
Removes all Mutexes.

function Clear-PodeMutexes {

    if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Threading.Mutexes) {

    foreach ($name in $PodeContext.Threading.Mutexes.Keys.Clone()) {
        Remove-PodeMutex -Name $name

Create a new Semaphore.
Create a new Semaphore.
The Name of the Semaphore.
The number of threads to allow a hold on the Semaphore. (Default: 1)
The Scope of the Semaphore, can be either Self, Local, or Global. (Default: Self)
Self: The current process, or child processes.
Local: All processes for the current login session on Windows, or the the same as Self on Unix.
Global: All processes on the system, across every session.
New-PodeSemaphore -Name 'SelfSemaphore'
New-PodeSemaphore -Name 'LocalSemaphore' -Scope Local
New-PodeSemaphore -Name 'GlobalSemaphore' -Count 3 -Scope Global

function New-PodeSemaphore {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Count = 1,

        [ValidateSet('Self', 'Local', 'Global')]
        $Scope = 'Self'

    if (Test-PodeSemaphore -Name $Name) {
        throw "A semaphore with the following name already exists: $($Name)"

    if ($Count -le 0) {
        $Count = 1

    $semaphore = $null

    switch ($Scope.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'self' {
            $semaphore = [System.Threading.Semaphore]::new($Count, $Count)

        'local' {
            $semaphore = [System.Threading.Semaphore]::new($Count, $Count, "Local\$($Name)")

        'global' {
            $semaphore = [System.Threading.Semaphore]::new($Count, $Count, "Global\$($Name)")

    $PodeContext.Threading.Semaphores[$Name] = $semaphore

Test if a Semaphore exists.
Test if a Semaphore exists.
The Name of the Semaphore.
Test-PodeSemaphore -Name 'LocalSemaphore'

function Test-PodeSemaphore {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return $PodeContext.Threading.Semaphores.ContainsKey($Name)

Get a Semaphore.
Get a Semaphore.
The Name of the Semaphore.
$semaphore = Get-PodeSemaphore -Name 'SelfSemaphore'

function Get-PodeSemaphore {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return $PodeContext.Threading.Semaphores[$Name]

Remove a Semaphore.
Remove a Semaphore.
The Name of the Semaphore.
Remove-PodeSemaphore -Name 'GlobalSemaphore'

function Remove-PodeSemaphore {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if (Test-PodeSemaphore -Name $Name) {

Places a temporary hold on a Semaphore, invokes a ScriptBlock, then releases the Semaphore.
Places a temporary hold on a Semaphore, invokes a ScriptBlock, then releases the Semaphore.
The Name of the Semaphore.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock to invoke.
If supplied, a number of milliseconds to timeout after if a hold cannot be acquired on the Semaphore. (Default: Infinite)
If supplied, any values from the ScriptBlock will be returned.
Use-PodeSemaphore -Name 'SelfSemaphore' -Timeout 5000 -ScriptBlock {}
$result = Use-PodeSemaphore -Name 'LocalSemaphore' -Return -ScriptBlock {}

function Use-PodeSemaphore {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Timeout = [System.Threading.Timeout]::Infinite,


    try {
        $acquired = $false
        Enter-PodeSemaphore -Name $Name -Timeout $Timeout
        $acquired = $true
        Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -NoNewClosure -Return:$Return
    catch {
        $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
        throw $_.Exception
    finally {
        if ($acquired) {
            Exit-PodeSemaphore -Name $Name

Acquires a hold on a Semaphore.
Acquires a hold on a Semaphore. This should eventually by followed by a call to Exit-PodeSemaphore.
The Name of the Semaphore.
If supplied, a number of milliseconds to timeout after if a hold cannot be acquired on the Semaphore. (Default: Infinite)
Enter-PodeSemaphore -Name 'SelfSemaphore' -Timeout 5000

function Enter-PodeSemaphore {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Timeout = [System.Threading.Timeout]::Infinite

    $semaphore = Get-PodeSemaphore -Name $Name
    if ($null -eq $semaphore) {
        throw "No semaphore found called '$($Name)'"

    if (!$semaphore.WaitOne($Timeout)) {
        throw "Failed to acquire semaphore ownership. Semaphore name: $($Name)"

Release the hold on a Semaphore.
Release the hold on a Semaphore, that was originally acquired by Enter-PodeSemaphore.
The Name of the Semaphore.
.PARAMETER ReleaseCount
The number of releases to release in one go. (Default: 1)
Exit-PodeSemaphore -Name 'SelfSemaphore'

function Exit-PodeSemaphore {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $ReleaseCount = 1

    $semaphore = Get-PodeSemaphore -Name $Name
    if ($null -eq $semaphore) {
        throw "No semaphore found called '$($Name)'"

    if ($ReleaseCount -lt 1) {
        $ReleaseCount = 1


Removes all Semaphores.
Removes all Semaphores.

function Clear-PodeSemaphores {

    if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Threading.Semaphores) {

    foreach ($name in $PodeContext.Threading.Semaphores.Keys.Clone()) {
        Remove-PodeSemaphore -Name $name