
Starts a Pode Server with the supplied ScriptBlock.
Starts a Pode Server with the supplied ScriptBlock.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The main logic for the Server.
A literal, or relative, path to a file containing a ScriptBlock for the Server's logic.
The directory of this file will be used as the Server's root path - unless a specific -RootPath is supplied.
For 'Service' type Servers, will invoke the ScriptBlock every X seconds.
An optional name for the Server (intended for future ideas).
The numbers of threads to use for Web, SMTP, and TCP servers.
An override for the Server's root path.
Intended for Serverless environments, this is Requests details that Pode can parse and use.
.PARAMETER ServerlessType
Optional, this is the serverless type, to define how Pode should run and deal with incoming Requests.
.PARAMETER StatusPageExceptions
An optional value of Show/Hide to control where Stacktraces are shown in the Status Pages.
If supplied this value will override the ShowExceptions setting in the server.psd1 file.
.PARAMETER ListenerType
An optional value to use a custom Socket Listener. The default is Pode's inbuilt listener.
There's the Pode.Kestrel module, so the value here should be "Kestrel" if using that.
.PARAMETER DisableTermination
Disables the ability to terminate the Server.
Disables any output from the Server.
Open the web Server's default endpoint in your default browser.
.PARAMETER CurrentPath
Sets the Server's root path to be the current working path - for -FilePath only.
Tells Pode to configure certain RunspacePools when they're being used adhoc, such as Timers or Schedules.
.PARAMETER EnableBreakpoints
If supplied, any breakpoints created by using Wait-PodeDebugger will be enabled - or disabled if false passed explicitly, or not supplied.
Start-PodeServer { /* logic */ }
Start-PodeServer -Interval 10 { /* logic */ }
Start-PodeServer -Request $LambdaInput -ServerlessType AwsLambda { /* logic */ }

function Start-PodeServer {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Script')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Script')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')]

        $Interval = 0,


        $Threads = 1,



        [ValidateSet('', 'AzureFunctions', 'AwsLambda')]
        $ServerlessType = [string]::Empty,

        [ValidateSet('', 'Hide', 'Show')]
        $StatusPageExceptions = [string]::Empty,

        $ListenerType = [string]::Empty,

        [ValidateSet('Timers', 'Schedules', 'Tasks', 'WebSockets', 'Files')]




        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'File')]


    # ensure the session is clean
    $PodeContext = $null
    $ShowDoneMessage = $true

    try {
        # if we have a filepath, resolve it - and extract a root path from it
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'file') {
            $FilePath = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $FilePath -Resolve -TestPath -JoinRoot -RootPath $MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot

            # if not already supplied, set root path
            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RootPath)) {
                if ($CurrentPath) {
                    $RootPath = $PWD.Path
                else {
                    $RootPath = Split-Path -Parent -Path $FilePath

        # configure the server's root path
        if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $RootPath)) {
            $RootPath = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $RootPath -RootPath $MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot -JoinRoot -Resolve -TestPath

        # create main context object
        $PodeContext = New-PodeContext `
            -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock `
            -FilePath $FilePath `
            -Threads $Threads `
            -Interval $Interval `
            -ServerRoot (Protect-PodeValue -Value $RootPath -Default $MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot) `
            -ServerlessType $ServerlessType `
            -ListenerType $ListenerType `
            -EnablePool $EnablePool `
            -StatusPageExceptions $StatusPageExceptions `
            -DisableTermination:$DisableTermination `
            -Quiet:$Quiet `

        # set it so ctrl-c can terminate, unless serverless/iis, or disabled
        if (!$PodeContext.Server.DisableTermination -and ($null -eq $psISE)) {
            [Console]::TreatControlCAsInput = $true

        # start the file monitor for interally restarting

        # start the server
        Start-PodeInternalServer -Request $Request -Browse:$Browse

        # at this point, if it's just a one-one off script, return
        if (!(Test-PodeServerKeepOpen)) {

        # sit here waiting for termination/cancellation, or to restart the server
        while (!(Test-PodeTerminationPressed -Key $key) -and !($PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.IsCancellationRequested)) {
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

            # get the next key presses
            $key = Get-PodeConsoleKey

            # check for internal restart
            if (($PodeContext.Tokens.Restart.IsCancellationRequested) -or (Test-PodeRestartPressed -Key $key)) {

            # check for open browser
            if (Test-PodeOpenBrowserPressed -Key $key) {
                Invoke-PodeEvent -Type Browser
                Start-Process (Get-PodeEndpointUrl)

        if ($PodeContext.Server.IsIIS -and $PodeContext.Server.IIS.Shutdown) {
            Write-PodeHost '(IIS Shutdown) ' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow

        Write-PodeHost 'Terminating...' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Invoke-PodeEvent -Type Terminate
    catch {
        Invoke-PodeEvent -Type Crash
        $ShowDoneMessage = $false
    finally {
        Invoke-PodeEvent -Type Stop

        # set output values

        # unregister secret vaults

        # clean the runspaces and tokens
        Close-PodeServerInternal -ShowDoneMessage:$ShowDoneMessage

        # clean the session
        $PodeContext = $null

Closes the Pode server.
Closes the Pode server.

function Close-PodeServer {


Restarts the Pode server.
Restarts the Pode server.

function Restart-PodeServer {


Helper wrapper function to start a Pode web server for a static website at the current directory.
Helper wrapper function to start a Pode web server for a static website at the current directory.
The numbers of threads to use for requests.
An override for the Server's root path.
The IP/Hostname of the endpoint.
The Port number of the endpoint.
Start the server using HTTPS, if no certificate details are supplied a self-signed certificate will be generated.
.PARAMETER Certificate
The path to a certificate that can be use to enable HTTPS.
.PARAMETER CertificatePassword
The password for the certificate referenced in CertificateFile.
.PARAMETER CertificateKey
A key file to be paired with a PEM certificate referenced in CertificateFile
.PARAMETER X509Certificate
The raw X509 certificate that can be use to enable HTTPS.
The URI path for the static Route.
An array of default pages to display, such as 'index.html'.
.PARAMETER DownloadOnly
When supplied, all static content on this Route will be attached as downloads - rather than rendered.
.PARAMETER FileBrowser
When supplied, If the path is a folder, instead of returning 404, will return A browsable content of the directory.
Open the web server's default endpoint in your default browser.
Start-PodeStaticServer -Address '' -Port 8000
Start-PodeStaticServer -Path '/installers' -DownloadOnly

function Start-PodeStaticServer {
        $Threads = 3,

        $RootPath = $PWD,

        $Address = 'localhost',

        $Port = 0,


        $Certificate = $null,

        $CertificatePassword = $null,

        $CertificateKey = $null,

        $X509Certificate = $null,

        $Path = '/',





    Start-PodeServer -RootPath $RootPath -Threads $Threads -Browse:$Browse -ScriptBlock {
        # add either an http or https endpoint
        if ($Https) {
            if ($null -ne $X509Certificate) {
                Add-PodeEndpoint -Address $Address -Port $Port -Protocol Https -X509Certificate $X509Certificate
            elseif (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Certificate)) {
                Add-PodeEndpoint -Address $Address -Port $Port -Protocol Https -Certificate $Certificate -CertificatePassword $CertificatePassword -CertificateKey $CertificateKey
            else {
                Add-PodeEndpoint -Address $Address -Port $Port -Protocol Https -SelfSigned
        else {
            Add-PodeEndpoint -Address $Address -Port $Port -Protocol Http

        # add the static route
        Add-PodeStaticRoute -Path $Path -Source (Get-PodeServerPath) -Defaults $Defaults -DownloadOnly:$DownloadOnly -FileBrowser:$FileBrowser

A default server secret that can be for signing values like Session, Cookies, or SSE IDs.
A default server secret that can be for signing values like Session, Cookies, or SSE IDs. This secret is regenerated
on every server start and restart.
$secret = Get-PodeServerDefaultSecret

function Get-PodeServerDefaultSecret {

    return $PodeContext.Server.DefaultSecret

The CLI for Pode, to initialise, build and start your Server.
The CLI for Pode, to initialise, build and start your Server.
The action to invoke on your Server.
Supply when running "pode install", this will install any dev packages defined in your package.json.
pode install -dev
pode build
pode start

function Pode {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('init', 'test', 'start', 'install', 'build')]


    # default config file name and content
    $file = './package.json'
    $name = Split-Path -Leaf -Path $pwd
    $data = $null

    # default config data that's used to populate on init
    $map = @{
        'name'        = $name
        'version'     = '1.0.0'
        'description' = ''
        'main'        = './server.ps1'
        'scripts'     = @{
            'start'   = './server.ps1'
            'install' = 'yarn install --force --ignore-scripts --modules-folder pode_modules'
            'build'   = 'psake'
            'test'    = 'invoke-pester ./tests/*.ps1'
        'author'      = ''
        'license'     = 'MIT'

    # check and load config if already exists
    if (Test-Path $file) {
        $data = (Get-Content $file | ConvertFrom-Json)

    # quick check to see if the data is required
    if ($Action -ine 'init') {
        if ($null -eq $data) {
            Write-Host 'package.json file not found' -ForegroundColor Red
        else {
            $actionScript = $data.scripts.$Action

            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($actionScript) -and $Action -ieq 'start') {
                $actionScript = $data.main

            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($actionScript) -and $Action -ine 'install') {
                Write-Host "package.json does not contain a script for the $($Action) action" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    else {
        if ($null -ne $data) {
            Write-Host 'package.json already exists' -ForegroundColor Yellow

    switch ($Action.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'init' {
            $v = Read-Host -Prompt "name ($($"
            if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($v)) { $ = $v }

            $v = Read-Host -Prompt "version ($($map.version))"
            if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($v)) { $map.version = $v }

            $map.description = Read-Host -Prompt 'description'

            $v = Read-Host -Prompt "entry point ($($map.main))"
            if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($v)) { $map.main = $v; $map.scripts.start = $v }

            $ = Read-Host -Prompt 'author'

            $v = Read-Host -Prompt "license ($($map.license))"
            if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($v)) { $map.license = $v }

            $map | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File -FilePath $file -Encoding utf8 -Force
            Write-Host 'Success, saved package.json' -ForegroundColor Green

        'test' {
            Invoke-PodePackageScript -ActionScript $actionScript

        'start' {
            Invoke-PodePackageScript -ActionScript $actionScript

        'install' {
            if ($Dev) {
                Install-PodeLocalModules -Modules $data.devModules

            Install-PodeLocalModules -Modules $data.modules
            Invoke-PodePackageScript -ActionScript $actionScript

        'build' {
            Invoke-PodePackageScript -ActionScript $actionScript

Opens a Web Server up as a Desktop Application.
Opens a Web Server up as a Desktop Application.
The title of the Application's window.
A path to an icon image for the Application.
.PARAMETER WindowState
The state the Application's window starts, such as Minimized.
.PARAMETER WindowStyle
The border style of the Application's window.
Specifies if the Application's window is resizable.
The height of the window.
The width of the window.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The specific endpoint name to use, if you are listening on multiple endpoints.
.PARAMETER HideFromTaskbar
Stops the Application from appearing on the taskbar.
Show-PodeGui -Title 'MyApplication' -WindowState 'Maximized'

function Show-PodeGui {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]


        [ValidateSet('Normal', 'Maximized', 'Minimized')]
        $WindowState = 'Normal',

        [ValidateSet('None', 'SingleBorderWindow', 'ThreeDBorderWindow', 'ToolWindow')]
        $WindowStyle = 'SingleBorderWindow',

        [ValidateSet('CanResize', 'CanMinimize', 'NoResize')]
        $ResizeMode = 'CanResize',

        $Height = 0,

        $Width = 0,



    # error if serverless
    Test-PodeIsServerless -FunctionName 'Show-PodeGui' -ThrowError

    # only valid for Windows PowerShell
    if ((Test-PodeIsPSCore) -and ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 6)) {
        throw 'Show-PodeGui is currently only available for Windows PowerShell, and PowerShell 7+ on Windows'

    # enable the gui and set general settings
    $PodeContext.Server.Gui.Enabled = $true
    $PodeContext.Server.Gui.Title = $Title
    $PodeContext.Server.Gui.ShowInTaskbar = !$HideFromTaskbar
    $PodeContext.Server.Gui.WindowState = $WindowState
    $PodeContext.Server.Gui.WindowStyle = $WindowStyle
    $PodeContext.Server.Gui.ResizeMode = $ResizeMode

    # set the window's icon path
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Icon)) {
        $PodeContext.Server.Gui.Icon = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Icon -JoinRoot -Resolve
        if (!(Test-Path $PodeContext.Server.Gui.Icon)) {
            throw "Path to icon for GUI does not exist: $($PodeContext.Server.Gui.Icon)"

    # set the height of the window
    $PodeContext.Server.Gui.Height = $Height
    if ($PodeContext.Server.Gui.Height -le 0) {
        $PodeContext.Server.Gui.Height = 'auto'

    # set the width of the window
    $PodeContext.Server.Gui.Width = $Width
    if ($PodeContext.Server.Gui.Width -le 0) {
        $PodeContext.Server.Gui.Width = 'auto'

    # set the gui to use a specific listener
    $PodeContext.Server.Gui.EndpointName = $EndpointName

    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($EndpointName)) {
        if (!$PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.ContainsKey($EndpointName)) {
            throw "Endpoint with name '$($EndpointName)' does not exist"

        $PodeContext.Server.Gui.Endpoint = $PodeContext.Server.Endpoints[$EndpointName]

Bind an endpoint to listen for incoming Requests.
Bind an endpoint to listen for incoming Requests. The endpoints can be HTTP, HTTPS, TCP or SMTP, with the option to bind certificates.
The IP/Hostname of the endpoint (Default: localhost).
The Port number of the endpoint.
An optional hostname for the endpoint, specifying a hostname restricts access to just the hostname.
The protocol of the supplied endpoint.
.PARAMETER Certificate
The path to a certificate that can be use to enable HTTPS
.PARAMETER CertificatePassword
The password for the certificate file referenced in Certificate
.PARAMETER CertificateKey
A key file to be paired with a PEM certificate file referenced in Certificate
.PARAMETER CertificateThumbprint
A certificate thumbprint to bind onto HTTPS endpoints (Windows).
.PARAMETER CertificateName
A certificate subject name to bind onto HTTPS endpoints (Windows).
.PARAMETER CertificateStoreName
The name of a certifcate store where a certificate can be found (Default: My) (Windows).
.PARAMETER CertificateStoreLocation
The location of a certifcate store where a certificate can be found (Default: CurrentUser) (Windows).
.PARAMETER X509Certificate
The raw X509 certificate that can be use to enable HTTPS
The TLS mode to use on secure connections, options are Implicit or Explicit (SMTP only) (Default: Implicit).
An optional name for the endpoint, that can be used with other functions (Default: GUID).
The Name of another Endpoint to automatically generate a redirect route for all traffic.
.PARAMETER Description
A quick description of the Endpoint - normally used in OpenAPI.
.PARAMETER Acknowledge
An optional Acknowledge message to send to clients when they first connect, for TCP and SMTP endpoints only.
.PARAMETER SslProtocol
One or more optional SSL Protocols this endpoints supports. (Default: SSL3/TLS12 - Just TLS12 on MacOS).
If supplied, TCP endpoints will expect incoming data to end with CRLF.
Ignore Adminstrator checks for non-localhost endpoints.
Create and bind a self-signed certifcate for HTTPS endpoints.
.PARAMETER AllowClientCertificate
Allow for client certificates to be sent on requests.
If supplied, the endpoint created will be returned.
.PARAMETER LookupHostname
If supplied, a supplied Hostname will have its IP Address looked up from host file or DNS.
If supplied, this endpoint will listen on both the IPv4 and IPv6 versions of the supplied -Address.
For IPv6, this will only work if the IPv6 address can convert to a valid IPv4 address.
If supplied, this endpoint will be the default one used for internally generating URLs.
Add-PodeEndpoint -Address localhost -Port 8090 -Protocol Http
Add-PodeEndpoint -Address localhost -Protocol Smtp
Add-PodeEndpoint -Address -Port 8443 -Protocol Https -SelfSigned
Add-PodeEndpoint -Address -Hostname -Port 8443 -Protocol Https -SelfSigned
Add-PodeEndpoint -Address -Protocol Https -CertificateThumbprint '2A9467F7D3940243D6C07DE61E7FCCE292'

function Add-PodeEndpoint {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        $Address = 'localhost',

        $Port = 0,


        [ValidateSet('Http', 'Https', 'Smtp', 'Smtps', 'Tcp', 'Tcps', 'Ws', 'Wss')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'CertFile')]
        $Certificate = $null,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertFile')]
        $CertificatePassword = $null,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertFile')]
        $CertificateKey = $null,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'CertThumb')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'CertName')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertName')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertThumb')]
        $CertificateStoreName = 'My',

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertName')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertThumb')]
        $CertificateStoreLocation = 'CurrentUser',

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'CertRaw')]
        $X509Certificate = $null,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertFile')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertThumb')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertName')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertRaw')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertSelf')]
        [ValidateSet('Implicit', 'Explicit')]
        $TlsMode = 'Implicit',

        $Name = $null,

        $RedirectTo = $null,



        [ValidateSet('Ssl2', 'Ssl3', 'Tls', 'Tls11', 'Tls12', 'Tls13')]
        $SslProtocol = $null,



        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertSelf')]






    # error if serverless
    Test-PodeIsServerless -FunctionName 'Add-PodeEndpoint' -ThrowError

    # if RedirectTo is supplied, then a Name is mandatory
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RedirectTo) -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) {
        throw 'A Name is required for the endpoint if the RedirectTo parameter is supplied'

    # get the type of endpoint
    $type = Get-PodeEndpointType -Protocol $Protocol

    # are we running as IIS for HTTP/HTTPS? (if yes, force the port, address and protocol)
    $isIIS = ((Test-PodeIsIIS) -and (@('Http', 'Ws') -icontains $type))
    if ($isIIS) {
        $Port = [int]$env:ASPNETCORE_PORT
        $Address = ''
        $Hostname = [string]::Empty
        $Protocol = $type

    # are we running as Heroku for HTTP/HTTPS? (if yes, force the port, address and protocol)
    $isHeroku = ((Test-PodeIsHeroku) -and (@('Http') -icontains $type))
    if ($isHeroku) {
        $Port = [int]$env:PORT
        $Address = ''
        $Hostname = [string]::Empty
        $Protocol = $type

    # parse the endpoint for host/port info
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Hostname) -and !(Test-PodeHostname -Hostname $Hostname)) {
        throw "Invalid hostname supplied: $($Hostname)"

    if ((Test-PodeHostname -Hostname $Address) -and ($Address -inotin @('localhost', 'all'))) {
        $Hostname = $Address
        $Address = 'localhost'

    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Hostname) -and $LookupHostname) {
        $Address = (Get-PodeIPAddressesForHostname -Hostname $Hostname -Type All | Select-Object -First 1)

    $_endpoint = Get-PodeEndpointInfo -Address "$($Address):$($Port)"

    # if no name, set to guid, then check uniqueness
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) {
        $Name = New-PodeGuid -Secure

    if ($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.ContainsKey($Name)) {
        throw "An endpoint with the name '$($Name)' has already been defined"

    # protocol must be https for client certs, or hosted behind a proxy like iis
    if (($Protocol -ine 'https') -and !(Test-PodeIsHosted) -and $AllowClientCertificate) {
        throw 'Client certificates are only supported on HTTPS endpoints'

    # explicit tls is only supported for smtp/tcp
    if (($type -inotin @('smtp', 'tcp')) -and ($TlsMode -ieq 'explicit')) {
        throw 'The Explicit TLS mode is only supported on SMTPS and TCPS endpoints'

    # ack message is only for smtp/tcp
    if (($type -inotin @('smtp', 'tcp')) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Acknowledge)) {
        throw 'The Acknowledge message is only supported on SMTP and TCP endpoints'

    # crlf message end is only for tcp
    if (($type -ine 'tcp') -and $CRLFMessageEnd) {
        throw 'The CRLF message end check is only supported on TCP endpoints'

    # new endpoint object
    $obj = @{
        Name         = $Name
        Description  = $Description
        DualMode     = $DualMode
        Address      = $null
        RawAddress   = $null
        Port         = $null
        IsIPAddress  = $true
        HostName     = $Hostname
        FriendlyName = $Hostname
        Url          = $null
        Ssl          = @{
            Enabled   = (@('https', 'wss', 'smtps', 'tcps') -icontains $Protocol)
            Protocols = $PodeContext.Server.Sockets.Ssl.Protocols
        Protocol     = $Protocol.ToLowerInvariant()
        Type         = $type.ToLowerInvariant()
        Runspace     = @{
            PoolName = (Get-PodeEndpointRunspacePoolName -Protocol $Protocol)
        Default      = $Default.IsPresent
        Certificate  = @{
            Raw                    = $X509Certificate
            SelfSigned             = $SelfSigned
            AllowClientCertificate = $AllowClientCertificate
            TlsMode                = $TlsMode
        Tcp          = @{
            Acknowledge    = $Acknowledge
            CRLFMessageEnd = $CRLFMessageEnd

    # set ssl protocols
    if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $SslProtocol)) {
        $obj.Ssl.Protocols = (ConvertTo-PodeSslProtocols -Protocols $SslProtocol)

    # set the ip for the context (force to localhost for IIS)
    $obj.Address = Get-PodeIPAddress $_endpoint.Host -DualMode:$DualMode
    $obj.IsIPAddress = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($obj.HostName)

    if ($obj.IsIPAddress) {
        if (!(Test-PodeIPAddressLocalOrAny -IP $obj.Address)) {
            $obj.FriendlyName = "$($obj.Address)"
        else {
            $obj.FriendlyName = 'localhost'

    # set the port for the context, if 0 use a default port for protocol
    $obj.Port = $_endpoint.Port
    if (([int]$obj.Port) -eq 0) {
        $obj.Port = Get-PodeDefaultPort -Protocol $Protocol -TlsMode $TlsMode

    if ($obj.IsIPAddress) {
        $obj.RawAddress = "$($obj.Address):$($obj.Port)"
    else {
        $obj.RawAddress = "$($obj.FriendlyName):$($obj.Port)"

    # set the url of this endpoint
    $obj.Url = "$($obj.Protocol)://$($obj.FriendlyName):$($obj.Port)/"

    # if the address is non-local, then check admin privileges
    if (!$Force -and !(Test-PodeIPAddressLocal -IP $obj.Address) -and !(Test-PodeIsAdminUser)) {
        throw 'Must be running with administrator priviledges to listen on non-localhost addresses'

    # has this endpoint been added before? (for http/https we can just not add it again)
    $exists = ($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values | Where-Object {
        ($_.FriendlyName -ieq $obj.FriendlyName) -and ($_.Port -eq $obj.Port) -and ($_.Ssl.Enabled -eq $obj.Ssl.Enabled) -and ($_.Type -ieq $obj.Type)
        } | Measure-Object).Count

    # if we're dealing with a certificate, attempt to import it
    if (!(Test-PodeIsHosted) -and ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ilike 'cert*')) {
        # fail if protocol is not https
        if (@('https', 'wss', 'smtps', 'tcps') -inotcontains $Protocol) {
            throw 'Certificate supplied for non-HTTPS/WSS endpoint'

        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
            'certfile' {
                $obj.Certificate.Raw = Get-PodeCertificateByFile -Certificate $Certificate -Password $CertificatePassword -Key $CertificateKey

            'certthumb' {
                $obj.Certificate.Raw = Get-PodeCertificateByThumbprint -Thumbprint $CertificateThumbprint -StoreName $CertificateStoreName -StoreLocation $CertificateStoreLocation

            'certname' {
                $obj.Certificate.Raw = Get-PodeCertificateByName -Name $CertificateName -StoreName $CertificateStoreName -StoreLocation $CertificateStoreLocation

            'certself' {
                $obj.Certificate.Raw = New-PodeSelfSignedCertificate

        # fail if the cert is expired
        if ($obj.Certificate.Raw.NotAfter -lt [datetime]::Now) {
            throw "The certificate '$($obj.Certificate.Raw.Subject)' has expired: $($obj.Certificate.Raw.NotAfter)"

    if (!$exists) {
        # set server type
        $_type = $type
        if ($_type -iin @('http', 'ws')) {
            $_type = 'http'

        if ($PodeContext.Server.Types -inotcontains $_type) {
            $PodeContext.Server.Types += $_type

        # add the new endpoint
        $PodeContext.Server.Endpoints[$Name] = $obj
        $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsMap["$($obj.Protocol)|$($obj.RawAddress)"] = $Name

    # if RedirectTo is set, attempt to build a redirecting route
    if (!(Test-PodeIsHosted) -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RedirectTo)) {
        $redir_endpoint = $PodeContext.Server.Endpoints[$RedirectTo]

        # ensure the name exists
        if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $redir_endpoint) {
            throw "An endpoint with the name '$($RedirectTo)' has not been defined for redirecting"

        # build the redirect route
        Add-PodeRoute -Method * -Path * -EndpointName $obj.Name -ArgumentList $redir_endpoint -ScriptBlock {
            Move-PodeResponseUrl -EndpointName $endpoint.Name

    # return the endpoint?
    if ($PassThru) {
        return $obj

Get an Endpoint(s).
Get an Endpoint(s).
An Address to filter the endpoints.
A Port to filter the endpoints.
A Hostname to filter the endpoints.
A Protocol to filter the endpoints.
Any endpoints Names to filter endpoints.
Get-PodeEndpoint -Address
Get-PodeEndpoint -Protocol Http
Get-PodeEndpoint -Name Admin, User

function Get-PodeEndpoint {

        $Port = 0,


        [ValidateSet('', 'Http', 'Https', 'Smtp', 'Smtps', 'Tcp', 'Tcps', 'Ws', 'Wss')]


    if ((Test-PodeHostname -Hostname $Address) -and ($Address -inotin @('localhost', 'all'))) {
        $Hostname = $Address
        $Address = 'localhost'

    $endpoints = $PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values

    # if we have an address, filter
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Address)) {
        if (($Address -eq '*') -or $PodeContext.Server.IsHeroku) {
            $Address = ''

        if ($PodeContext.Server.IsIIS -or ($Address -ieq 'localhost')) {
            $Address = ''

        $endpoints = @(foreach ($endpoint in $endpoints) {
                if ($endpoint.Address.ToString() -ine $Address) {


    # if we have a hostname, filter
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Hostname)) {
        $endpoints = @(foreach ($endpoint in $endpoints) {
                if ($endpoint.Hostname.ToString() -ine $Hostname) {


    # if we have a port, filter
    if ($Port -gt 0) {
        if ($PodeContext.Server.IsIIS) {
            $Port = [int]$env:ASPNETCORE_PORT

        if ($PodeContext.Server.IsHeroku) {
            $Port = [int]$env:PORT

        $endpoints = @(foreach ($endpoint in $endpoints) {
                if ($endpoint.Port -ne $Port) {


    # if we have a protocol, filter
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Protocol)) {
        if ($PodeContext.Server.IsIIS -or $PodeContext.Server.IsHeroku) {
            $Protocol = 'Http'

        $endpoints = @(foreach ($endpoint in $endpoints) {
                if ($endpoint.Protocol -ine $Protocol) {


    # further filter by endpoint names
    if (($null -ne $Name) -and ($Name.Length -gt 0)) {
        $endpoints = @(foreach ($_name in $Name) {
                foreach ($endpoint in $endpoints) {
                    if ($endpoint.Name -ine $_name) {


    # return
    return $endpoints

Sets the path for a specified default folder type in the Pode server context.
This function configures the path for one of the Pode server's default folder types: Views, Public, or Errors.
It updates the server's configuration to reflect the new path for the specified folder type.
The function first checks if the provided path exists and is a directory;
if so, it updates the `Server.DefaultFolders` dictionary with the new path.
If the path does not exist or is not a directory, the function throws an error.
The purpose of this function is to allow dynamic configuration of the server's folder paths, which can be useful during server setup or when altering the server's directory structure at runtime.
The type of the default folder to set the path for. Must be one of 'Views', 'Public', or 'Errors'.
This parameter determines which default folder's path is being set.
The new file system path for the specified default folder type. This path must exist and be a directory; otherwise, an exception is thrown.
Set-PodeDefaultFolder -Type 'Views' -Path 'C:\Pode\Views'
This example sets the path for the server's default 'Views' folder to 'C:\Pode\Views', assuming this path exists and is a directory.
Set-PodeDefaultFolder -Type 'Public' -Path 'C:\Pode\Public'
This example sets the path for the server's default 'Public' folder to 'C:\Pode\Public'.

function Set-PodeDefaultFolder {

    param (
        [ValidateSet('Views', 'Public', 'Errors')]

    if (Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Container) {
        $PodeContext.Server.DefaultFolders[$Type] = $Path
    else {
        throw "Folder $Path doesn't exist"

Retrieves the path of a specified default folder type from the Pode server context.
This function returns the path for one of the Pode server's default folder types: Views, Public, or Errors. It accesses the server's configuration stored in the `$PodeContext` variable and retrieves the path for the specified folder type from the `DefaultFolders` dictionary. This function is useful for scripts or modules that need to dynamically access server resources based on the server's current configuration.
The type of the default folder for which to retrieve the path. The valid options are 'Views', 'Public', or 'Errors'. This parameter determines which folder's path will be returned by the function.
$path = Get-PodeDefaultFolder -Type 'Views'
This example retrieves the current path configured for the server's 'Views' folder and stores it in the `$path` variable.
$path = Get-PodeDefaultFolder -Type 'Public'
This example retrieves the current path configured for the server's 'Public' folder.
String. The file system path of the specified default folder.

function Get-PodeDefaultFolder {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('Views', 'Public', 'Errors')]

    return $PodeContext.Server.DefaultFolders[$Type]

Attaches a breakpoint which can be used for debugging.
Attaches a breakpoint which can be used for debugging.

function Wait-PodeDebugger {

    if (!$PodeContext.Server.Debug.Breakpoints.Enabled) {
